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Richard E. Smalley/1996Nobel/his co-discovery of carbon60

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POV: His foundamentally and publically announcement of God, his co-discovery of carbon60

===Richard E. Smalley Quotes


Thumbnail of Richard E. Smalley (source)
Richard E. Smalley
(6 Jun 1943 - 28 Oct 2005)
American chemist and physicist who is known as the father of nanotechnology. For his co-discovery of carbon60 (buckminsterfullerene, or buckyball) and the fullerenes, he shared the 1996 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.


Science Quotes by Richard E. Smalley (17 quotes)

Carbon has this genius of making a chemically stable two-dimensional, one-atom-thick membrane in a three-dimensional world. And that, I believe, is going to be very important in the future of chemistry and technology in general.
— Richard E. Smalley
From Nobel Lecture (7 Dec 1996), 'Discovering the Fullerenes', collected in Ingmar Grenthe (ed.), Nobel Lectures, Chemistry 1996-2000 (2003).
Science quotes on:  |  Atom (358)  |  Carbon (65)  |  Chemical (292)  |  Chemistry (355)  |  Dimension (62)  |  Future (432)  |  General (511)  |  Genius (285)  |  Important (210)  |  Making (300)  |  Membrane (21)  |  Stable (30)  |  Technology (261)  |  Thick (6)  |  Three-Dimensional (11)  |  Two (937)  |  World (1778)

Clean water is a great example of something that depends on energy. And if you solve the water problem, you solve the food problem.
— Richard E. Smalley
In Lecture (2003) at the National Renewable Energy Laboratories in Golden, Colorado, as quoted in obituary, Barnaby J. Feder, 'Richard E. Smalley, 62, Dies; Chemistry Nobel Winner:', New York Times (29 Oct 2005), Late Edition (East Coast), C16.
Science quotes on:  |  Clean (50)  |  Depend (228)  |  Energy (346)  |  Example (94)  |  Food (199)  |  Great (1575)  |  Problem (679)  |  Solve (130)  |  Something (719)  |  Water (482)

Diamond, for all its great beauty, is not nearly as interesting as the hexagonal plane of graphite. It is not nearly as interesting because we live in a three-dimensional space, and in diamond each atom is surrounded in all three directions in space by a full coordination. Consequently, it is very difficult for an atom inside the diamond lattice to be confronted with anything else in this 3D world because all directions are already taken up.
— Richard E. Smalley
From Nobel Lecture (7 Dec 1996), 'Discovering the Fullerenes', collected in Ingmar Grenthe (ed.), Nobel Lectures, Chemistry 1996-2000 (2003).
Science quotes on:  |  All (4107)  |  Already (222)  |  Atom (358)  |  Beauty (300)  |  Coordination (9)  |  Diamond (21)  |  Difficult (247)  |  Dimension (62)  |  Direction (175)  |  Graphite (2)  |  Great (1575)  |  Interest (386)  |  Interesting (153)  |  Lattice (2)  |  Live (629)  |  Nearly (137)  |  Plane (20)  |  Space (501)  |  Three-Dimensional (11)  |  World (1778)

From my father I learned to build things, to take them apart, and to fix mechanical and electrical equipment in general. I spent vast hours in a woodworking shop he maintained in the basement of our house, building gadgets, working both with my father and alone, often late into the night. … This play with building, fixing, and designing was my favorite activity throughout my childhood, and was a wonderful preparation for my later career as an experimentalist working on the frontiers of chemistry and physics.
— Richard E. Smalley
From 'Richard E. Smalley: Biographical', collected in Tore Frängsmyr (ed.), Les Prix Nobel: The Nobel Prizes 1996 (1997).
Science quotes on:  |  Activity (210)  |  Alone (312)  |  Both (494)  |  Build (204)  |  Building (156)  |  Career (76)  |  Chemistry (355)  |  Childhood (38)  |  Design (196)  |  Electrical (57)  |  Equipment (43)  |  Experimentalist (20)  |  Experimenter (40)  |  Father (110)  |  Favorite (37)  |  Fix (25)  |  Frontier (38)  |  General (511)  |  Hour (186)  |  House (140)  |  Late (118)  |  Learn (632)  |  Learned (235)  |  Maintain (105)  |  Mechanical (140)  |  Physic (516)  |  Physics (533)  |  Play (111)  |  Preparation (58)  |  Spent (85)  |  Thing (1915)  |  Throughout (98)  |  Vast (178)  |  Wonderful (149)

I like the word “nanotechnology.” I like it because the prefix “nano” guarantees it will be fundamental science for decades; the “technology” says it is engineering, something you’re involved in not just because you’re interested in how nature works but because it will produce something that has a broad impact.
— Richard E. Smalley
From interview in 'Wires of Wonder', Technology Review (Mar 2001), 104, No. 2, 88.
Science quotes on:  |  Decade (59)  |  Engineering (176)  |  Fundamental (251)  |  Guarantee (30)  |  Impact (42)  |  Interest (386)  |  Interested (5)  |  Involved (90)  |  Nature (1928)  |  Nomenclature (146)  |  Produce (104)  |  Say (984)  |  Science (3880)  |  Something (719)  |  Technology (261)  |  Will (2354)  |  Word (622)  |  Work (1351)

I now think the answer is very simple: it’s true. God did create the universe about 13.7 billion years ago, and of necessity has involved Himself with His creation ever since. The purpose of this universe is something that only God knows for sure, but it is increasingly clear to modern science that the universe was exquisitely fine-tuned to enable human life.
— Richard E. Smalley
In Letter (May 2005), sent to the Hope College 2005 Alumni Banquet, read in lieu of accepting an award in person, because of declining health from cancer.
Science quotes on:  |  Answer (366)  |  Billion (96)  |  Biography (242)  |  Create (235)  |  Creation (329)  |  Enable (119)  |  God (758)  |  Himself (461)  |  Human (1470)  |  Human Life (29)  |  Involved (90)  |  Know (1519)  |  Life (1799)  |  Modern (385)  |  Modern Science (52)  |  Necessity (191)  |  Purpose (317)  |  Science (3880)  |  Science And Religion (310)  |  Simple (406)  |  Something (719)  |  Think (1086)  |  Universe (861)  |  Year (932)

In a way, cancer is so simple and so natural. The older you get, this is just one of the things that happens as the clock ticks.
— Richard E. Smalley
As quoted in Eric Berger, Houston Chronicle (28 Oct 2005)
Science quotes on:  |  Cancer (55)  |  Clock (47)  |  Happen (275)  |  Natural (796)  |  Old (480)  |  Simple (406)  |  Thing (1915)  |  Tick (9)  |  Way (1216)

