在我2006年参军的时候,几位好友都很惊讶。38岁的高龄,干吗从军呢?或许是想为自己开劈一条新河,还是挑战一下已经多年朝9晚5的枯燥乏味的办公室生涯? 我至今无从得知。
书归正传,两年前此时,我是刚刚休了一个月的康复假,回到的我所在的PTRP,The Fitness Company.
这里有两百多位军训,也就是BOOT CAMP中受伤的战士。我因为是右脚指两根骨头摔断,后打了石膏,必需用拐杖,所以我是与其他20几位类似的战友,住一楼,"Crutch Bay".
They call me LOU there, or SPC LOU, for they just couldn't pronouce my last name
liu right. I didn't mind that all. I can't remember exact what day,我只记得,白天一直下着雨,天空阴沉沉的,我们明明雨衣上有帽子,Drill Sergeant Myers,说我们需要 discipline, 所以要脱掉帽子淋雨,真没办法,谁让我们是军人呢,只好照办。之后发生的事是我一生中最痛心忌首的。
所有的战士都很不开心,很突然的,好象他们需要某种情绪发泄管道,他们,尤其是女兵,白人女兵,开始向我发出功激。好象我是罪魁祸首。真是欲加之罪,何患无辞啊!我永远也忘不了,一位面露凶相的女兵,用手指这我说,“You are evil!" 我的世界开始下沉,我惊得说不出话来。为什麽?我到底做或说错了什麽?竟然惨遭如此恶言咒骂?!
难道单单因为我是唯一的中国人,他们就敢这样侮辱我吗?他们侮辱了全体在美的华人同胞,还有我们国内的13亿父老乡亲呀。想不道二十一世记的今天,racial discrimination is still going on in our strongest army in the whole world. I just feel so, so sad and shocked and speechless.
Fort Jackson 是美军最大的新兵训练地。Jessica Lynch 就曾经在此受训。我的 Alpha Company, 34 Infintry Regimen 的 First Sergeant Hall, 就曾经是 Jessica Lynch's Drill Sergeant.
PTRP stands for Physical Training Rehab something, I can't remember. Also called the Fitness Company (
To be continued......
Thank you for your opinion. Yes, I have been through the gas chamber without any protection, it was horrible. I went through 75% of the Combat Basic Training until I got injured. Thanks a lot.
trust yourself anyehere only?have you ever been in gas room without protection how many minutes?rules ? or games treating( cheating) new soldier?