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01/23“谭德塞(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)在周四召开的一次紧急会议上,感谢北京的"合作与透明",并赞同中国为遏制该病毒传播所采取的措施。
01/24: “Make no mistake: This is an emergency in China. But it has not yet become a global health emergency. It may yet become one,’’
01/31: He also said the WHO "deeply regrets" a mistake in three of its reports last week in which it described the global risk posed by the disease as "moderate" instead of "high." He put the misrepresentation down to "human error."
02/11: 他说,一旦病毒袭击一个卫生体系薄弱的国家,混乱将一发不可收拾。“目前看,还不至于发生这样的事情,但并不等于这样的事情不会发生。它是可能发生的。”
02/21 “The real issue is whether we are seeing efficient community transmission outside of China and at the present time we are not observing that”.
02/24:“Using the word ‘pandemic’ now does not fit the facts but may certainly cause fear,”
02/27: "With the right measures, it can be contained,"
03/04: "We can push this virus back."
03/09:“Now that the virus has a foothold in so many countries, the threat of a pandemic has become very real,”
03/10: "The bottom line is: we are not at the mercy of this virus"
03/12: “This is a controllable pandemic,”