People are strange
People are strange. We willnever be happy.
In our case, when work isbusy, we are stressed out. We lose our patience, we are focused onour files, we talk rudely on the phone and everything has to berushed. After we finish a day’s work, just look at our faces,theyare not pretty anymore. Our hair stands up and our eyes are red andwe also look ten years older. We pray to God and hope that businesscan slow down so we can take abreak.
Now our wishes have come true.The business has slowed!In fact, it has even stopped. Oh my God!How could you make that happen? We are totallyfree.
Originally, we thought we willcelebrate. However, we are so bored out of our minds. Everymorning, when we come to work, we don’t know what to do that day.It is difficult to find something to do to kill the time. Don’tthink we can relax to do our own thing! Actually, we have topretend we are still busy. Oh,kill us!
We call the agents all thetime to send us conditions so we can complete our stupid files andsend them out to the next group which we call the closingdepartment so they can suffer. But things never work out the wayyou want them to. When we finish our routine work, we think we cango home but we look at the clock and realize the day is far fromover.
Since we can not go home, wehave to do some thing because we are human, not robots. Theworkplace social life is more active lately. We have more time totalk about kids,husbands, complaints, shopping and other interests.We also have more time for parties, outside lunches and food. Eventhough some of these changes are fun, in the end we still arebored. We call the agent again.
OK, so now what? We are nothappy when work is too busy and we are not happy when work is tooslow.
What is our dream work day?Let me tell you. 呵呵。![人真的很奇怪 人真的很奇怪](http://www.sinaimg.cn/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___0134ZHTSSIGT.gif)
Every morning, after finishingmy housework, I would come to office around 10:00 am and say “goodmorning” to everybody nicely with my smile. I would then go to getcoffee and chat with friends and compliment them about their looksand dress, afterwords, I would check my e-mail and respond. Thiswould take more than ten minutes.
After all this, I can finallystart to work. In my drawer there would be only three files and allthe conditions would be provided. I would clear these conditionssmoothly. It would take about a half hour to complete each. Oncethe file gets complete, I would send out to closing department. Itwould actually be fun.
Between each file, I wouldmake a phone call to my friend and chat for a bit. After the thirdphone call, I would glance at my watch and it would already belunchtime. I would call my co-worker, who is also my best friend,to go out to lunch at my favorite restaurant. At lunch, I wouldorder whatever I want and eat it all too and never getfat.
After a wonderful lunch andconversation with my friend, I look at my watch again and see thatwe still have plenty of time to go shopping. At the mall, I findlots of discounts and I buy a dress that I have been waiting for.The best part is that the dress is 90% off so I buy two. Holding myshopping bag, I head back to work.
When I get back to office,there are two new files sitting on my desk. I open them and take alook. To my surprise, they are both agency refinances (Agency loanis the easiest loan to process. No income, assets, and appraisaldocumentation is required.). So I sit down and spend one hourvalidating these two files. The afternoon is the time when I ammost focused. After validation, I give my agent a call to updateher on the progress of her files. She tells me, “Wow! You are doingsuch a great job. You are the best loan processor ever!” I feelhappy too.
So I decide to go outside totake a walk in the beautiful sunshine. It is not really hotoutside, there is a gentle breeze, the wind softly blows my hairback, the sun is warm on my face. I think to myself, “Life is sobeautiful! I am so lucky, I really appreciate the simple things inmy life.”
Walking back, I feel totallyenergized and refreshed. I hum a little song to myself as I walk tothe elevator. Before I step in, I bump into my friend and she says,“Hi Tina, you look great today,” as she walks by. I just smile andgo back to my desk.
When I get back to my cubicle,I remember that the manager has already left for an off-sitemeeting. I glance at watch again, it is a little too early to gohome but who cares, I am the best worker and the manager reallyloves me so it does not matter. I start packing my stuff. Rightbefore leaving, I check my paycheck on the company computer system.I am delighted to find out I received a great bonus.
