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这周办公室的人明显减少, 老板感慨道,“他们都想抓住这夏日的最后一周时间跟家人再疯狂一下! 下周孩子们又要开学了,地铁又要恢复拥挤了。”
想想每年这个时候其实都是这套嗑, 可今年好象第一次往心里去。不禁照了照桌上的小镜子,想知道自己究竟有什么不一样。
Labour Day 长周末去了CNE, 它好象是多伦多夏天的告别礼。儿子小的时候每年都吵着去,主要是想玩那里的Carnival。带上他的小朋友,买一张All Day Rides,可以在里面快活一天,还可以吃那么多好吃的。记忆里都是孩子们咯咯的笑声和开心的笑脸。最近两年孩子大了,有了更多别的爱好,就不再提去CNE的事,我们问他,他也直摇头。今年的长周末儿子更是和他的朋友们早早地安排好活动,我和LD被空了出来。一想我们也该做一些自己喜欢的事,于是就同时想到了CNE,比如两个人都爱看的一年一度的加拿大国际飞行表演(Air Show),孩子小的时候每次都坐不住,不到20分钟就要走;比如里面的各种Concerts, 由于有孩子,还没有能够坐下来正儿八经地欣赏过。于是一拍既定,从网上订了票,看看星期六的天气还不错,一早背上Backpack就出发了!
LD这次提前从网上找的停车场非常值得推荐,叫Carpark 224, 位于34 Hanna Avenue, 全天Maximum到下午6点刚$10, 离CNE走路穿过一个小铁路非常近,从GO Train的地下通道一上来就是CNE进口。
我们到的时候11:30左右,人还不是很多,迎着清凉的空气,直接穿过CNE,来到Ontario Place水边看Air Show的地点。水边的岩石上,草坪上已经坐了很多人,但并不拥挤,轻轻松松就在草坪上找到很好的位置坐下。听到后面是一对年青人在快活地聊天。男孩是本地人,女孩从德国来,刚到多伦多一星期,好象是刚刚认识。我看了看周围,坐在草地上的大多是一对对的夫妻,很默契,很放松的样子。孩子很少,估计有孩子的家庭象我们前些年一样都去玩Carnival了。不禁为坐在后面的一对年青人祝福,在这里邂逅,还真是一个不错的地点,头顶蓝天白云,眼前是波光粼粼的安大略湖,远处是美丽的城市剪影,三个小时的Air Show, 正好给了彼此难得的聊天机会,说不定下来之后还真能成为一对了呢。
12点钟Air Show准时开始。飞行员表演的都很卖力,技术很精湛,配合得也是天衣无缝。最喜欢的一个环节是飞机在天空划出一颗大大的心状,还没反应过来,一架飞机从后面噌地穿过来,来了一个一箭穿心,真的惊到了,可惜由于反应太慢,只拍下了心,大家如果感兴趣,Google上应该能找到完整的照片。
整个飞行表演的过程,后面的一对年青人都在不停地聊天。越听越觉得男孩好象是个话痨。女孩的声音很好听,稍带口音,好象是学医的,来多伦多参加一项癌症方面的学术研究。男孩一步步紧逼,问对方是不是有男朋友。女孩说刚跟男朋友分手。男孩于是开始讲他之前谈过的几个女朋友,很多细节让人听得不大舒服。我越发判断这个男孩不是可靠的主儿,不禁借举相机的档口,好奇地回头看了看。论长相两个人还比较般配,都高高的, 瘦瘦的,不过从穿衣打扮能看出两人的不同。女孩一身白色运动衣,配运动鞋白袜,很纯净利索的样子;男孩却穿着一条大短裤,光着脚,凉鞋甩在一边 – 实在不喜欢这种第一次跟女孩搭讪就衣冠不整的男人,开始为女孩捏一把汗。男孩果然不出所料,开始问,“那你现在正好available, 可以重新开始一段恋情了?”女孩说,“我现在还是想把主要精力放在工作上,至于男朋友,如果碰上合适的就谈,如果碰不到,也不着急。”好聪明的回答!
看完Air Show从Ontario Place往CNE走,不经意间还路过了报纸上最近一直在宣传的刚建好的Trillium Park, 真得很美。
找到Midway Stage看Jade Monkeys摇滚乐队的演出。正好是舞台休息,买了一瓶啤酒在一个安静的角落找到了座位。音乐声响起,人们跟着歌手一起唱,一起跳,终于听了一场这些年每次路过都没有时间停下来欣赏的Rock & Roll。
对了,美食也不能忘。中午吃了Crispy Chicken Taco, 下午吃了Funnel Cake & Ice Cream。口感味道都做得恰到好处,令人难忘。
Just to add, I really don't like the words "hurtful" and "insulting".
I don’t know if this is your own opinion, or you just borrowed the opinion from the newspaper. I personally don’t agree with it. Being in Canada for so many years and seeing so many people enjoying the air show every year, this is the first time this opinion came up.
Just quoting a recent article from Toronto Star:
Re: Toronto air show is too traumatic for newcomers who escaped war, Opinion Aug. 25
Toronto air show is too traumatic for newcomers who escaped war, Opinion Aug. 25
While respecting Craig Damian Smith’s point of view, I beg to differ with his suggestion that the Toronto air show represents a “glorification of the tools of war,” and that it is “antiquated, regressive and morally repugnant.”
I suggest that most people attending see it as a display of skill, courage and teamwork rather than a glorification of war. It is a form of entertainment enjoyed by thousands of people each year, as the culmination of another Toronto tradition, the Canadian National Exhibition.
Using Smith’s reasoning, should we ban the occasional flights over Toronto by the Avro Lancaster, which is resident at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Hamilton? The Lancaster played a pivotal role in World War II and the argument used by Mr. Smith would suggest that its appearance could bring distress and trauma to our remaining veterans and their families, as a reminder of the horrors of World War II.
The other side of that argument is that it could bring a sense of pride and gratitude for the courage of the many men and women of the RAF and RCAF who defended the freedom that we continue to enjoy today.
In terms of the impact of the air show on Toronto residents, we should remember that attendance is entirely voluntary and can be avoided by anyone who may find it disturbing or distressing. It’s not unlike turning off the television, when a program comes on that upsets or offends us.
As Mr. Smith states, “Integration is a dynamic process whereby newcomer
s and societies learn, adapt and grow together.” The key word here is “together.” While we need to remain sensitive to actions or events that may cause anxiety to new Canadians (particularly those from war-torn countries), this can be handled in a way that allows us to preserve events and traditions that are meaningful and enjoyable for those who wish to participate in them.