

(2013-03-09 20:43:06) 下一个









笔者在列治文AberdeenCentre 吃过“洪师傅台湾牛肉面”,其实就是"川味红烧牛肉面", 把兰州拉面配上成都红汤牛肉。热腾腾、香喷喷的腱子牛肉,饱满多汁、入口即化,配搭柔韧适度的面条与鲜美的红油汤头,大快朵颐,过瘾得很。


前两天,去温哥华granville街上“王记台湾牛肉面”,那是家经济实惠的小店,它端上来跟丽晶广场一样的手擀面。笔者感觉牛肉味道稍偏咸,以后还是点红烧牛肉面比较好。 卤牛肉卖相不好看,倒是红乎乎的红烧牛肉,让人食欲大增。


该店在granville街的繁华地带, 车水马龙,川流不息,面馆洁净清爽。可能是店铺地租贵,店主只收现金,好在左边是蒙特利尔银行,右边是加拿大帝国银行,食客取现金也方便。店主是个有心人,旁边有公共图书馆,便利点(ThriftStore)和蔬菜杂货店,逛完街,一碗热气腾腾的牛肉面端上来,绝对是超级享受。






The Taiwanbeef noodles in Vancouver


Danny Li, 2013-03-09


Taiwan has only 36,000 squarekilometres of land including the mountain with an elevation of 2,000metres, the same acreage of Vancouver island, but there is a scale of ~2,500,000population that is almost the same as the whole Canada population. There should notbe land for large cattle-feeding industry, which needs much more land thanpig - breeding. A Taiwanfriend told me that the most of yellow cattle meat were imported from NorthAmerica and Australia.No wonder that it's cheap in Taiwan.


In fact, it is surprised that the beef noodles become one of the symbols of Taiwansnack refreshments. And it tastes thesame as the United States California beef noodles.


I have tried the "Chef Hung Taiwanese Beef Noodle" in Aberdeen Centreof Richmond. Essentially it is the combination of   LanzhouHand-Pulled Beef Noodle and red beef soup, the real SZECHWAN beef noodle. Thesteaming hot, delicious savoury specialflavoured beef shank, replete and melt in the mouth, was brilliantlyprepared and worth the trying.


I went to the "Wang's TaiwanBeef Noodle House" at the Granville street of Vancouvertwo days ago, it's a economic and luxury restaurant, the noodles tasted thesame as the ones in the Crystal Mall in Burnaby.The beef tasted a little salty, the spicy beef might be better.


The restaurant lied on the busy part of Granville street, cash only, since it wasbetween the Bank of Montreal and CIBC, the customers were very convenient towithdraw cash. there was a library, a salvation army thrift store, a grocerystore. It was worth a visit once in a while.


(20minutes translation)

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