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Demi Moore, Roma Maffia/Disclosure #8/Michael Douglas

(2025-02-05 20:10:37) 下一个

"Sexual harassment is not about sex. It's about power; she has it, and you don't!" A brilliant lawyer. 

Ms. Roma plays the best attorney ever for his situation (Michael Douglas) to prompt up Such a great scene! ... Meredith Johnson (Cast: Demi Moore—Annette Benning was the first choice but got pregnant) was totally exposed—for the monster she was, saying those words (The look on Demi Moore's lawyer's face at the end of it ??)

3 years ago
What I found amusing about that scene, at the whole movie really, was how it cleverly exposed political correctness using its own tropes.  Douglas's (female) lawyer saying that the system was going to defeat him even as in an ordinary sexual harassment case this would be a slam dunk exposed the double standard hypocrisy of feminism both in terms of how his character was told he was powerless AND his lawyer really needed Douglas to solve his own case for himself.

Feminists hated this movie. They also hated falling down. And War of the Roses.

4 months ago
?@PolishKnightUSA : That isn't true feminism. True feminism is to fight to raise the visibility of women and not lower the visibility of men. The two can coexist. You don't allow any woman to rise in ranks. You allow the best woman to fit the position to rise in the ranks.



1 month ago
Right movie... wrong scene.

"You should know, Meredith, you ordered the changes."

I can't get enough of this scene. It is very rare that a movie allows someone to catch the enemy in a manner that they aren't even aware of. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emKcqBql4rs 

4 years ago
"The Malay government doesn't own DigiCom. These people here do."

Love how the guy behind Meredith nodded in approval.

6 years ago
It's payback time. This scene is priceless (especially Garvin and Blackburn's facial expressions) and makes the entire movie worth watching from start to finish. Tom Sanders totally outsmarted Meredith Johnson there. It truly was the last nail in her coffin. ????



5 years ago (edited)
Demi did a great job playing a female rapist and sexual harasser—just overwhelmed by her dominance. Just like what Alvarez said, women can be just as deviant, malicious, and predatory. Especially when she tries excusing her action and saying, “He loved it, so it wasn’t rape or anything like that.”And the way she changed from a trembling rape victim to douche bag rapist. Even tried gaining sympathy from Ms. Alvarez.
1 year ago (edited)
No, I think she did an especially good job in this movie. In this scene with her voice, Meredith really got out the "F--- him, men had their day; now women should." feminist thing.
5 years ago
Women have been doing this for a long time.
Society wants you to believe it is not polite to criticize a woman......
A view I don't share.

Women have more power than men on average; they're exempt from accountability.



4 years ago
 @darrenpat182   The first rule of leadership is accountability. It is a universal expectation. 

Women in today's pervasive feminist era are being brainwashed into believing that the rules of accountability exclude them. 

Men should stop treating women like angels and more like human beings...which they ALL are. Humans with imperfections.

And they must be held accountable in all they do.

3 years ago
I find it funny that when Meredith was cornered, she did all in her power to seem like the victim no matter what. If she's not the victim of sexual harassment, then she's a victim of the times, all the while proving she's the one who broke the law. XD It's like watching the dawn of the SJW.
ChatGPT said:

SJW stands for "Social Justice Warrior."

The sentence is criticizing Meredith's actions, suggesting that she portrays herself as a victim in any situation, even when she is the one who broke the law. The phrase "the dawn of the SJW" implies that her behavior is reminiscent of what the speaker perceives as the early emergence of "social justice warriors"—a term often used (sometimes pejoratively) to describe individuals who advocate for social justice in a way that some see as performative or overly aggressive.



ChatGPT said:
XD is an emoticon representing a laughing face. When tilted sideways, the X resembles tightly shut eyes, and the D represents a wide, open-mouthed grin. It's often used to indicate amusement, laughter, or a joking tone in online conversations.


6 years ago
Ms. Johnson's self-serving pontifications would have been called out for the bullshit that they were. The moment that tape was played, the case was over

Meredith Johnson, played by Demi Moore in Disclosure, is exactly the official female version of Peter Jackson and Harvey Weinstein together at the same time.
The Boston Celtics coach brought me back to this clip. "Who has the power?"


I read Demi Moore's biography; she is sick of Hollywood and wants to relax and enjoy her money and live at a slower pace. She probably could have continued being in lots of movies, but it was her choice to step away.


1 year ago (edited)
 @analystzorncasteel3047  Remember she was playing a character which had to be sexy for movie audiences. Remember she needed the hotness to be the subject of some R-rated banter.


1 year ago (edited)
 @roseymalino9855 But her hairdo is ridiculous, not sexy. Meredith still manages to be sexy ~ Because she's first 1/2 of 90s-era Demi Moore ... Lol


1 year ago (edited)
 @analystzorncasteel3047  Other women characters: Stephanie, Cindy, Susan, and the lady judge, all with plain, ordinary hairdos so that Meredith would look all the more hot with her exciting hairdo. Hunter has a great hairdo but that's the hairdo she has in all her roles.

7 years ago
Roma Maffia should have been nominated for an Oscar for this performance.




"Disclosure" (1994) - starring: Michael Douglas, Demi Moore, Donald Sutherland, Caroline Goodall

Warner Bros. (1994)

Director: Barry Levinson
Producer: Michael Crichton, Barry Levinson
Screenplay - Paul Attanasio
Production Company - Warner Bros. Pictures
Music Composer - Ennio Morricone

#MichaelDouglas #DemiMoore #DonaldSutherland

Box-office superstars Michael Douglas and Demi Moore star in this hotly anticipated film based on the bestseller from Michael Crichton, in which sexual harassment and corporate politics provide the basis for this heated drama.

A duplicitous female executive (Moore) tries to run her ex-lover (Douglas) out of the company after he rebuffs her sexual advances, which results in him suing the corporation after being hit with a bogus sexual harassment suit from her. Directed by Barry Levinson and co-starring Donald Sutherland and Dennis Miller.




3 replies

5 years ago
Yes, her and Demi. It's a shame that Demi doesn't have an Oscar under her belt after so many past outstanding performances where she so deserved the gold!!

3 years ago
Meredith got ALL the power and privilege this company wanted. Talking about the MAID having a drinking problem. She could have had a raging drug problem and management would have loved her even more. Sanders was totally screwed. If I was in his position, yes, I would have allowed myself to become corrupted and joined RIGHT IN with top management ranks. Meredith was positioning him to JOIN the TOP. Literally positioning, I guess. Doesn't change the fact it was morally wrong, and we see Sanders come out at the end with family and the TRUE way to rise. The right way.




Roma Maffia in Disclosure #8

(I did not know until now: 1994 production of Warner Bros.


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