热爱是保持年轻的秘诀 --- 梅耶.马斯克(马斯克母亲)

上路看世界,归家读闲书,陋室观天下,余暇思古今,静坐听音乐,提笔写文章。-- 南半球
有钱不花是穷人。-- 蔡澜


(2022-06-12 15:06:26) 下一个




如果房产是在Trust 里面,那么保险单上的“Named Insured", 以及Trust as "Additional Insured" (or Additional Interest) 如何填写?

因为,Trustees (就是你自己和家人)仍然是"legal owner of the property in the trust", 所以:

1. "Named Insured" 应该是, e.g. "Trustee David Wang; Trustee Linda Wang"

2.  你的Trust (e.g. "David Living Trust") 应该列为“Additional Interest" 或者 ”Additional Insured"

3.  上面“1” 不应该是“David Wang; Linda Wang".  因为房子在TRUST 里面,作为Trustee:

  a) 你(Trustee David Wang) 是 legal owner.  独立个人(David Wang) 不是legal owner.  所以TRUSTEE 必须被COVERED。

  b) 诉讼一般都会针对 TRUSTEE (WHO IS THE “LEGAL OWNER”) 而不是”TRUST“ 或者独立个体(DAVID WANG)


还有, Additional Insured 保责任及利益赔偿,Additional Interest 仅仅保利益赔偿。有些公司对这两者就没有选择余地(比如 Safeco)



另外,关于谁应该是LEGAL OWNER,有一篇文章:


里面这么说:A trust is merely a right in property held in a fiduciary relationship by one party, called the “trustee,” for the benefit of another party, called the “beneficiary.” The trustee holds title to property or “corpus” in the trust, while the beneficiary collects the benefits. With the exception of business trusts, which are generally more akin to corporate entities in their purpose and characteristic of having freely transferable interests, a trust should be considered a relationship to property rather than a separate entity. A trust’s status as a relationship to property rather than an entity presents preliminary issues for a litigator under both federal and state rules of civil procedure.

关键点:trust 不是一个legal entity, 所以它不是里面财产的legal owner!  Trustee 才是。


还有一段话:The trustee, as the legal title holder of the trust’s property or corpus, is generally the real party in interest with the power to prosecute or defend actions in the name of the trust under Fed.R.Civ.P. 17(a). See Coverdell, 335 F.2d at 13; Colorado Springs Cablevision, 579 F.Supp. at 254; Limouze, 397 F.Supp. at 789–90; White, 57 F.R.D. at 130; Powers, 119 Cal.Rptr. at 732; IV Scott, Trusts at § 280. Attorneys seeking to affect a trust through litigation should name the individual trustees as parties in their capacity as “trustee on behalf of” the name of the subject trust.

所以,诉讼的时候,因为财产在trust 里面,对方是冲着 trustee 来的。而不是起诉trust.

所以把trustee 列为 Named Insured 才是正确的做法。





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