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Clint Eastwood \'Border Godfather\'

(2019-03-30 21:24:30) 下一个


Handyman Clint Eastwood inspiration adventure's Journey to the unknown culture of his own (58:40), alien to his own son: Hollywood movies 2016 English - Border Godfather (can conduct West-East crosstalk and guide the young students like "Tao". https://youtu.be/g6DWB3CT0g8 via @YouTube

alien to son, Handyman Clint Eastwood adventure to the unknown culture (58:40): "Border Godfather" West-East crosstalk and role model young students like "Tao" - soft side of hero, inspirational. https://youtu.be/g6DWB3CT0g8 via @YouTube

Hollywood movies 2016 English - Border Godfather

I think this is his best film. It's very cold yet emotional. The ending is really sad & powerful?
Sydney Leggett
Again, a wonderful movie. My old age, small knowledge of the Hmong and Laos history help me to understand.?
Mike Melina
This movie always makes me laugh...and cry. Clint Eastwood is a national treasure who really knows how to tell a story. A rare gift few in Hollywood share.?
View 14 replies
philly od
This is 3rd or 4th time I've seen this and it never gets old! Cints character reminds me a lot of my late father, also a Korean war vet. He even had a 72 Grand Torino for awhile back in the day! Thanks for the upload.?
john king
That old hag loves his ass.  The young woman is epic and Clint is always.?
I don't normally comment on Movies, but what a great Film this was and is a must watch Film, Clint as always played such a great character, miserable Old Sod to a man with a heart, brilliant.?
Roy Bates
maybe the australian government should look at this movie?
Lelu Kat
I've seen this movie countless times and only now realized Clint Eastwood's son is in this too. The guy that Sue is walking down the street with when they run into the gang on the corner.?
That Black Gang will be happy to know that they control the hood now :-)
But just stay out of Palos Verdes !?
Simon Lemay
great movie?
Movie Title Gran Torino Directed by and Starring Clint Eastwood
Entire Movie good, audio good, captions good. lighting low.
Thank you Joe Smith I subscribed and liked!!?
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Clodelle Ann Alegado
Wow,i thought that was a very good movie,,very enjoyable?
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Jesse Garrett
The priest is not based on reality they would never keep persisting to bother this guy?
"BORDER WHAT"??LOL!!(I Hear you Dude...)?
He still looks good - glad he kept botox witch doctors away.?
Vicky Victoria Jolina Modelling Iliaens
Ow crap , first i laugh my ... Of , now i gotta cry ... This really is a highly recommanded movie , love it thx?
philip ryan
such a clever movie educational in many areas of life but then Clint Eastwood is a very clever man well done sir?
Arthur Varghese
Hi Joe .. Thank you for posting this. Had always wanted to see this. Funny title though....... Arthur /Cochin.?
Russell E Kenny
Great movie worth the watch  one of Americas best and brilliant actors?
Stephanie Noblett
Clint Eastwood is a legend...I have seen this movie before "Grand Torino"......I have been a huge fan for nearly 50 years. A must see!!!!!?
James MacKenzie
Enjoyed the movie. Thanks.?
Marcia Crosby
why iis it so dark; I trued adjustig my diisplay?
Terry Murphy
Clint is the best no one can argue the fact.?
Raphael Andrews
Eastwood is the  master of telling a story on screen  can teach younger film makers a thing or two. Brilliant film.?
MMinLamesa !
Probably my favorite Clint flick-dynamite from start to finish.?
Diggsbee *
I'm a sci-fi movie person but found this to be an excellent movie wasn't expecting the ending at all caught me totally off guard?
James Walls
They are NOT made like Clint Eastwood anymore, actually, they never did. He is one of a kind. A true master.?
View 2 replies
Corinne Vickey
Clint Eastwood does  it again.   This story has everything.   Thank You for sharing.  Namaste?
J A Jones-Ford
Always enjoy seeing a Clint Eastwood movie?