It turned out that the buckyball, the soccer ball, was something of a Rosetta stone of an infinite new class of molecules.
— Richard E. Smalley
From interview with National Public Radio (2000), quoted and cited in Nell GreenfieldBoyce, '‘Buckyball’ Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley Dies', All Things Considered (31 Oct 2005). Transcript on NPR website.
Science quotes on:  |  Ball (62)  |  Buckyball (4)  |  Class (164)  |  Infinite (233)  |  Molecule (174)  |  New (1217)  |  Rosetta Stone (4)  |  Soccer (3)  |  Something (719)  |  Stone (162)  |  Turn (447)

My attitude was: “Just look at all the interesting atoms in that region of the periodic table; certainly the reason that carbon dominates chemistry is our own ignorance.”
— Richard E. Smalley
Recollection of being unimpressed in high school when taught that carbon, being the basic building block of life, was the most important element in the periodic table. In Chappell Brown, 'A Carbon Copy of the Real Thing', Electronic Engineering Times (28 Dec 1998), 50.
Science quotes on:  |  All (4107)  |  Atom (358)  |  Attitude (82)  |  Carbon (65)  |  Certain (550)  |  Certainly (185)  |  Chemistry (355)  |  Dominate (20)  |  Ignorance (240)  |  Interesting (153)  |  Look (582)  |  Periodic Table (17)  |  Reason (744)  |  Region (36)  |  Table (104)

My interest in Science had many roots. Some came from my mother … while I was in my early teens. She fell in love with science,… [from] classes on the Foundations of Physical Science. … I was infected by [her] professor second hand, through hundreds of hours of conversations at my mother’s knees. It was from my mother that I first learned of Archimedes, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, and Darwin. We spent hours together collecting single-celled organisms from a local pond and watching them with a microscope.
— Richard E. Smalley
From 'Richard E. Smalley: Biographical', collected in Tore Frängsmyr (ed.), Les Prix Nobel: The Nobel Prizes 1996 (1997).
Science quotes on:  |  Archimedes (58)  |  Biography (242)  |  Collect (16)  |  Conversation (43)  |  Charles Darwin (304)  |  Leonardo da Vinci (87)  |  Early (186)  |  First (1284)  |  Foundation (173)  |  Galileo Galilei (125)  |  Hour (186)  |  Hundred (228)  |  Interest (386)  |  Kepler_Nicolaus (2)  |  Learn (632)  |  Learned (235)  |  Love (309)  |  Microscope (80)  |  Mother (114)  |  Sir Isaac Newton (335)  |  Organism (220)  |  Physical (508)  |  Physical Science (101)  |  Pond (15)  |  Professor (129)  |  Root (120)  |  Science (3880)  |  Single (354)  |  Spent (85)  |  Through (849)  |  Together (387)

Soccer ball C60 quickly became a sort of “Rosetta Stone” leading to the discovery of a new world of geodesic structures of pure carbon built on the nanometer scale.
— Richard E. Smalley
From Nobel Lecture (7 Dec 1996), 'Discovering the Fullerenes', collected in Ingmar Grenthe (ed.), Nobel Lectures, Chemistry 1996-2000 (2003).
Science quotes on:  |  Ball (62)  |  Buckyball (4)  |  Carbon (65)  |  Discovery (785)  |  Geodesic (2)  |  New (1217)  |  Pure (292)  |  Rosetta Stone (4)  |  Scale (121)  |  Soccer (3)  |  Stone (162)  |  Structure (346)  |  World (1778)

The principal impetus for my entering a career in science … was the successful launching of Sputnik in 1957, and the then current belief that science and technology was going to be where the action was in the coming decades.
— Richard E. Smalley
From 'Richard E. Smalley: Biographical', collected in Tore Frängsmyr (ed.), Les Prix Nobel: The Nobel Prizes 1996 (1997).
Science quotes on:  |  Action (328)  |  Belief (578)  |  Biography (242)  |  Career (76)  |  Coming (114)  |  Current (118)  |  Decade (59)  |  Impetus (5)  |  Launch (20)  |  Principal (63)  |  Science (3880)  |  Science And Technology (45)  |  Sputnik (4)  |  Successful (123)  |  Technology (261)

This discovery [of fullerenes] is principally about the way that carbon condenses, it’s genius for forming clusters.
— Richard E. Smalley
From Nobel Lecture (7 Dec 1996), 'Discovering the Fullerenes', collected in Ingmar Grenthe (ed.), Nobel Lectures, Chemistry 1996-2000 (2003).
Science quotes on:  |  Carbon (65)  |  Cluster (16)  |  Condense (13)  |  Discovery (785)  |  Form (960)  |  Forming (42)  |  Fullerene (3)  |  Genius (285)  |  Way (1216)

Times change. But life and science go on.
— Richard E. Smalley
From Nobel Lecture (7 Dec 1996), 'Discovering the Fullerenes', collected in Ingmar Grenthe (ed.), Nobel Lectures, Chemistry 1996-2000 (2003).
Science quotes on:  |  Change (595)  |  Life (1799)  |  Science (3880)  |  Time (1877)

We are the only species that can destroy the Earth or take care of it and nurture all that live on this very special planet. I’m urging you to look on these things. For whatever reason, this planet was built specifically for us. Working on this planet is an absolute moral code. … Let’s go out and do what we were put on Earth to do.
— Richard E. Smalley
Address at Tuskegee University, 79th Annual Scholarship Convocation/Parents Recognition Program. Published in News Release (3 Oct 2004). Previously on the university website.
Science quotes on:  |  Absolute (146)  |  All (4107)  |  Care (186)  |  Code (31)  |  Destroy (180)  |  Do (1908)  |  Earth (998)  |  Live (629)  |  Look (582)  |  Moral (195)  |  Nurture (16)  |  Planet (357)  |  Reason (744)  |  Special (184)  |  Species (402)  |  Thing (1915)  |  Whatever (234)

We believe that ‘buckytubes’ are best thought of as a new miracle polymer, However, in this case, the polymer conducts electricity, and that’s a new play.
— Richard E. Smalley
In Paul Dempsey. 'The Good of Small Things', Power Engineer (Feb/Mar 2005), 23. Note: ‘Buckytubes’ refers to nanotubes.
Science quotes on:  |  Belief (578)  |  Best (459)  |  Conduct (69)  |  Electricity (160)  |  Miracle (83)  |  New (1217)  |  Polymer (4)  |  Thought (954)

[The nanotube] brings those properties you cannot get from other organic molecules. And it’s still carbon, so it has organic chemistry. Here is an object that has, to a superlative degree, the aspects that we hold most central to the inorganic world: hardness, toughness, terrific strength, thermal and electrical conductivity. Things you just can’t do with bone and wood. But it’s made out of carbon. It’s something that plays the game at the same level of perfection as molecules and life.

