STOP technique is helpful for you.
S stands for slow down,
T stands for
take a breath
O stands for to observe : What's going on in your body?
What are you thinking?
Feeling? What is the other person actually saying?
Or what is actually going
on as opposed to your thoughts about it?
P stands for process possibilities and proceed:
What options do you have?
What might be helpful to do or say?
The STOP technique creates a pause that
gives you time to think before you act.
It helps you become more
aware of your thoughts, feelings,
and body sensations, so you see more clearly
what is happening and how you might respond skillfully.
It helps you
deal with roommate conflicts,
the stress of exams,
and even your own negative self-talk.
Here's a good example of how it can help you.
I'm reading from an actual example,
"The first time I really noticed
the power of the STOP technique,
was after I was sitting at
the doctor's office waiting for some test results,
and my doctor was running late.
I found myself in a very uneasy state.
It couldn't think straight,
and I was bouncing up and down with nerves.
That's when I remember the STOP technique.
I took a moment to slow down my breathing,
and my heart rate,
instead of listening to my own scared thought.
I tried to listen to what was going on around me,
and I considered my two options;
I could either freak out and stress event
something I had no control over
or I could relax and make the best
out of whatever my test results showed.
Not only did I feel more relaxed and calm,
but my overall mood and state of mind
improved as I stopped fighting
with my biggest demon, myself."
So, check your memory.
What does STOP stand for?Use it to help you stay calm and cool all day long.