
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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Walter Isaacson《埃隆·马斯克传》invol individuals with “dark traits.”

(2025-01-01 17:18:33) 下一个

Here’s an elaboration on your notes in English about the podcast discussing Walter Isaacson’s biography Elon Musk:

Overview of the Podcast

This episode, recorded on September 4 and released on September 14, dives deep into Walter Isaacson’s biography of Elon Musk. It offers fascinating insights into Musk’s life, decisions, and relationships, featuring an in-depth exploration of pivotal moments in his career and personal development.

Hosts and Guests:

  • Host: Hong Jun, media professional and host of Silicon Valley 101.
  • Special Guest Host: Sun Bingjie, media professional, and host/planner of Knowledge Theory by Citic Academy.
  • Guest: Sun Siyuan, translator of the Chinese edition of Elon Musk and founder of Far Reading Global.

Key Themes Covered

1. Elon Musk’s Acquisition of Twitter

  • Impulsive Decision-Making: Musk’s midnight contemplation led to his decision to acquire Twitter, an action many see as impulsive and symbolic of his bold, risk-taking persona.
  • Post-Acquisition Reactions: His subsequent actions, including mass layoffs framed as “revenge,” reflect his tendency toward drastic, controversial decisions.
  • Initial Regret: Musk initially considered building his own Twitter-like platform but proceeded with the acquisition despite discovering unforeseen challenges.

2. Breakups and Rivalries in Silicon Valley

  • OpenAI and Sam Altman: Once collaborators, Musk and Altman diverged over power and vision, revealing fundamental differences in their aspirations for AI development.
  • Tensions with Bill Gates: Musk became hostile toward Gates after learning about his shorting of Tesla stock, straining their business dealings.
  • Complicated Friendship with Bezos: Musk’s and Bezos’ 20-year relationship oscillated between collaboration and rivalry, marked by competition for NASA’s Launch Pad 39A.
  • Clash with Zuckerberg: Musk and Zuckerberg’s AI disagreements further solidify his polarizing relationships in tech circles.

3. Musk’s Childhood and Personality

  • Difficult Upbringing: Musk’s photographic memory and high intelligence emerged early, but his father’s psychological abuse left lasting scars. Ironically, Musk’s personality has increasingly mirrored his father’s.
  • Social Isolation: Diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, Musk’s solitude fueled his focus on engineering but hindered his ability to maintain lasting personal relationships.
  • Parenting Style: Following a “free-range” approach, Musk is often seen with his child X, emphasizing independence in parenting.

4. Musk’s Inner World and Management Style

  • Flawed Yet Visionary: Musk embraces his personality quirks, amplifying both his brilliance and difficulties. His relationships, especially romantic ones, often involve individuals with “dark traits.”
  • Workplace Dynamics: Musk is infamous for his demanding, often domineering management style, pushing both himself and employees to extremes while achieving remarkable results.
  • Guiding Principles:
    • Question all assumptions.
    • Remove unnecessary steps.
    • Simplify and optimize.
    • Accelerate turnaround times.
    • Automate where possible.

5. Lessons and Legacy

  • Learnings from Musk: For ordinary individuals, Musk’s philosophy of goal orientation, first principles thinking, and process efficiency offer inspiration.
  • Mars Ambitions: Musk’s drive to make humanity a multiplanetary species embodies his adventurous spirit and determination to challenge the impossible.
  • Early Mars Settlers: His vision for colonizing Mars highlights the sacrifices and hardships early settlers will face, underlining his commitment to advancing human progress.


This podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersections of technology, ambition, and personal complexities. It paints a nuanced portrait of Musk, capturing the duality of his persona: a flawed, often controversial figure whose vision and persistence continue to shape the future.