Mr Cringe
I thought at the end he would have lead body armour as in 'A Fistful of Dollars,' but this was so much better.?
Craig Hatzi
Caught ya...First shot of the Torino was a Sport top(fast back)  and final was a coupe  with a vinyl top?
Panzer Blitz
First time seeing this movie after all these years. What a great story and surprise ending....I actually wept and was moved by what he did for his true friends.
THANK YOU, Mr. Eastwood. for bringing us such and awesome story and a film that is pure GOLD!!! My hat is off to you sir!?
John Plummer III
Thanks for the upload of a great Clint Eastwood film I have seen it a few times. He's one of the last Great silver screen hero's movie stars. Not like the want a be snow flakes we have now?
TheReal9Incher AndProudOfIt
Terri Dukes
Skully Anderthal
Enjoyable movie,had seen it over a decade ago and watched it again,thank you for the download.?
hidenari hobble
peter doulgeris
hey Joseph where is the audio I thing you are great movie but you have to do beater next time I hope?
John Smith
Fantastic and thanks for the upload?
Tawfik Tome
Grand Torino?
bill Martino
I love the movie Grand Torino but unfortunately I cant read lips damnit!?
Adrien Pitre
Good show!  now I feel so old looking at clint wow still awesome actor worth watching?
lynda renaud
Excellent movie! Clint Eastwood does not disappoint. Thank you for sharing...?
Splaticus Blah
This is Gran Torino?
The Roadwarrior
Great movie!
Unfortunately some scenes have been cut in this version...?
NOBULL ziggster
The Hmong helped the USA During the Vietnam conflict.. Great people, I did not get to work with any of them over seas myself but did meet one of two brothers that had Walked out of Asia...A stellar person...?
This movie is Soo Good, just Fantastic , at 50;00 is the Funniest shit?
ellinor glorioso
Way to go Clint, I loved this movie! Good timing on our worlds integration problems and  wounds needing healing. Excellent! making visible what is needed within us all to live and SEE! Thank you for this one.Twas sorely needed in our day and age.?
Aroha Gerrard
Had to put headphones on, brilliant movie!!, brilliant actor Clint Eastwood,?
ABB 4323
I agree with everyone ,GREAT MOVIE!?
jonas liljekvist
really good Movie thanks,Ihave seen it Before,but this one is so good that you can look at it again.?
Epi Phone
Great Film !! I cried, unashamedly.?
OneLove77 OneLove77
Clint Eastwood is top of my top 5 best actors...?
Relic Hunter
Thank you very much for sharing... Laughed and Cried. 2 Hands up to Sir Clint Eastwood.... I Salute you Sir! By the way, Title is Gran Torino?
View 5 replies
mark emilio
john king
She is fkn BEAUTIFUL.?
May Hawk
No sound, the movie is worth watching if you can find a decent upload.?
WOW! Terrific upload! Good sound quality.  On my device I had to speed it up a notch.  Good video quality as well.   Thanks for the good movie!?
Brilliant movie. Thanks for posting it.?
Rosalinda Olsen
Not quite different from his well-known hard-ass hero roles, and the ending was almost predictable, but the movie is a realistic and poignant portrayal of the human condition.?
John Biccum
For me, this was one of the best movies I have ever watched. Thank you for the upload. I would have loved a Walt when I was growing up. Someone who played it straight and called it like it was. I pray that one day I can be a Walt.?
Kommando 1
That is a good movie! To bad there's no sound at all. 0 sound. So I'll give this video a thumbs down.?
Archie Smith
Well this sucks wanted to see this program but there's no audio what the hell is going on with this channel????
June Rosa
The Movie is called Gran Torino.?
ivy beene
Love this movie but the visual was kind of bad.?
Chantal Fortier
Thanks for the movie?
Mr Eastwood I thank you for this film You leave a proud legacy and body of work. This to my mind is your greatest work as well as The Bridges of Madison County. You are truly a man of honor and great convictions.?
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