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Google celebrates surgeon Dr. Victor Chang with a Doodle

(2023-11-21 13:47:32) 下一个

WoW! Sad ending [Murder (ballistic trauma)], but he is remembered gloably. 

Traditional Chinese 張任謙
Today's Doodle
Dr. Victor Chang's 87th BirthdayToday’s Doodle celebrates Chinese Australian doctor Victor Chang, who was a pioneer in modern heart transplant surgery.
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Google celebrates surgeon Dr. Victor Chang with a Doodle - UPI
Chang is a pioneer of cardiac and transplant surgery and is most known for the creating the St. Vincent's artificial heart valve. Born in ...
8 hours ago
Web Result Image
Google celebrates surgeon Dr. Victor Chang with a Doodle - UPI
Chang is a pioneer of cardiac and transplant surgery and is most known for the creating the St. Vincent's artificial heart valve. Born in ...
8 hours ago
https://i.pinimg.com/474x/41/a6/37/41a6371a972c4440a6d2173a4dbddcdd.jpg  Chang met his wife Ann Simmons in 1966. He was the on-call emergency physician at St. Anthony's Hospital in North Cheam, London, where Ann took herself after being taken unwell at a party. They had 3 children: Vanessa, Matthew, and Marcus.
8 hours ago — Ann Simmons, originally from England, was a practicing nurse when she crossed paths with Victor Chang in 1966. Their meeting took place at St.


Victor Peter Chang, AC, was a Chinese-born Australian cardiac surgeon and a pioneer of modern heart transplantation in Australia. His sudden murder in 1991 stunned Australia, and is considered one of the most notorious in the country's history. Wikipedia
Born: November 21, 1936, Shanghai, China
Died: July 4, 1991, Mosman, Australia
Spouse: Ann Simmons (m. 1968–1991)
His patient: 
Fiona Coote is a heart transplant recipient who, upon undergoing surgery at the age of 14 on 8 April 1984, became Australia's youngest heart transplant recipient. While Coote was the fourth transplant recipient in Australia, she is only the second to survive for a significant period. Wikipedia
Born: 1970 (age 53 years), Australia
Spouse: Ian Elliot (m. 1996–1999)
Web Result Image
Google celebrates surgeon Dr. Victor Chang with a Doodle - UPI
Chang is a pioneer of cardiac and transplant surgery and is most known for the creating the St. Vincent's artificial heart valve. Born in ...
8 hours ago
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