传记作家沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson)写的《埃隆·马斯克传》。这期播客录制时间在9月4日晚上,播出时间在9月14日。 · 还原埃隆·马斯克收购Twitter的详细细节:半夜一时冲动,收购后羞辱式报复? · 曾一起创建Open AI,马斯克如何与山姆·奥特曼分道扬镳? · 比尔·盖茨一边做空特斯拉,同时还跟马斯克谈生意? · 同怀太空理想,马斯克与杰夫·贝佐斯亦敌亦友20年,关系如何微妙变化? · 虚张声势的高手,马斯克如何Bluff亲密好友——甲骨文创始人拉里·埃里森,后者也曾是乔斯生前好友 · 梅耶放养式带娃:马斯克从小过目不忘,注定一生责任重大 · 童年是如何影响了马斯克的一生,他最讨厌父亲,却变得越来越像他的父亲 · 很难维持长久的亲密关系,马斯克的恋人与子女如何改变他的婚恋观? 本期节目为《硅谷101》与《知本论》联合播出,全程高能,欢迎收听。 【主播】 泓君,媒体人,《硅谷101》主理人 【特约主播】 孙冰洁,媒体人,中信书院《知本论》主播/策划 【嘉宾】 孙思远,《埃隆·马斯克传》中文版译者,远读重洋创始人 【你将听到】 02:15 传记类畅销书中的泰山北斗—沃尔特·艾萨克森 04:58 “我会写一本你的传记,但你没有控制权” 07:37 梅耶:我没有培养马斯克读书,他是自发的想读并能够过目不忘 马斯克收购推特 09:55 收购Twitter:有钱又有闲,开始“自己挖坑自己跳” 12:54 凌晨三点半的灵魂拷问,一条信息后的冲动决定 16:48 完成收购推特后,开启了羞辱式裁员报复 18:27 好人是当不了CEO的,这是麻烦的开始 20:43 曾考虑重做一个Twitter,买完发现货不对版? 硅谷大佬的恩怨情仇 24:06 人工智能线贯穿始终,马斯克与山姆·奥特曼分道扬镳的核心 28:44 山姆·奥特曼:他要的是权力 32:43 与比尔·盖茨的会面,马斯克知道盖茨做空特斯拉开始变得非常刻薄 37:13 从温馨互动到与贝佐斯关系的转折点:公开招标竞争39A发射台 41:27 马斯克与扎克伯格的恩怨开始:始于人工智能 马斯克的内心世界 45:01 阿斯伯格综合症的孤独状态反向塑造了马斯克,偏爱工程学 47:53 马斯克没有去弥补性格的缺陷,反而在放大和享受这种缺陷 49:04 早年的校园霸凌相比较于父亲对他精神上的虐待,更是小巫见大巫 52:56 在伴侣关系的处理上一团糟,吸引黑暗特质的人 55:53 孩子及教育观:一直把X带在身边,整体呈现放养状态 58:56 成名之后热衷于上流社会的活动,名人朋友多挚友少,拉里·埃里森是例外 61:38 马斯克如何PUA员工与自己:一个能成事儿的混蛋 67:38 普通人从马斯克身上学什么:目标导向、第一性原理、工艺流程 69:10 马斯克管理的五条戒律:质疑每一项要求,删除不必要的东西,减化优化,加快周转周期,做更多的自动化 70:18 人生动力:天生的冒险家、爱折腾、“让人类成为跨行星生存的物种” 73:28 科幻迷马斯克:前一百万移民火星的人是去受苦的


那个spacex高管是: 路易斯Hong (Louis Hong)


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TJKCB 回复 悄悄话 馬斯克這一點,值得經理人與新創人學|管理同學會專訪.林之晨談《馬斯克傳》

天下雜誌 video
642K subscribers




12,353 views Sep 27, 2023 管理同學會
無論你喜不喜歡 #馬斯克(Elon Musk)的行事風格或者他對於一些事情的立場看法,不可否認的是,馬斯克的確是引導全球科技發展的一號關鍵人物。

馬斯克的創業題目總是具有極高度的挑戰性,例如 Tesla、Starlink,SpaceX、Optimus,題材涵蓋電動車、低軌衛星、人形機器人,規模都十分龐大,技術端與銷售端也都有很高的困難度,但馬斯克一路走來卻游刃有餘,創造一次又一次的成功經驗,他究竟是怎麼做到的?


來賓:台灣大哥大總經理 林之晨

Explore the podcast

1 year ago
和兒子2016年去排Model 3時,他就是馬斯克迷,這幾年我學到一些 :
1. Musk的Master Plan 現在到III 了,非常有遠見
2. M never give up
3. M 鉅細彌遺,他吸引一群懷才不遇的聰明人來工作,遇到困難時,又能拿著睡袋,睡進公司(Fremont 工廠,推特),當場解決問題
4. 馬斯克平行思考的運用,處處拍案驚奇(Boring本是垂直鑽油,地質鑽測用,網路賣車,到府服務,火箭回收…)
***我更想知道M的Master Plane IV
Back in 2016, when my son and I lined up to reserve a Model 3, he was already a fan of Elon Musk. Over the years, I’ve learned a few things about Musk:

Musk’s Master Plan is now on its third iteration, and it’s incredibly visionary.
Musk never gives up, no matter the challenges.
Musk’s attention to detail is remarkable. He attracts brilliant yet underutilized talents to work with him. When faced with difficulties, he’s not afraid to roll up his sleeves—whether it’s sleeping in a sleeping bag at the Fremont factory or Twitter headquarters—to solve problems on the spot.
Musk’s application of parallel thinking consistently surprises and amazes—whether it’s repurposing boring technology (originally for vertical oil drilling) for underground transportation, selling cars online with home delivery, or developing reusable rockets.
I’m even more curious about what Master Plan IV will entail!