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震天雷, \'Sky-shaking Thunder

(2018-07-13 11:35:18) 下一个

Trump arrives at Blenheim Palace - BBC News: 430,039 views
Note how thick those car doors! Can't open from inside! Red guards parade: just walking, not knee high kicking step! Teresa May only hand-shakes with Trump, no hug (not formal? not official approved?)

 Amazing Grace is a signature !

Published on Jul 12, 2018

Theresa and Philip May stand alongside Donald and Melania Trump on the steps of the palace to listen to Liberty Fanfare, the National Emblem, and a special arrangement of Dear Lord and Father of Mankind with Amazing Grace, played by the guards.

There are bagpipes mixed in to the arrangement, in a nod to Mr Trump's Scottish connections.))

Google headline news: I didn't know such name until checking it out, below.

Zhen Tian Lei (震天雷, "Sky-shaking Thunder") were created when Chinese soldiers packed gunpowder into ceramic or metal containers.


UK tabloid reporter: Trump gave May a 'wrapped hand grenade ...

6 hours ago - Tabloid reporter Tom Newton Dunn says that President Donald Trump gave Prime Minister Theresa May a 'wrapped hand grenade' after he ...

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Hand grenade - Wikipedia

A grenade is a small weapon typically thrown by hand. Generally, a grenade consists of an ... as Zhen Tian Lei (震天雷, "Sky-shaking Thunder") were created when Chinese soldiers packed gunpowder into ceramic or metal containers.

Vladimir Arutyunian - Wikipedia

Vladimir Arutyunian is a Georgian national who attempted to assassinate United States President George W. Bush and Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili by throwing a hand grenade at them on 10 May 2005. ... Arutyunian threw a Soviet-made RGD-5 hand grenade, wrapped in a red tartan handkerchief, toward the ...

RGD-5 - Wikipedia

The RGD-5 is a post-World War II Soviet anti-personnel fragmentation grenade, designed in the ... When Bush began speaking, Arutyunian threw a RGD-5 hand grenade wrapped in a red plaid handkerchief toward the podium where Bush ...

Amazon.com: Survival GRENADE Emergency Key Chain Survival Kit ...

The paracord grenade will last a lifetime with quality components wrapped in over 9 feet of paracord. Survival Kit includes over 8 quality tools - Sharp Eye Knife, ...

How do hand grenades work? What explosives do they contain? I was ...

The grenade is held in your throwing hand with your fingers wrapped over the handle facing away from you, with the second joints over the handle. Hold that ...

What is the best thing to do when a grenade is thrown at you? - Quora

The generally accepted fragmentation radius for a frag grenade is 30-35 feet, and ...... you know that wrapping your hand around the firecracker will cause major ...
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