Richard Errett Smalley, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1996 ...


Richard Errett Smalley (June 6, 1943 – October 28, 2005) was the Gene and Norman Hackerman Professor of Chemistry and a Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Rice University, in Houston, Texas. In 1996, along with Robert Curl, also a professor of chemistry at Rice, and Harold Kroto, a professor at the University of Sussex, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery of a ...


Nobel Prize Winners By Religion: Jewish, Christian, Muslim ...


Jul 17, 2017 · If you don’t know what are the Nobel Prize winners by religion, we created a list of Nobel Prize winners by religion: Jewish, Christian, Muslim and



Richard Smalley - Wikipedia


Richard Errett Smalley (June 6, 1943 – October 28, 2005) was the Gene and Norman Hackerman Professor of Chemistry and a Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Rice University, in Houston, Texas. In 1996, along with Robert Curl, also a professor of chemistry at Rice, and Harold Kroto, a professor at the University of Sussex, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery of a new form of carbon, buckminsterfullerene, also known as buckyballs. He was an advocate of nanotechnology and it…

Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley’s Faith Journey « Creation ...


Dec 14, 2016 · Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley is one of many scientists who have rejected agnosticism partly as a result of rejecting evolutionism. His Christian walk was heavily influenced by the modern evidence for the intelligent design of life and the universe.

Richard E. Smalley, 62, Dies; Chemistry Nobel Winner - The ...


Oct 29, 2005 · Richard E. Smalley, the Rice University chemistry professor who shared a Nobel Prize for discovering a new spherical form of carbon and championed the potential of nanotechnology

============================ https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/nobel-prize-winners-by-religion-jewish-christian-muslim-and-non-religious-590721/?singlepage=1

Nobel Prize Winners By Religion: Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Non-Religious

If you don’t know what are the Nobel Prize winners by religion, we created a list of Nobel Prize winners by religion: Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Non-Religious in order to ease your research. It is fun to think about which religious group leads in terms of most number of Nobel Prize winners. There is an inherent sense of pride when you see the names of the people with the same religious beliefs as yourself making a contribution that merited the award of the esteemed Nobel Prize.


You can also get your patriotic flair going by checking out our list of 10 countries that have won the most Nobel Prizes and finding out if your home country made the cut. For this list, we consulted the records available with the Official Website of the Nobel Prize and various other online sources. Now without further ado, let’s continue with our list of Nobel Prize winners by religion: Jewish, Christian, Muslim and non-religious.

Nobel Prize Winners By Religion: Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Non-Religious

Pixabay/Public Domain

4. Jewish Nobel Prize winners


#          Name                                       Year     Country             Field

1          Adolf von Baeyer                      1905     Germany           Chemistry

2          Henri Moissan                          1906     France              Chemistry

3          Otto Wallach                             1910     Germany           Chemistry

4          Richard Willstätter                  1915     Germany           Chemistry

5          Fritz Haber                                1918     Germany           Chemistry

6          George de Hevesy                    1943     Hungary            Chemistry

7          Melvin Calvin                            1961     United States    Chemistry

8          Max Perutz                                1962     United Kingdom    Chemistry

9          Christian B. Anfinsen              1972     United States    Chemistry

10         William Howard Stein            1972    United States    Chemistry

11         Ilya Prigogine                            1977     Belgium            Chemistry

12         Herbert C. Brown                   1979     United States    Chemistry

13         Paul Berg                                  1980     United States    Chemistry

14         Walter Gilbert                          1980     United States    Chemistry

15         Roald Hoffmann                      1981     United States    Chemistry

16         Aaron Klug                                1982     United Kingdom            Chemistry

17         Jerome Karle                             1985     United States    Chemistry

18         Herbert A. Hauptman             1985     United States    Chemistry

19         Sidney Altman                           1989     Canada, United States   Chemistry

20         Rudolph A. Marcus                  1992     United States    Chemistry

21         George Andrew Olah                 1994     Hungary            Chemistry

22         Harry Kroto                               1996     United Kingdom   Chemistry

23         Walter Kohn                              1998     United States    Chemistry

24         Alan J. Heeger                          2000     United States    Chemistry

25         Aaron Ciechanover                    2004     Israel    Chemistry

26         Avram Hershko                         2004      Israel    Chemistry

27         Irwin Rose                                   2004     United States    Chemistry

28         Roger D. Kornberg                    2006     United States    Chemistry

29         Martin Chalfie                            2008     United States    Chemistry

30         Ada Yonath                               2009     Israel    Chemistry

31         Dan Shechtman                         2011     Israel    Chemistry

32         Robert Lefkowitz                       2012     United States    Chemistry

33         Arieh Warshel                            2013     Israel    Chemistry

34         Michael Levitt                            2013     United States, Britain, Israel       Chemistry

35         Martin Karplus                          2013     United States, Austria    Chemistry

36         Élie Metchnikoff                        1908    Russia  Physiology or Medicine