As I leave to go home, I amlooking forward to eating with my family. As I am thinking aboutthis, I have a smile that stretches from ear toear.
What a great daytoday!![人真的很奇怪 人真的很奇怪](http://www.sinaimg.cn/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___0381ZHKBSIGT.gif)
![人真的很奇怪 人真的很奇怪](http://www.sinaimg.cn/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___0025ZHPPSIGT.gif)
![人真的很奇怪 人真的很奇怪](http://www.sinaimg.cn/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___0025ZHPPSIGT.gif)
![人真的很奇怪 人真的很奇怪](http://www.sinaimg.cn/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___0025ZHPPSIGT.gif)
![人真的很奇怪 人真的很奇怪](http://www.sinaimg.cn/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___0025ZHPPSIGT.gif)
![人真的很奇怪 人真的很奇怪](http://www.sinaimg.cn/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___0027ZHPPSIGT.gif)
![人真的很奇怪 人真的很奇怪](http://www.sinaimg.cn/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___0027ZHPPSIGT.gif)
![人真的很奇怪 人真的很奇怪](http://www.sinaimg.cn/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___0027ZHPPSIGT.gif)
![人真的很奇怪 人真的很奇怪](http://www.sinaimg.cn/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___0027ZHPPSIGT.gif)
我们照往常一样,给那些贷款经纪人打电话,问他们索要需要的客户材料,然后好把这些讨厌的卷宗递交给下面一个Closing部门去, 让他们去痛苦抓狂。但是事情总不会像我们想象的那样进行。好不容易做完了手头固定的工作,抬头一看挂钟,NND,离这一天的结束还早着呢。
既然我们无法提前回家,我们就必须找些事情做才对,因为我们是人不是机器。工作场合最后就变成了社交场合。我们有更多的时间谈论孩子,老公,客户,逛街以及其他有趣的事情。我们也有更多的时间聚会,外出吃午餐 和买零食。即使是这些改变能让我们感觉一时的 开心, 但是最终还是感觉无聊无趣。于是,我们就拿起电话再给贷款经纪人打电话。
什么是我们梦想的工作呢?让我来告诉你。呵呵 (开始痴人说梦)![人真的很奇怪 人真的很奇怪](http://www.sinaimg.cn/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___0432ZHMGSIGT.gif)
每天早上,当我做完家务活以后,我大概10点钟左右来到班上。我非常 礼貌温柔地挂着微笑,对每一个人说着“早上好。” 然后我去倒一杯咖啡,和朋友聊聊天,寒暄一下他们的容貌和衣着。话说完了,我开始检查我自己的伊妹儿,回复一下。这大概用去十分钟的时间。
正当我赶回公司,有两个新进来的贷款卷宗正好放在我的桌上。我打开一看,出乎我的意料,两个卷宗都是“AgencyRefinances” (这中类型的贷款最容易审批。不查收入,不查财产,也不用评估房屋估价)。于是,我好好地坐下来,专心地审核这两个不用动脑的贷款申请。下午的这个时间是我这一天唯一最专心的时间。做完以后,我打电话告诉她都搞定啦。于是我听到她说:“哇!你做得太棒啦。你是我见过的 最好的审核员。” 这时,我也感到开心满足。
散步回来,我感觉浑身充满了能量和活力。我哼着小调往电梯那里走。进电梯之前,我串门到我的好朋友那里,只听她说:“嗨红花,你今天看起来气色真不错。” 从她那里走开,我微笑着重新回到我的办公桌旁。
回到我的工作间,我想起来了, 主管有一个会议早就离开了。我又瞄一眼手表,回家呢好像嫌早了些但是管他呢,谁叫我是最好的员工而且主管总是偏爱我,没事儿的。我开始整理我的东西。离开之前,我上公司网站看看我这个月的薪水如何。我高兴地发现我收到了很不错的奖金哦。
多么美妙的一天啊!(哈哈哈, 整个一个白日做梦。)![人真的很奇怪 人真的很奇怪](http://www.sinaimg.cn/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___0381ZHKBSIGT.gif)