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ben & ara, Have faith and never give up on your love

(2023-08-18 21:05:24) 下一个

the more they try to separate you, the more the love become stronger. Have faith and never give up on your love

I am about to marry an African-American and the racism in my surroundings towards him is discreet because of his skin color yet the connection we have is incredible. Regardless of all the odds, will fight through what we have started as God in the midst of it.
16 replies
God blessings!
I love you so much for who you stand for my dear friend. Never allow people's feelings to decide your decision in life okay. Because what really matters at last or after all is what you want or need
Good for you, i remember dating this girl who was as your guy and funnily enough my family loved her, but her family hated me cause i was white and she ended up choosing her family over me (they told her to choose and she did) I tend to avoid relationships now-a-days, they tend to be not worth the time, so if it works for you, go for it.
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@lithari1480  She may deep down regret her decision... you never know, and that could even for you be the one that got away... could still be out there thinking of you. We never forget our true love ?.
 @celestinemaloy  Thank you so much!!
 @andrewwamahk.640  I appreciate this! Thank you and God bless you!
 @lithari1480  Thank you! and I'm sorry to hear that. That must be tough on your end
I don't understand why, but what I can tell you is that the more they try to separate you, the more the love become stronger. Have faith and never give up on your love
? @lithari1480 your story is like mine exactly... he was an Indian guy, His parents didn't like me. He refused to get married though to the wife they choose for him
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I don't know how to say but today God planned for me to watch this movie, the whole day I was thinking how to start reading articles for my PhD work. All a sudden I decided to watch romantic movies and here I am hitting two birds with one stone. I am really inspired by what happened today. I learned how to tackle my PhD work and secondly how I can be trusted to my wife. Hope you gain the same knowledge.
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I'm biracial. Mama was Italian and Papa Native American. When they met, there was a language barrier as my Papa knew NO Italian, and Mama's English was limited. However one thing was certain they had a connection. Anyway, Papa became Catholic so they could marry in the same church my great-grandmother did some 80 years before. My parents and our family went through bad, hurtful, and gut-wrenching times due to racism ignorance and other horrors. I'm not sure what was more painful or surprising than content coming from our own relatives or strangers? I FAIL to understand to this day 'hating another because you don't like the shade of their skin ' ?
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I love the ending because it's raw, realistic and unknown...cause life is just unpredictable
Falling in love with someone that's got no direction in life will not work out, no matter what religious or ethnic background both persons involved have.
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Рел?г?йна В?дм?нн?сть Не створить Щасливого Шлюбу Це начЕ запрягти в одне Ярмо Верблюда ? мустанГА SORi.....
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 @user-nm5fo8ii3v  There are gazillions of happy intercultural and interreligious couples out there. Common ground in the form of similar goals and being diplomatic are what counts.
 @noryajesse8332  l sori l , bad spik inghlish..
So true. Ben seem to have little direction in his life. Ara is probably better off without him.
Totally agree.
 @Trini2DeBone  what you wrote is quite true. Ara actually is not knowledgeable islamiically, otherwise she would'nt have allowed herself to become intimate with the agnostic to the extent of allowing him have carnal knowledge of her. However the director or producer of the movie is not religious minded but love minded, no wonder the end result of the movie
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As Christians God is the one who selects our Kingdom spouses. No racism can come against the will of God. Amen.
This reminds me of my past relationships that didn’t work out due to faith differences.
Part two please. I know that it need much more to give this movie a sweet and happy ending. Waiting for PART 2. Please
I like how Ara hold on to her God bless you ? More over Love is not racist color doesn't matter. Very inspiring movie
Love conquers all with my Arab man we decided to take things easy regardless of skin , cultural differences etc we strive to win everyday God who laid this foundation will keep us through hang in there , don't mind what the world says amen
I’m so sorry that Ara didn’t tell Ben about her pregnancy. I’m sure that if she would have told him,, he would’ve been so happy and married her. I wish she would’ve told him that she loved him they would’ve been together forever . Instead she is marrying the wrong man!
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well najeeb is not the wrong man at all he is always there for ara whenever she need.
Exactly, it may seem romantic for them to be together, but in the end, she needs a man to assure her, and thats her fiancee.
This is so true was thinking why didn't she tell him
go bck to the earlier part she did...talk bout marriage..family..children, ben totalled that concept. he is not a believer of anything but the unsure und the just ...ripple. tats wat he said
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