37         Paul Ehrlich                                1908     Germany Physiology or Medicine

38         Robert Bárány                           1914     Austria-Hungary Physiology or Medicine

39         Otto Fritz Meyerhof                  1922     Germany           Physiology or Medicine

40         Karl Landsteiner                       1930     Austria  Physiology or Medicine

41         Otto Heinrich Warburg            1931     Germany           Physiology or Medicine

42         Otto Loewi                                   1936     Austria             Physiology or Medicine

43         Joseph Erlanger                        1944     United States   Physiology or Medicine

44         Ernst Boris Chain                      1945     United Kingdom            Physiology or Medicine

45         Hermann Joseph Muller          1946     United States    Physiology or Medicine

46         Gerty Cori                                    1947     United States    Physiology or Medicine

47         Tadeusz Reichstein                    1950     Switzerland / Poland      Physiology or Medicine

48         Selman Waksman                      1952     United States    Physiology or Medicine

49         Hans Adolf Krebs                      1953     United Kingdom            Physiology or Medicine

50         Fritz Albert Lipmann                1953     United States    Physiology or Medicine

51         Joshua Lederberg                       1958     United States    Physiology or Medicine

52         Arthur Kornberg                         1959     United States    Physiology or Medicine

53         Konrad Emil Bloch                    1964     United States    Physiology or Medicine

54         François Jacob                            1965     France  Physiology or Medicine

55         André Michel Lwoff                   1965      France  Physiology or Medicine

56         George Wald                                1967      United States    Physiology or Medicine

57         Marshall Warren Nirenberg     1968     United States    Physiology or Medicine

58         Salvador Luria                             1969     United States, Italy        Physiology or Medicine

59         Julius Axelrod                              1970     United States    Physiology or Medicine

60         Bernard Katz                                1970    United Kingdom     Physiology or Medicine

61         Gerald Edelman                           1972     United States    Physiology or Medicine

62         David Baltimore                           1975     United States    Physiology or Medicine

63         Howard Martin Temin               1975      United States    Physiology or Medicine

64         Baruch Samuel Blumberg           1976     United States    Physiology or Medicine

65         Rosalyn Sussman Yalow             1977     United States    Physiology or Medicine

66         Daniel Nathans                            1978     United States    Physiology or Medicine

67         Baruj Benacerraf                          1980     United States    Physiology or Medicine

68         César Milstein                               1984     Argentina          Physiology or Medicine

69         Michael Stuart Brown                 1985     United States    Physiology or Medicine

70         Joseph L. Goldstein                     1985     United States    Physiology or Medicine

71         Stanley Cohen                                1986     United States    Physiology or Medicine

72         Rita Levi-Montalcini                    1986     Italy                  Physiology or Medicine

73         Gertrude B. Elion                          1988     United States    Physiology or Medicine

74         Harold E. Varmus                         1989     United States    Physiology or Medicine

75         Alfred G. Gilman                           1994     United States    Physiology or Medicine

76         Martin Rodbell                              1994    United States     Physiology or Medicine

77         Stanley B. Prusiner                      1997     United States    Physiology or Medicine

78         Robert F. Furchgott                    1998     United States    Physiology or Medicine

79         Paul Greengard                           2000     United States    Physiology or Medicine

80         Eric Kandel                                  2000     United States    Physiology or Medicine

81         Sydney Brenner                          2002     United Kingdom     Physiology or Medicine

82         H. Robert Horvitz                      2002      United States    Physiology or Medicine

83         Richard Axel                              2004     United States    Physiology or Medicine

84         Andrew Fire                               2006     United States    Physiology or Medicine

85         Ralph M. Steinman                    2011     Canada             Physiology or Medicine

86         Bruce Beutler                              2011      United States    Physiology or Medicine

87         James E. Rothman                    2013     United States    Physiology or Medicine

88         Randy Schekman                       2013     United States    Physiology or Medicine

89         Albert A. Michelson                   1907     United States    Physics

90         Gabriel Lippmann                      1908     France              Physics

91         Albert Einstein                             1921     Germany           Physics

92         Niels Bohr                                    1922     Denmark           Physics

93         James Franck                              1925     Germany           Physics

94         Gustav Hertz                               1925     Germany           Physics

95         Otto Stern                                    1943     United States    Physics

96         Isidor Isaac Rabi                        1944     United States    Physics

97         Wolfgang Pauli                           1945     Austria               Physics

98         Felix Bloch                                   1952     United States    Physics

99         Max Born                                     1954     United Kingdom    Physics

100       Ilya Frank                                    1958     Soviet Union     Physics

101       Emilio Gino Segrè                       1959     Italy                   Physics

102       Donald A. Glaser                         1960     United States    Physics

103       Robert Hofstadter                       1961     United States    Physics

104       Lev Landau                                   1962     Soviet Union     Physics

105       Eugene Wigner                             1963     United States    Physics

106       Richard Feynman                         1965     United States    Physics

107       Julian Schwinger                           1965          United States    Physics

108       Hans Bethe                                     1967     United States    Physics

109       Murray Gell-Mann                       1969     United States    Physics

110       Dennis Gabor                                1971     United Kingdom      Physics

111       Leon Cooper                                   1972     United States    Physics

112       Brian David Josephson                1973     United Kingdom       Physics

113       Ben Roy Mottelson                        1975     Denmark           Physics

114       Burton Richter                                1976     United States    Physics

115       Arno Allan Penzias                        1978     United States    Physics

116       Sheldon Lee Glashow                    1979     United States    Physics

117       Steven Weinberg                             1979     United States    Physics

118       Arthur Leonard Schawlow           1981     United States    Physics

119       Karl Alexander Müller                   1987     Switzerland       Physics

120       Leon M. Lederman                        1988     United States    Physics

121       Melvin Schwartz                              1988     United States    Physics

122       Jack Steinberger                              1988     United States    Physics

123       Jerome Isaac Friedman                 1990     United States    Physics

124       Georges Charpak                             1992     France / Poland Physics

125       Martin Lewis Perl                            1995     United States    Physics

126       Frederick Reines                             1995      United States    Physics

127       David Morris Lee                            1996     United States    Physics

128       Douglas D. Osheroff                      1996       United States    Physics

129       Claude Cohen-Tannoudji            1997          France              Physics

130       Zhores Alferov                               2000         Russia              Physics

131       Alexei Alexeyevich Abrikosov    2003      Russia, United States    Physics

132       Vitaly Ginzburg                            2003       Russia              Physics

133       David Gross                                  2004     United States    Physics

134       H. David Politzer                        2004      United States    Physics

135       Roy J. Glauber                            2005     United States    Physics

136       Adam Riess                                  2011     United States    Physics

137       Saul Perlmutter                          2011      United States    Physics

138       Serge Haroche                           2012     France              Physics

139       François Englert                        2013     Belgium            Physics

140       J. Michael Kosterlitz                 2016     United Kingdom    Physics

141       Paul Heyse                                   1910     Germany           Literature

142       Henri Bergson                            1927     France              Literature

143       Boris Pasternak                          1958     Soviet Union     Literature

144       Shmuel Yosef Agnon                 1966     Israel                Literature

145       Nelly Sachs                                  1966     Sweden            Literature

146       Saul Bellow                                  1976     United States    Literature

147       Isaac Bashevis Singer                1978     United States    Literature

