
风险声明:这是一个记载学习理财炒股的个人心得笔记. 对他人采用本博客信息导致的失误和损失本人不承担任何义务和责任,敬请鉴凉.
jim366 (热门博主)
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8000元 起炒 ( 01/19/2007 )(ZT)

(2007-01-21 04:48:40) 下一个
来源: entry07-01-20 20:54:36 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话]

1. Money Management

With US$8000, only buy up to two stocks at any given time.
Only buy the market leaders on a bull market.

Buy QID if maket is dropping.

Keep cash if market in a flat base.

Never touch penny stocks.

2. Buy point and Sell point

There are mainly two point to buy stocks:

a. Breakout from a well formed flat base with volume.

b. After some wash sell on a bottom, there is a break away gap with volume.

Sell a position at once if it has a breakout failure or drops back to its base.

Add small postion if I have a winning stocks on any light volume pull back.

Never average down.

3. Risk Control

Cut loss at no more than 2% on any trade.

4. Target

No target. Just follow the market.

转贴评论: 不错,有计划,有目的,有系统,严格按系统方针办,相信作者一定能取得实效
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