丽达另外一件喜欢做的事就是一个人驾车神游。很多年前有一次她开到北边很远的一片森林,看到人家正在挂牌卖一小片宿营地,还包括一辆Trailer,心头一动,就买了下来。那片地就从此成了她夏季的固定度假地。每年从五月底到十月初,就会听她讲述周末开车几个小时到她北边的Trailer去宿营的经历。Trailer里不能洗澡,她会在旁边的小河里解决;她有一个喂鸟的笼子;晚上她的驻地还进来过一只黑熊… …讲不完的故事。
她说她这次终于卖了北边的那两片地,13年来第一次自由驾车到另外的地方旅游,一口气开了13个小时跨越魁北克,到了一个叫Tasoussac的小镇去观鲸鱼。一路的风景美如梦境,回来的路上她乐不思蜀,又转头坐上劳伦斯河上的游船去了更远处的Gaspe 国家公园。公园很大,中间3个多小时没有加油站,她只有半箱油,吓坏了,好在油箱没有耗空。她在一家小餐馆吃到了非常新鲜的鱼,还和森林中的工作人员聊了1个多小时。
回来的路上她除了加油,没有做任何停留,清晨5:30出发,一口气开了17个小时晚上10点多才到家,第二天早晨就兴奋地给我发了这封长信,兴奋之情溢于言表。她说现在好想退休,等这辆车租期一到,就去退了,然后买一辆小宿营车,开始海阔天空的旅行… …
OMG, 亲爱的丽达,我不能一遍一遍再这样读下去了,我的心跟着你一会儿澎湃,一会儿又沉入海底。
丽达,你终于完全自由了,不用再为工作和生活的柴米油盐而烦忧,就让我用这首歌送你一程吧,听好了, 海阔天空:
Hi, how are you doing?? I have been meaning to email you FOREVER but then remembered i had your personal email.
How is the job going??? I hope you are coming back to us !!!!!! I am assuming you are working from home!!
Have you taken any vacation or interesting trips???
I sold my two pieces of land up north, just felt it was time to MOVE ON!!! glad I did ....!!!
Last week is the first time I have taken a trip apart from land in 13 years ....went to Tasoussac, Quebec, whale watching, what a trip !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT LONG ENOUGH .....as I hadnt planned Gaspe!!!!
Left for Tadussac last Sunday week …made it in one day, I wanted to get drive over me 13 hours…after Quebec City, the scenery UNREAL, mountains forests, lakes, BREATHTAKING, gorgeous wee village, Tadoussac ferry is 24/7, I didn’t realize this and was panicking as I got there at 8pm…Quebec, construction, you have to detour on highway, I didn’t see that and took me an hour to get back on track.
I stayed 2 days and sunday night, luckily I booked ahead with backpackers, (really old beautiful building right in village, village is small) 80.00 a night (had my own room), tons of accomodation but more expensive, also for really rich people HOTEL TADOUSSAC, right on coast, looks old and magnificient... after I arrived on Sunday, tired Monday so toured around village and area, Tuesday took the large boat, you can go on small ones, but you can have drinks (expensive, i took my own) on large cruise ship, saw three whales, 6 belugas, one sea lion, whales were magnificent, I had my binoculars, they are good ones, bushnell, so saw very close, never saw anything like the size of their tails, and they were breaching, you cant get too close, because of environment reasons, but MAGNIFICIENT, MAGNIFICIENT.!!!!!!!!!!!! what an experience.
Wednesday took ferry back, so in the back of my mind I thought I still have 5 days and I sort of don’t feel like going to a city or going back the same way, (thought I would go to Ottawa, as I have never been) so stopped in St. Simeon, and got a coffee and saw a sign for a ferry boat, asked the lady where it went, she said its an hour and a half across St. Lawrence and you get to Riviere du Loop, you can take 132 (small highway) or 20 (large) either back to Toronto or turn left and go to Gaspe….so hopped the Ferry, and turned left and went to Gaspe, had NO plan to go, but my god IT WAS SO WORTH IT, ….132 takes you RIGHT along the coast, stopped half way stayed over Mount St. Anne, went to tourist office, she suggested doing half of gaspe, if i did the whole loop, she said i would be on the road constantly, not enough time....... had fish dinner in a restaurant on the beach, (unreal how fresh) next day through Gaspe National Park, which is the half way mark...had a bit of a fright, as I was so diligent about filling up car all the time, didnt do it this time, but had over a half tank not ONE gas station for 3 hours or a shop, but it lasted, car is great on gas, but i was nervous….MAGNIFICIENT, talked to a park ranger, for an hour, he was gorgeous, my age, lots of fly fishing, beautiful rivers and lakes, mountains SO HIGH.... he said it borders Appalachians….got to other side stayed for two nights on the ocean, small chalets, tons of accommodation, but you have to be careful as it books up fast, I wanted to stay in Carleton on Sur, it had gorgeous fish restaurant and pub, but no accommodation, so I stayed 20 minutes this side of it in New Richmond, everyone speak English there, wee chalets on ocean, but nothing in the town, which was fine, glad to get a bed for the night …then Saturday …took 132 south as far as I could, along the coast, beautiful small picturesque towns, and finally torrential rain, so took 20 (way faster) …so I never stopped 17 hours, just wanted to get back, LONG DAY but worth it, left Gaspe at 5:30 ...got in here last night at 10pm....and i only stopped for gas.
WHAT A TRIP ...i could have gone on and on and on ...OH GOD I WANT TO RETIRE SOOO BADLY, give my car back at the end of a lease and buy a NEW SMALL CAMPER VAN.....so many parked at the ocean ....cos you couldnt find accomodation on the ocean ALL BOOKED UP but next time if i wanted to see rest of Gaspe, then head to Nova Scotia, through New Brunswick (when we are allowed) i would know now to booked ahead and WHERE .
Back to the computer today BUT GOD ITS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO NICE not having to go to the office....SO THATS MY STORY..I LOVED IT !
Cheers (keep in touch)