148       Elias Canetti                                1981     United Kingdom            Literature

149       Joseph Brodsky                          1987     United States    Literature

150       Nadine Gordimer                       1991     South Africa      Literature

151       Imre Kertész                                2002     Hungary            Literature

152       Elfriede Jelinek                          2004     Austria               Literature

153       Harold Pinter                             2005     United Kingdom    Literature

154       Patrick Modiano                        2014     France                 Literature

155       Bob Dylan                                    2016     United States    Literature

156       Paul Samuelson                         1970     United States    Economics

157       Simon Kuznets                           1971     United States    Economics

158       Kenneth Arrow                           1972     United States    Economics

159       Wassily Leontief                        1973     Russia, Germany, United States Economics

160       Leonid Kantorovich                   1975     Soviet Union     Economics

161       Milton Friedman                        1976     United States    Economics

162       Herbert A. Simon                       1978     United States    Economics

163       Lawrence Klein                           1980     United States    Economics

164       Franco Modigliani                      1985     Italy, United States        Economics

165       Robert Solow                               1987     United States    Economics

166       Harry Markowitz                         1990     United States    Economics

167       Merton Miller                               1990       United States    Economics

168       Gary Becker                                 1992     United States    Economics

169       Robert Fogel                                1993     United States    Economics

170       John Harsanyi                             1994     Hungary            Economics

171       Reinhard Selten                           1994      Germany           Economics

172       Myron Scholes                             1997     Canada               Economics

173       Joseph Stiglitz                              2001     United States    Economics

174       George Akerlof                            2001      United States    Economics

175       Daniel Kahneman                      2002     Israel, United States      Economics

176       Robert Aumann                         2005     Israel, United States      Economics

177       Leonid Hurwicz                          2007     United States, Poland    Economics

178       Eric Maskin                                 2007     United States    Economics

179       Roger Myerson                            2007     United States    Economics

180       Paul Krugman                            2008     United States    Economics

181       Peter Diamond                           2010     United States    Economics

182       Alvin E. Roth                              2012     United States    Economics

183       Oliver Hart                                  2016     United States    Economics

184       Tobias Michael Carel Asser      1911     The Netherlands    Peace

185       Alfred Hermann Fried              1911      Austria              Peace

186       René Cassin                                 1968     France              Peace

187       Henry A. Kissinger                     1973     United States    Peace

188       Menachem Begin                       1978     Israel                Peace

189       Elie Wiesel                                   1986     United States    Peace

190       Yitzhak Rabin                              1994     Israel                Peace

191       Shimon Peres                               1994      Israel                Peace

192       Joseph Rotblat                            1995     United Kingdom  Peace

Nobel Prize Winners By Religion: Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Non-Religious


3. Muslim Nobel Prize winners

#          Name                                        Year     Country             Field

1          Anwar al-Sadat                         1978    Egypt               Peace

2          Yasser Arafat                            1994     Palestine          Peace

3          Shirin Ebadi                              2003     Iran                   Peace

4          Mohamed El Baradei               2005     Egypt               Peace

5          Muhammad Yunus                   2006     Bangladesh       Peace

6          Tawakel Karman                       2011     Yemen              Peace

7          Malala Yousafzai                       2014     Pakistan           Peace

8          Naguib Mahfouz                        1988     Egypt               Literature

9          Orhan Pamuk                            2006     Turkey              Literature

10         Mohammad Abdus Salam      1979     Pakistan           Physics

11         Ahmed Zewail                           1999     Egypt               Chemistry

12         Aziz Sancar                               2015     Turkey              Chemistry

2. Christian Nobel Prize winners

#          Name                                                    Year     Country             Fields

1          Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen                    1901     Germany            Physics

2          Hendrik Lorentz                                   1902     Netherlands       Physics

3          Pieter Zeeman                                       1902      Netherlands       Physics

4          Antoine Henri Becquerel                      1903     France                Physics

5          Lord Rayleigh                                          1904     United Kingdom  Physics

6          Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard     1905     Austria-Hungary, Germany         Physics

7          Joseph John Thomson                          1906     United Kingdom    Physics

8          Guglielmo Marconi                                1909     Italy                        Physics

9          Max von Laue                                          1914     Germany                  Physics

10         William Henry Bragg                            1915     United Kingdom      Physics

11         Charles Glover Barkla                            1917     United Kingdom     Physics

12         Johannes Stark                                       1919     Germany           Physics

13         Robert Andrews Millikan                     1923     United States    Physics

14         Gustav Hertz                                           1925     Germany           Physics

15         Arthur Holly Compton                          1927     United States    Physics

16         Werner Heisenberg                                1932     Germany           Physics

17         Victor Francis Hess                                1936     Austria            Physics

18         George Paget Thomson                         1937     United Kingdom  Physics

19         Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton           1951     Ireland                 Physics

20         Frits Zernike                                          1953     Netherlands       Physics

21         Willis Eugene                                         1955     United States    Physics

22         Polykarp Kusch                                     1955      United States    Physics

23         Ilya Frank                                               1958     Soviet Union     Physics

24         Maria Goeppert-Mayer                        1963     United States    Physics

25         J. Hans D. Jensen                                 1963      West Germany  Physics

26         Charles Hard Townes                          1964     United States    Physics

27         Antony Hewish                                      1974     United Kingdom   Physics

28         James Watson Cronin                         1980     United States    Physics

29         Klaus von Klitzing                                1985     West Germany  Physics

30         Joseph Hooton Taylor, Jr.                  1993     United States    Physics

31         Douglas D. Osheroff                             1996     United States    Physics

32         William Daniel Phillips                        1997     United States    Physics

33         Riccardo Giacconi                                 2002     Italy, United States   Physics

34         Peter Grünberg                                      2007     Germany              Physics

35         Jacobus Henricus van ‘t Hoff              1901     Netherlands           Chemistry

36         Hermann Emil Fischer                         1902     Germany               Chemistry

37         Sir William Ramsay                               1904     United Kingdom      Chemistry

38         Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer        1905     Germany       Chemistry

39         Eduard Buchner                                    1907     Germany           Chemistry

40         Ernest Rutherford                                1908     United Kingdom, New Zealand   Chemistry

41         Otto Wallach                                          1910     Germany           Chemistry

42         Alfred Werner                                       1913     Switzerland       Chemistry

43         Fritz Haber                                            1918     Germany           Chemistry

44         Walther Hermann Nernst                  1920     Germany           Chemistry

45         Frederick Soddy                                     1921     United Kingdom    Chemistry

46         Francis William Aston                          1922     United Kingdom    Chemistry

47         Fritz Pregl                                                1923     Austria                     Chemistry

48         Richard Adolf Zsigmondy                    1925     Germany / Hungary        Chemistry

49         The (Theodor) Svedberg                       1926     Sweden            Chemistry

50         Heinrich Otto Wieland                          1927     Germany           Chemistry

51         Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus              1928     Germany           Chemistry

