
善待自己,才能善待别人。 把饭菜做成花,把日子过成诗。
亮亮妈妈 (热门博主)
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完成了30 day challenge ab的计划。

(2013-09-13 20:03:24) 下一个
从八月二日开始做第一天,一直到九月一日完成。中间有一天没做,太忙太累了。但总的是坚持下来了。最后大部分是分组做的,不是一气呵成。仰卧起坐可以做30-40次不觉得累。举腿30次也可以一次做完。Crunches可以一次做60-70个。但在一天内完成。 总的感觉不错。腰部有力量了。好像还是紧了不少。虽然咱这个年龄是出不来八块腹肌的,但环绕在肚子周围的游泳圈好像小点。以前有几条穿不进去的裤子能穿了。还有一个by product是伤的膝关节基本完全恢复了。刚刚全蹲擦地,居然可以。快一年了,不能全蹲。








click more,还有录像示范。
2013-08-11 06:41:07 已经完成第9天的运动量了。给自己加油:)
2013-08-16 09:43:02 已经坚持做完第13天了,加油!
2013-08-28 12:14:13 做到25天了,真有效果。原来穿不进去的裤子又能穿了,哈哈。给自己加油!
现在完成了腹肌的挑战。开始进行蹲腿的30天挑战。希望能够坚持下来。 30 Day Squats Fitness Challenge Chart


Take the 30 Day Squat Challenge Today!


Get your body in shape and tone up your legs, bum and stomach area with this great 30 day squat challenge.

With only 1 exercise to perform, which can be done in your own home without the need for specialist equipment, you can tone up and look great in only 30 days.

You can find great simple step by step guides on how to do all the exercises in this 30 day squat challenge via our fitness techniques page to ensure you complete the challenge correctly and get the maximum benefit.

This 30 day regime even gives you rest days to ensure that you can recover and let your body adjust to the exercises, and avoid any injuries.

You do not have to complete all the exercises in one go, you can split the exercises up throughout the day without missing out on the overall benefits.

Please post your progress, comments and questions below to help build up the community.

The challenge has been designed so that novices and experts can do this challenge, with the number on the chart representing doing 1 rep of each exercise only per day, however if you think this is too easy then you can do as many reps of each exercise per day as you wish to get the desired results.  The fitter you are to start with the more reps we recommend, however if you are just starting out we recommend following the challenge charts as they are!

Take up the 30 day squat challenge today!!

2013-09-11 06:50:26 第一天做50个,没有做全蹲。但屈腿的角度在90度。身体没有负重当然不会很难。想想以前负重半蹲最大重量达到120公斤。 希望能够坚持下去。只要坚持就会有收获。
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