
唤醒, 疗愈与创造

Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed...


(2016-02-16 18:28:34) 下一个

Race to Nowhere" www.racetonowhere.com challenges current thinking about how we prepare our children for success. This remarkable new film shines a light on the price our kids pay for this “race to nowhere.” Cheating is commonplace, stress-related illness, depression and burnout are rampant, and ironically, young people arrive at college and the workplace unprepared and uninspired. Featuring the heartbreaking stories of young people who have been pushed to the brink and educators who are burned out and worried that students aren’t developing the skills needed for the global economy, race to nowhere points to the silent epidemic running rampant in our schools.

“Beyond Measure” www.beyondmeasurefilm.com challenges the assumptions of our current education story. Rather than ask why our students fail to measure up, this film asks us to reconsider the greater purpose of education. What if our education system valued personal growth over test scores? Put inquiry over mimicry? Encouraged passion over rankings? What if we decided that the higher aim of school was not the transmission of facts or formulas, but the transformation of every student? And what if this paradigm-shift was driven from the ground up? By students, parents, and educators? By all of us? Beyond Measure offers a positive picture of what’s possible in American education when communities decide they are ready for change.

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