席琳 (热门博主)
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(2005-06-07 20:35:55) 下一个



The month of March is marching in,

Hurrah, hurrah!

The month of March, let spring begin,

Hurrah, hurrah!

The month of March is marching in,

And birds return from where they've been,

And we all feel good

When March is marching in!

(Boom! Boom! Boom!)

The month of March is turning warm,

Hurrah, hurrah!

And tiny buds begin to form,

Hurrah, hurrah!

The month of March is turning warm,

And bugs and bees begin to swarm,

And we all feel good

When March is marching in!

(Boom! Boom! Boom!)

The month of March is brings happy days,

Hurrah, hurrah!

We celebrate in many ways,

Hurrah, hurrah!

The month of March brings happy days,

St. Patrick's Day has great parades,

And we all feel good

When March is marching in!

(Boom! Boom! Boom!)

下面这一首,则是姐姐的习作(七岁零3个月,小学一年级)。顺便解释一下,圣Patrick节又称爱尔兰三叶草(Irish shamrocks)节日。St. Patrick是爱尔兰文化里一个著名的宗教人物。在每年的3月17号,欧洲人和美国人,穿绿颜色的印有爱尔兰三叶草标识的衣服和帽子,上街去游行,以示庆祝。

Happy Patrick’s Day

On the Patrick’s Day

We’re wearing green.

Sometimes it’s rainy.

Shamrocks are green and tiny.

Getting ready

For the weather?

When the rain dries,

A pretty shiny

Rainbow appeared upon                                                  

The shamrocks’ heads.  


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