52         Arthur Harden                                        1929     United Kingdom    Chemistry

53         Hans Karl                                                 1929        Sweden            Chemistry

54         Hans Fischer                                           1930     Germany           Chemistry

55         Carl Bosch                                                1931     Germany           Chemistry

56         Friedrich Bergius                                    1931     Germany           Chemistry

57         Harold Clayton Urey                              1934     United States    Chemistry

58         Paul Karrer                                               1937     Switzerland       Chemistry

59         Richard Kuhn                                           1938     Germany           Chemistry

60         Leopold Ruzicka                                      1939     Switzerland       Chemistry

61         George de Hevesy                                    1943     Germany           Chemistry

62         Otto Hahn                                                 1944     Germany           Chemistry

63         Artturi Ilmari Virtanen                          1945     Finland               Chemistry

64         James Batcheller Sumner                     1946     United States    Chemistry

65         John Howard Northrop                         1946     United States    Chemistry

66         Wendell Meredith Stanley                    1946      United States    Chemistry

67         Sir Robert Robinson                              1947     United Kingdom  Chemistry

68         William Francis Giauque                     1949     United States    Chemistry

69         Otto Paul Hermann Diels                     1950     Federal Republic of Germany     Chemistry

70         Kurt Alder                                                 1950    Federal Republic of Germany     Chemistry

71         Hermann Staudinger                              1953     Federal Republic of Germany     Chemistry

72         Max Ferdinand Perutz                            1962     United Kingdom            Chemistry

73         Karl Ziegler                                               1963     Federal Republic of Germany     Chemistry

74         Giulio Natta                                               1963     Italy      Chemistry

75         Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin                   1964     United Kingdom Chemistry

76         Odd Hassel                                               1969     Norway             Chemistry

77         Luis F. Leloir                                            1970     Argentina          Chemistry

78         Gerhard Herzberg                                  1971     Canada/Germany Chemistry

79         Vladimir Prelog                                      1975     Yugoslavia/Switzerland  Chemistry

80         Robert Bruce Merrifield                       1984     United States    Chemistry

81         Elias James Corey                                  1990     United States    Chemistry

82         Mario J. Molina                                     1995     Mexico                 Chemistry

83         F. Sherwood Rowland                           1995     United States    Chemistry

84         Robert F. Curl Jr.                                   1996     United States    Chemistry

85         Richard E. Smalley                                1996      United States    Chemistry

86         Peter Agre                                                2003     United States    Chemistry

87         Gerhard Ertl                                            2007     Germany           Chemistry

88         Brian Kobilka                                          2012     United States    Chemistry

89         Stefan W. Hell                                         2014     Romania           Chemistry

90         William E. Moerner                               2014      United States    Chemistry

91         Emil Adolf von Behring                          1901     Germany           Physiology or Medicine

92         Sir Ronald Ross                                       1902     United Kingdom   Physiology or Medicine

93         Niels Ryberg Finsen                               1903     Denmark           Physiology or Medicine

94         Camillo Golgi                                           1906     Italy                  Physiology or Medicine

95         Santiago Ramón y Cajal                         1906     Spain                Physiology or Medicine

96         Emil Theodor Kocher                             1909     Switzerland       Physiology or Medicine

97         Albrecht Kossel                                        1910     Germany           Physiology or Medicine

98         Alexis Carrel                                             1912     France              Physiology or Medicine

99         Jules Bordet                                              1919     Belgium            Physiology or Medicine

100       Schack August Steenberg Krogh            1920     Denmark           Physiology or Medicine

101       Sir Frederick Grant Banting                    1923     Canada             Physiology or Medicine

102       Willem Einthoven                                     1924     Netherlands       Physiology or Medicine

103       Johannes Andreas Grib Fibiger              1926     Denmark           Physiology or Medicine

104       Charles Jules Henri Nicolle                     1928     France              Physiology or Medicine

105       Christiaan Eijkman                                   1929     Netherlands       Physiology or Medicine

106       Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins             1929     United Kingdom  Physiology or Medicine

107       Karl Landsteiner                                       1930     Austria              Physiology or Medicine

108       Otto Heinrich Warburg                           1931     Germany           Physiology or Medicine

109       Sir Charles Scott Sherrington                1932     United Kingdom    Physiology or Medicine

110       George Hoyt Whipple                              1934     United States    Physiology or Medicine

111       George Richards Minot                             1934    United States    Physiology or Medicine

112       William Parry Murphy                               1934   United States    Physiology or Medicine

113       Hans Spemann                                           1935     Germany           Physiology or Medicine

114       Albert Szent-Györgyi von Nagyrapolt  1937     Hungary            Physiology or Medicine

115       Corneille Jean François Heymans        1938     Belgium            Physiology or Medicine

116       Gerhard Domagk                                     1939     Germany           Physiology or Medicine

117       Carl Peter Henrik Dam                           1943     Denmark           Physiology or Medicine

118       Edward Adelbert Doisy                          1943      United States    Physiology or Medicine

119       Sir Alexander Fleming                            1945     United Kingdom  Physiology or Medicine

120       Carl Ferdinand Cori                                1947     United States    Physiology or Medicine

121       Gerty Theresa Cori, née Radnitz           1947    United States    Physiology or Medicine

122       Bernardo Alberto Houssay                    1947     Argentina          Physiology or Medicine

123       António Caetano Egas Moniz              1949     Portugal             Physiology or Medicine

124       Max Theiler                                             1951     South Africa      Physiology or Medicine

125       Daniel Bovet                                           1957     Italy                      Physiology or Medicine

