

(2013-09-07 08:25:57) 下一个

我的新浪博客地址: http://blog.sina.com.cn/lvyehonghuamei


  “作为一名亚裔美国人,我从小生活在城郊地区(硅谷算是城郊吗?),一直到上了大学,才有几会在大都市读书。我旅游过许多地方。去过中国,也到过美国其他 城市,亲眼见识了不同文化背景下的人们,他们不同的生活状态和文化修养。但是, 这样的旅游,多半是走马观花,游客心态。在中国旅游,我被亲戚朋友环绕,在美国旅游,我总是住在酒店。眼睛所见,多是人为安排好的完美风景。没有人知道我 的内心渴求,是希望看见它的另一面,即真实的一面。只可惜没有机会,无缘看见。

  美国这个国家,在我心目中的深刻印象,几乎来自于两个伟大的美国小说家:一个是海明威,另一个是约翰-斯坦贝克。在他们的小说中,我看见了美国人的价值 观、自由和信念,当然还有重视舒适生活、安全的环境和宽容的精神。我想亲自体验斯坦贝克笔下的美国,我想住进海明威描述的美国。rediscover America for myself.

  所幸我的父母在教育他们的孩子时,给了我们一个宽松健康的自由环境,使得我看到生活的多样性。我是一个求知和好奇心都极旺盛的年轻人。这个夏天,去寻找一 个我心目中的美国,成为了我计划的核心。我想为自己的经历寻求一个证明,而不想象其他的同学那样,关起门来做实习或做研究。

  科罗拉多之旅,有可能是我精神之旅的最有意义的一次经历。它让我变得成熟,It really grew me as a man。

***  ***  ***


I have to preface this journal entry by first saying that I am still growing as a man and learning what it means to be a loving human being to my fellow people, but my trip to Colorado was probably one of the most rewarding and mentally testing experiences of my life. It really grew me as a man.


  Before, I was the suburban child that later moved to an urban area for my higher education. My parents have always given me a healthy amount of freedom, so I got to see multiple ways of life, especially when I took trips to China. Different parts and different people of America, however, was a different story. I had always stayed either at Asian family friends’ places or hotels while traveling through America, never giving me the other side of the picture that I longed to see.


  I longed to see the picture of America that was painted in my mind by great novelists like Steinbeck and Hemmingway, a rugged land with rugged people that would do rugged work. An America that valued work, freedom, and conviction apart from the America I see that values comfort, safety, and tolerance. I wanted to see the Steinbeck America. I wanted to live in the Hemmingway America. That is what led me to set aside the centerpiece of my summer to, instead of do an internship or research, rediscover America for myself.


( To be Continued...)


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sweetbug 回复 悄悄话 出入,不是出路。Oops.
sweetbug 回复 悄悄话 不过你的翻译和你儿子的本意有的地方有很大的出路。:)
sweetbug 回复 悄悄话 你儿子是个有独立思考能力的人。 真不错。
绿叶红花美 回复 悄悄话 回复 'eRandom' 的评论 : 其实我也是很担心的。但是,读了他的游记,我也不免向往。。。
绿叶红花美 回复 悄悄话 回复 '圈外闲人' 的评论 : 是孩子自己的选择。他写了出来,我才了解他的想法。
圈外闲人 回复 悄悄话 佩服!
eRandom 回复 悄悄话 了不起的一次尝试,也是一次令人有许多期待的人生旅行和一种别样的生活方式,读来让我老人家也跃跃欲试。