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Many beekeepers feed sugar water to honey bees in the spring time for brood stimulation. What is the best ratio of sugar to water for brood stimulation? Or is there a best ratio?
David Tarpy, a professor of apiculture at North Carolina State University in the U.S., recommended 1:2 ratio, that is 1 part sugar in 2 parts water. Bob Binnie, a long-time commercial beekeeper in Georgia, U.S., cited an Indian study that showed the best ratio for spring brood stimulation is 1:1.3, that is, 1 part sugar in 1.3 parts water. Bob Bonnie, however, said he could not find or remember where the Indian study was published. I did a lot of Googling and could not find the source of Bob Binnie’s citation either. Please leave a comment below if you know the Indian study Bob Binnie was referring to.
So a lot of people use 1:1 sugar water for spring stimulation. David Tarpy recommended 1:2 ratio. An Indian study cited by Bob Bobbie showed 1:1.3 to be the best ratio. What is the best ratio?
I always believe the truth lies in the middle, so 1 part sugar to 1.3 parts water may be the best ratio for spring feeding. In reality, it will probably not make a huge difference in the outcome. Your bees will be grateful that you remember to feed them. However, 1:1.3 syrup is a little easier to mix than 1:1 syrup, saves you a little money on sugar, which is getting more and more expensive. And could be better for your bees in the spring time. So why not 1:1.3 sugar water?
Here is how you make 1:1.3 sugar water. If you use 4 lb sugar, you need to add 10 cups of water. If you use 10 lb sugar, you need to add 25 cups of water. 25 cups is about 6 litres or 1.5 gallons of water.
稳稳2022-03-19 16:54:02
I believe the truth lies in the middle too :)
xiaxi2022-03-18 19:18:17
晓青2022-03-15 14:32:33