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大決戰 #唐國強2021版/TV看細節dialogue
大決戰 #唐國強2021版 #建黨百年
《大決戰》第1集 Decisive Victory 毛澤東周恩來赴重慶談判【CCTV熱播劇場】43 days in Chongqing.
TV看細節: (1) 毛澤東(Mao Tse-tung, MTT) 赴重慶談判歷史原來毛的帽子是周恩來(Zhou En-lai, ZEL)選的孫中山最愛的款式,告訴蔣(Chiang Kai-shek, CKS) 勿忘孫中山遺願! CKS "三民主義的帽子戴在共產主義的頭上不合適!"
(2) 戴笠是CKS的佩劍.
(3) CKS (Military: 262 divisions) vs. MTT (Military: 43 divisions, asked to reduce to 12 divisions). The US mediator Howlley asked to proportional reduced to certain ratio. (3)CKS(軍用:262師)與MTT(軍用:43師,要求減至12師)。 談判調停人US ambassator大使赫爾利Negotiation mediator Hurley Negotiation mediator Hurley 要求both CKS and MTT 按比例縮小到一定比例。
ep2 -《覺醒年代》演陳獨秀的於和偉出演林彪!
- US special envoy General Marshall (sent by President Truman) came to China, talking CKS out of the civil war美國特使馬歇爾將軍(杜魯門總統派)來華,勸中正走出內戰
- GCD got german Carbine gun, 卡賓槍枪, ww2
============ ep 3 -
============ ep 4 -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlI2qMr33z0&list=RDCMUCK73Yh0cVnfyDf9Y63YeBPQ&start_radio=1&rv=IlI2qMr33z0
CKS returned to Naking on 1946.May05 after 9-year away.
白崇禧"拆東牆補西牆, 華北華東縮緊財政給東北?"
Peace talk mission: 5-star General Marshall (maintain statue quote, content with what you have now) and ZEL - Chang Zhi-zhong
CKS - 70% budget of GMD for military against GCD