热爱是保持年轻的秘诀 --- 梅耶.马斯克(马斯克母亲)

上路看世界,归家读闲书,陋室观天下,余暇思古今,静坐听音乐,提笔写文章。-- 南半球
有钱不花是穷人。-- 蔡澜

Personalized Leadership from Tien Wu (ASE Inc. CEO)

(2021-05-16 08:54:16) 下一个

Key Takeaways:

1.  What is it:

  1.1 Customize/optimize your leadership style based on who you are.

  1.2 It is about people (help people, support people, especially in the background)

2.  Balance your: "Knowledge + Respect + Money" throughout your career.

  2..1 Focus on developing K and R (command others' respect) and not M when you are yong. M is the least, as when you get old (say 60), your annual income is 10-20x of your starting income.  So it is pointless to worry about money whe you are young.

  2.2 Be generous on Money (i.e. spend on frinedn and your family and you) when you are yong, because later on in your life you will have much more

  2.3  Be stingy on time (do not waste time, use them to develop your K and R)

  2.4. M from the last 1/4 of your career >= M from the first 3/4 of your career

  2.5 Focus on elongating your life span during your later years (cuz M is very big then!)

3.  Pride (commending respect) is important in the beginning, until at certain age, at which time it may work against you.  You need to become humble then.

  3.1  The more defined your role is, the more pride you can be

  3.2 From Engineering->Manufacturing->Marketing->Sales.  Your pride should be decending/decreasing as each role command more humbleness.

4.  Postive/Negative role models throughout your career!

5.  Wear positive glasses!  (positive thinker!)

6.  Transion to Next Role in Career: Decision Factors: Health+Family+Luck

7.  AsianAm:

  7.1  Lead by example

  7.2 Personalize your leadership

  7.3 How to promote universal value/greatest work for a global company (think: different culture/value system)

8.  Quit or Stay: To quit: no happiness, neither learning.

9.  Have >=12 friends globally.  Network + Being generous+ Knowledge = Many times M reward!

10.  People <75: "You will do well".  People >=75: Health is 1st priority





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