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Jennifer Love Hewitt as Audrey Hepburn

(2018-07-08 17:15:20) 下一个

Jennifer Love Hewitt as Audrey Hepburn (2000) Biopic Drama 

Wow: WWII - Hepburn with Dutch mother in Brussels - helping underground messages against NAZI , brave with justice. Years not being with her father (sympathy with NAZI Germans), trained in ballet schools, not talent as told, switched to acting on stage, spotted by Hollywood old lady producer and writer for "Gigi" role on Broadway, embarking on fame. Refused to marry a rich guy, she stayed on acting .... Later, refused to marry a guy who got through "vasectomy" (no sperm in semen), can't have children, she's very determined to have control her own life.

"Go by your instinct, even though you don't know "what's pure sexuality" means on stage - that's how you interpret "Gigi" on stage, live by instinct" said by Hollywood old lady producer and writer for "Gigi" role on Broadway. Internal compass - instinct guides you through trouble water.

team work to beauty - Both JLH's and AH's beauty were the product of a team work.

JLH - hometown growing, 

Jennifer Love Hewitt as Audrey Hepburn (2000) Biopic Drama M



Vasectomy: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

https://medlineplus.gov › Medical Encyclopedia
Mar 28, 2016 - These are the tubes that carry a sperm from testicles to the urethra. After a ... You may have a vasectomy without a surgical cut. This is called a ...


Vasectomy - Wikipedia

Vasectomy is a surgical procedure for male sterilization or permanent contraception. During the ... Sperm are still produced by the testicles, but they are soon broken down and ... In January 2008, the F.D.A. cleared a home test called SpermCheck .... The surgical wound created by the No-Scalpel method usually does not ...
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