126       George Wells Beadle                             1958     United States    Physiology or Medicine

127       Edward Lawrie Tatum                          1958     United States    Physiology or Medicine

128       Severo Ochoa                                          1959     Spain                  Physiology or Medicine

129       Georg von Békésy                                  1961     United States    Physiology or Medicine

130       Sir John Carew Eccles                           1963     Australia           Physiology or Medicine

131       Ragnar Granit                                         1967     Finland/Sweden Physiology or Medicine

132       Haldan Keffer Hartline                        1967      United States    Physiology or Medicine

133       Rodney Robert Porter                           1972     United States    Physiology or Medicine

134       Albert Claude                                          1974     Belgium            Physiology or Medicine

135       George E. Palade                                     1974     Romania           Physiology or Medicine

136       Renato Dulbecco                                    1975     Italy, United States   Physiology or Medicine

137       D. Carleton Gajdusek                            1976     United States    Physiology or Medicine

138       Werner Arber                                         1978     Switzerland       Physiology or Medicine

139       Barbara McClintock                               1983     United States    Physiology or Medicine

140       Sir James W. Black                               1988     United Kingdom    Physiology or Medicine

141       George H. Hitchings                              1988     United States    Physiology or Medicine

142       Joseph E. Murray                                  1990     United States    Physiology or Medicine

143       Edmond H. Fischer                               1992     Switzerland       Physiology or Medicine

144       Louis J. Ignarro                                     1998     United States    Physiology or Medicine

145       Ferid Murad                                            1999     United States    Physiology or Medicine

146       Paul Greengard                                     2000     United States    Physiology or Medicine

147       Linda B. Buck                                         2004     United States    Physiology or Medicine

148       Mario R. Capecchi                                 2007     United States    Physiology or Medicine

149       Sir Martin J. Evans                                2007     United Kingdom  Physiology or Medicine

150       Elizabeth H. Blackburn                        2009     United States    Physiology or Medicine

151       Carol W. Greider                                     2009     United States    Physiology or Medicine

152       Sir John B. Gurdon                               2012     United Kingdom   Physiology or Medicine

153       John O’Keefe                                         2014     United States    Physiology or Medicine

154       May-Britt Moser                                   2014     Norway                Physiology or Medicine

155       Edvard I. Moser                                     2014    Norway                Physiology or Medicine

156       William C. Campbell                              2015     Ireland               Physiology or Medicine

157       Theodor Mommsen                               1902     Flag of the German Empire        Literature

158       Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson                           1903     Union Jack of Sweden & Norway Literature

159       Frédéric Mistral                                     1904     France              Literature

160       José Echegaray                                       1904     Spain                Literature

161       Henryk Sienkiewicz                                1905     Poland              Literature

162       Selma Lagerlöf                                        1909      Sweden           Literature

163       Paul von Heyse                                       1910     Germany           Literature

164       Verner von Heidenstam                          1916      Sweden           Literature

165       William Butler Yeats                               1923     Ireland              Literature

166       W?adys?aw Reymont                              1924     Poland              Literature

167       Grazia Deledda                                       1926     Italy                  Literature

168       Sigrid Undset                                          1928      Norway            Literature

169       Thomas Mann                                         1929     Germany           Literature

170       Ivan Bunin                                               1933     France              Literature

171       Pearl S. Buck                                            1938     United States    Literature

172       Gabriela Mistral                                      1945     Chile                 Literature

173       Hermann Hesse                                      1946     Switzerland       Literature

174       André Gide                                              1947     France              Literature

175       T. S. Eliot                                                 1948      United Kingdom Literature

176       William Faulkner                                    1949      United States   Literature

177       François Mauriac                                   1952        France              Literature

178       Sir Winston Churchill                            1953      United Kingdom Literature

179       Ernest Hemingway                                 1954      United States   Literature

180       Halldór Laxness                                      1955      Iceland             Literature

181       Juan Ramón Jiménez                             1956      Puerto Rico      Literature

182       Boris Pasternak                                       1958      Soviet Union    Literature

183       Ivo Andri?                                                1961      Yugoslavia       Literature

184       John Steinbeck                                       1962      United States   Literature

185       Giorgos Seferis                                       1963     Greece              Literature

186       Miguel Ángel Asturias                           1967      Guatemala       Literature

187       Samuel Beckett                                       1969     France              Literature

188       Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn                        1970      Soviet Union    Literature

189       Heinrich Böll                                          1972     Germany           Literature

190       Odysseus Elytis                                      1979      Greece             Literature

191       Czes?aw Mi?osz                                       1980     United States    Literature

192       Gabriel García Márquez                       1982      Colombia         Literature

193       Camilo José Cela                                    1989      Spain                Literature

194       Octavio Paz                                             1990      Mexico              Literature

195       Derek Walcott                                        1992      Saint Lucia       Literature

196       Toni Morrison                                        1993      United States   Literature

197       Günter Grass                                          1999      Germany          Literature

198       J. M. Coetzee                                          2003      South Africa, Australia  Literature

199       Herta Müller                                           2009      Germany          Literature

200       Mario Vargas Llosa                               2010      Peru, Spain      Literature

201       Tomas Tranströmer                               2011      Sweden               Literature

202       Bob Dylan                                                2016      United States   Literature

203       Élie Ducommun                                     1902       Switzerland      Peace

204       Charles Albert Gobat                             1902       Switzerland      Peace

205       William Randal Cremer                        1903     United Kingdom    Peace

206       Bertha von Suttner                                 1905      Austria-Hungary  Peace

207       Theodore Roosevelt                               1906      United States   Peace

208       Ernesto Teodoro Moneta                       1907     Italy                  Peace

209       Louis Renault                                          1907       France              Peace

210       Auguste Beernaert                                 1909     Belgium            Peace

211       Paul Henri d’Estournelles de Constant   1909   France              Peace

212       Elihu Root                                                1912      United States   Peace

213       Woodrow Wilson                                    1919      United States   Peace

214       Hjalmar Branting                                    1921      Sweden           Peace

215       Christian Lange                                       1921       Norway             Peace

216       Austen Chamberlain                               1925      United Kingdom Peace

217       Charles G. Dawes                                     1925      United States    Peace

218       Gustav Stresemann                                 1926     Germany           Peace

219       Ferdinand Buisson                                  1927     France              Peace

220       Nathan Söderblom                                 1930      Sweden           Peace

221       Jane Addams                                            1931      United States   Peace

222       Nicholas Murray Butler                         1931       United States   Peace

223       Arthur Henderson                                  1934      United Kingdom Peace

224       Carl von Ossietzky                                 1935     Germany           Peace

225       Cordell Hull                                            1945      United States   Peace

226       Emily Greene Balch                               1946      United States   Peace

227       John Raleigh Mott                                 1946       United States   Peace

228       Friends Service Council                         1947      United Kingdom Peace

229       American Friends Service Committee  1947     United States   Peace

230       The Lord Boyd-Orr                                 1949      United Kingdom Peace

231       Ralph Bunche                                           1950      United States   Peace

232       Albert Schweitzer                                    1952     France                Peace

233       George Catlett Marshall                         1953      United States   Peace

234       Lester Bowles Pearson                            1957      Canada            Peace

235       Dominique Pire                                        1958      Belgium           Peace

236       Philip Noel-Baker                                     1959      United Kingdom  Peace

237       Albert Lutuli                                              1960     South Africa      Peace

238       Dag Hammarskjöld                                 1961      Sweden           Peace

239       Martin Luther King, Jr.                          1964      United States   Peace

240       Norman E. Borlaug                                 1970      United States   Peace

241       Willy Brandt                                             1971        Germany           Peace

242       Seán MacBride                                        1974      Ireland                Peace

243       Betty Williams                                         1976      United Kingdom Peace

244       Mairead Corrigan                                  1976       United Kingdom  Peace

245       Mother Teresa                                         1979     Albania             Peace

246       Adolfo Pérez Esquivel                           1980      Argentina         Peace

247       Alfonso García Robles                          1982      Mexico            Peace

248       Lech Wa??sa                                           1983     Poland              Peace

249       Desmond Tutu                                       1984      South Africa     Peace

250       Óscar Arias                                             1987      Costa Rica       Peace

