
凭着心灵与诚实,深刻反省自己;因为感动而写作, 只发本人原创; 分享人生体会,交流思想心得!


(2014-02-23 17:41:58) 下一个


天贝是我六岁的女儿,她会寻找任何机会坐到我的腿上。当我坐在我的电脑前检查我们的Facebook 时,也不会是例外。

那天是2014年二月七日,我点击一个Facebook好友分享链接。天贝 就像她平时一样悄悄地坐到我的腿上。那链接是YouTube的一个视频《我的美丽女人》。



很快我意识到天贝不仅看懂了,而且被视频打动了。我对她说,当您感动的时候,哭是不要紧。天贝就立马大声哭出来了,那哭声那眼泪好像是从她的内心的深处出来的。她说,我们要领养那个弃婴,给她起名叫做Pepsi 或者是Cola。爸爸妈妈都把她抱到怀里。






我向上帝祈求,在这个被人类叫做地球的蓝色星球上的整个生命旅程中, 天贝能永远保持她的那样的童真,脱离罪和道德捆绑.

                                  Six Year Old Was Touched by the Video of My Beautiful Woman

As a parent, I have been witnessed many sparkling moments of my children’s lives. For this one special moment of Paula’s life, if I do not share it by writing, I would feel myself very selfish. Six year old Paula Was deeply touched by something in a video of My Beautiful Woman.

Paula, my six year old daughter, who finds any chance to sit on my legs. When I sit in front of my computer to check our Facebook, is not the exception.

The day, Feb. 07, 2014, I clicked a link shared by one Facebook friend. Paula quietly moved on to sit on my legs just like she usually does. The link was a video from YouTube, My Beautiful Woman.

At the end of the video, Paula left my legs quietly just as when she came. She ran into our kitchen with her mom with un-controlled falling tears. Obviously, she tried to hold hers cry. My wife said to me, Paula understood the video. It was not surprised me that my six year old, a first grader, Paula could understand the video. The video speaks a strange language, but with English subtitle. It is not a problem at all for Paula to read the subtitle. She has been showed her talent of reading and comprehension of English since the first month of her journey of first grader.

Shortly, I realized that Paula was not only understanding but also was touched by the video. I said, it is OK to cry, when you are touched. Paula cried out loudly and deeply from her heart. She said we need to adopt the abandoned baby, we call her Pepsi or Cola. Mom and dad gave her hugs.

After she could help herself emotionally, she asked to watch the video again. When the video played to the point of that the leading character picked up the abandoned baby, Paula could not hold her tears and cry. The cry was very loud and sad. Her mouth had opened very wide because of the cry. The tears were being shoot out from her eyes not even wet her face but the floor directly. After watching the full video a couple times, then she only selected the part of picking up the abandoned baby. Every time,it was the the same that she could not hold her tears and cry. I did not count how many times she repeated watching the video, maybe around ten times.

The video watching was interrupted by dinner. After dinner, Paula showed strong will to watch the video again. This time, she could not help herself holding tearing only. The tears had dropped from both eyes quietly like pearl necklace.

Next day, I asked Paula whether willing to watch the video again. She said yes. No more either crying nor tearing, she was just very quiet. She told me that she is willing cry again, but she can’t. I understood that the touching was almost over.

People feel good when their hearts are touched by something deeply. The cry and tears even make the good feeling greater.

I pray for Paula to keep her innocence, the freedom from sin and moral wrong, for her whole journey on this blue planet, called Earth by mankind.

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