

警花的成长-50 battle ground

(2020-12-15 12:08:02) 下一个


星期二,跟radiation oncologist 电话长谈了一下。他说虽然这个技术在宠物医院治疗的data不多,但从有限的data来看,效果还不错。特别是adrenal gland tumor, most tumors shrink 30% and patients can live about 3 years. It is minimal invasive, side effects is not very significant. Maybe some irritation, diarrhea. Most patient tolerant the treatment without significant side effects. But the tumor is very close to her right kidney, maybe can cause a little damage.

想到手术时的consult说的可能要切断 part of liver, maybe kidney, 而且要在大动脉和静脉周围动手,这些副作用不值一提了。而且也没有可能当天见不到的可能性,警花的肿瘤可能是locally aggressive, 这个治疗虽然不能像手术那样拿掉它,能缩小或维持现状也行。毕竟她已经12岁了,如果8岁以下,我还是会选择手术。12岁的German shepherd 相当于七八十岁的老人,手术不仅危险,恢复也是问题。如果radiation 挺过去,能活3 年,她15 岁了。 想来想去,决定stereotactic radiation. 现在还不知道这个决定是否正确,但尽力了。

既然决定了,把周三的手术取消了。radiation oncologist needs Addional CT for positioning purpose. We decided to do another CT on Wednesday. He also wanted to do Cushings disease test to see if the excessive thirst and urination is due to Cushings disease. That was scheduled on Friday. 

The second CT scan is 2weeks from the first, the tumor size remains the same. Her Cushings test is back positive. So it's very likely her tumor is producing excessive hormones causing the Cushing disease. That being said, the tumor is likely a slow growing benign tumor. As long as the treatment can shrink or maintain the size, we can live with it.


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