251       Nelson Mandela                                     1993      South Africa     Peace

252       Frederik Willem de Klerk                    1993      South Africa     Peace

253       Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo                 1996      East Timor       Peace

254       José Ramos-Horta                                 1996      East Timor      Peace

255       John Hume                                             1998      United Kingdom Peace

256       David Trimble                                        1998      United Kingdom Peace

257       Kim Dae-Jung                                        2000      South Korea     Peace

258       Kofi Annan                                            2001      Ghana              Peace

259       Jimmy Carter                                        2002      United States   Peace

260       Wangari Muta Maathai                       2004      Kenya              Peace

261       Al Gore                                                    2007      United States   Peace

262       Martti Ahtisaari                                    2008      Finland              Peace

263       Barack Obama                                      2009      United States   Peace

264       Ellen Johnson Sirleaf                           2011      Liberia             Peace

265       Leymah Gbowee                                   2011        Liberia             Peace

266       Juan Manuel Santos                            2016      Colombia         Peace

267       Ragnar Frisch                                        1969      Norway            Economics

268       Jan Tinbergen                                       1969      Netherlands       Economics

269       Tjalling Koopmans                                 1975      Netherlands, US Economics

270       Theodore Schultz                                  1979      United States   Economics

271       Arthur Lewis                                           1979      Saint Lucia, UK Economics

272       George Stigler                                       1982      United States   Economics

273       James M. Buchanan                              1986      United States   Economics

274       Maurice Allais                                        1988      France             Economics

275       Trygve Haavelmo                                  1989      Norway            Economics

276       William Vickrey                                      1996      Canada, US     Economics

277       Robert F. Engle                                     2003      United States   Economics

278       Clive Granger                                           2003    United Kingdom  Economics

279       Elinor Ostrom                                        2009      United States   Economics

280       Christopher A. Pissarides                     2010      Cyprus             Economics

281       Eugene F. Fama                                      2013      United States   Economics

282       Robert J. Shiller                                     2013      United States   Economics

1. Non-Religious Nobel Prize winners

#          Name                                                    Field

1          Svante Arrhenius                              Chemistry

2          Paul D. Boyer                                    Chemistry

3          John Cornforth                                 Chemistry

4          Frédéric Joliot-Curie                       Chemistry

5          Irène Joliot-Curie                             Chemistry

6          Richard R. Ernst                               Chemistry

7          Herbert A. Hauptman                      Chemistry

8          Roald Hoffmann                               Chemistry

9          Harold W. Kroto                               Chemistry

10         Jean-Marie Lehn                             Chemistry

11         Peter D. Mitchell                              Chemistry

12         George Andrew Olah                      Chemistry

13         Wilhelm Ostwald                             Chemistry

14         Linus Pauling                                   Chemistry

15         Max Perutz                                       Chemistry

16         Frederick Sanger                            Chemistry

17         Michael Smith                                 Chemistry

18         Harold Urey                                    Chemistry

19         Milton Friedman                            Economics

20         John Harsanyi                                Economics

21         Friedrich Hayek                              Economics

22         John Forbes Nash, Jr.                   Economics

23         Reinhard Selten                              Economics

24         Amartya Sen                                    Economics

25         Samuel Beckett (1969)                           Literature

26         Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson (1903)              Literature

27         Pearl S. Buck (1938)                               Literature

28         Albert Camus                                           Literature

29         Anatole France                                        Literature

30         John Galsworthy (1932)                       Literature

31         Dario Fo                                                    Literature

32         Nadine Gordimer                                   Literature

33         Gao Xingjian                                           Literature

34         Pablo Neruda                                          Literature

35         Eugene O’Neill                                        Literature

36         Bertrand Russell                                    Literature

37         George Bernard Shaw                           Literature

38         Jean-Paul Sartre                                    Literature

39         Wole Soyinka.                                         Literature

40         John Steinbeck                                       Literature

41         José Saramago                                        Literature

42         Norman Angell (1933)                           Peace

43         Klas Pontus Arnoldson (1908)             Peace

44         Mikhail Gorbachev                                 Peace

45         Linus Pauling                                           Peace

46         Andrei Sakharov                                      Peace

47         Elie Wiesel                                                Peace

48         Zhores Alferov                                         Physics

49         Hannes Alfvén                                         Physics

50         Philip Warren Anderson                       Physics

51         John Bardeen                                           Physics

52         Hans Bethe                                               Physics

53         Patrick Blackett                                       Physics

54         Nicolaas Bloembergen                           Physics

55         Niels Bohr                                                 Physics

56         Percy Williams Bridgman                     Physics

57         Louis de Broglie                                      Physics

58         James Chadwick                                     Physics

59         Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar           Physics

60         Marie Curie                                             Physics

61         Pierre Curie                                              Physics

62         Paul Dirac                                                Physics

63         Albert Einstein                                        Physics

64         Enrico Fermi                                            Physics

65         Richard Feynman                                   Physics

66         Val Logsdon Fitch                                   Physics

67         James Franck                                           Physics

68         Dennis Gabor                                           Physics

69         Murray Gell-Mann                                  Physics

70         Vitaly Ginzburg                                        Physics

71         Roy J. Glauber                                          Physics

72         Peter Higgs                                                Physics

73         Gerard ‘t Hooft                                         Physics

74         Herbert Kroemer                                    Physics

75         Lev Landau                                               Physics

76         Leon M. Lederman                                 Physics

77         Albert A. Michelson                               Physics

78         Konstantin Novoselov                           Physics

79         Jean Baptiste Perrin                              Physics

80         Isidor Isaac Rabi                                   Physics

81         C. V. Raman                                            Physics

82         William Shockley                                   Physics

83         Erwin Schrödinger                                Physics

84         George Smoot                                         Physics

85         Jack Steinberger                                    Physics

86         Igor Tamm                                             Physics

87         Johannes Diderik van der Waals       Physics

88         Eugene Wigner                                      Physics

89         Steven Weinberg                                   Physics

90         Chen-Ning Yang                                    Physics

91         Julius Axelrod                                       Physiology or Medicine

92         Robert Bárány (1914)                          Physiology or Medicine

93         George Bea                                            Physiology or Medicine


Nobel Prize Winners By Religion: Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Non-Religious

Vladislav Gajic/Shutterstock.com

This was our list of Nobel Prize Winners By Religion: Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Non-Religious.

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