

(2013-03-09 20:45:00) 下一个




 只不过西伯利亚气温低,降落在那里的陨石不易在空中燃烧,着地后大多会钻入冰面以下,在寒冷洁净的自然条件下,陨石会被容易保存下来, 特别是纯铁陨石。蒙古人当年能横扫欧亚大陆, 就是在西伯利亚找到大量纯铁陨石,可以发明铁铆钉,木芯包铁皮镫,铁箭头和狼牙棒。铁镫增加机动力,铁箭头射程远穿透力强,狼牙棒近身肉搏威力大。陨石铁矿甚至保证蒙古人能大量生产铁制刀叉,铁盘。铁制餐具容易清洁, 保证卫生,俗话说病从口入。

如果它撞击地球,可以夷平整个纽约巿,比911要厉害多了。从理论上讲,利用航天器或核武器轰击小行星,可以令其改变轨道,经过精确计算,运用简单的弹性碰撞,象打台球一样,角度对了, 是可以人为制造流星雨的。

(20 分钟写完)


Small meteorites and meteor shower

Danny Li , 2013-2-16


The meteorite (or Fireball explosion) exploded over Russia, more than 1,000 were injured. The Tunguska event happened in Russia as well. It was an enormously powerful explosion that happened in 1908. The explosion is believed to have been caused by the air burst of a large meteoroid at an altitude of 5–10 kilometres above the Earth's surface.

The mass extinctions of dinosaurs are believed to have been caused by the meteor showers that have changed the climate of the Earth.

 The north pole feels like more probable to be attacked by meteorites than other area. In fact, all the countries in the world have the same probability to have meteor showers. China has more 700 meteorites record in history, and Egypt has even more.

 Maybe the meteorites are not so easy to explode as in the other area due to the low air temperature in Siberian. The meteorites can get into the snow easily, and especially the iron meteorites can be kept well by the clean and cold climate in Siberian. The Mongolian found enormous iron meteorites in Siberian, by which they could have make iron rivets, stirrups, arrow heads and spiked clubs. the iron stirrups increased the mobility of the Mongolian riders, the iron arrow heads had more penetrating power and longer shooting distance, the iron spike clubs were more powerful weapons. The iron meteorites could even allow the Mongolian to produce the eating utensils such as knives, spoons and forks that were more clean and safer.


It was reported that a Russian Parliament member suspected a US new weapon, which is ridiculous.  On the other side, a small planet, diameter 50 M, has passed by the Earth after the explosion of the meteoroid.


It can destroy the whole New York city  that is much worse than 911, if it bumps into the Earth. Theoretically the orbit of small planet can be changed by the impacted by a space shuttle or a Nuke, just like billiard, it can be a kind of man-made meteor shower.


(20 minutes translation)
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