昨天下雪在家,小P写一首诗,他先读了一篇有关黄鼠狼的阅读理解文章(黄鼠狼会放很臭的屁的长得有点像小松鼠,但身体更大些),要求读完后根据文章中提到的facts(里面提到黄鼠狼的屁特别臭stink,放屁之前的信号是先“跺脚”:stamp the feet)来写一首creative poem。我以为他会一筹莫展,出乎我意料的是是他在六七分钟之内就写了下面这篇所谓的poem,虽然不太成型,但也令我满足了,跟你分享一下喜悦。
There once a weird skunk,
Who's(Whose) name was Bary Bunk.
Bary Bunk eats the garbage,
Whick(which) has a big fat trunk.
Bary says"who smelled my smell,
which is stinky as a bell?"
When you smell a chezzey well,
that is Bary Bunk.
If Bary Bunk stamps his feet,
you will totally be beat,
because he will stink his smell!
4/ /2011
There once was a mom named Lotus(我的英文名字),
Who loved the cute little crocus,(他告诉我这是一种小的花,我查了一下还真是我极喜欢的那种紫色小花,中文叫番红花)
She loved the warm weather,(真是知母莫如儿)
And she liked to be together.(我想他想表达的是我喜欢很多朋友或和他在一起)
Oh,that awesome mom named Lotus.(如此自豪他的妈妈!上次认为我是我们家“价值连城”的唯一“东西”)
最近发现小P的脑子越来越好用。昨天让他做了一篇三年级的阅读理解,http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/reading-comp/3rd-closet-creature.pdf 小说类的,说一个孩子老说他的closet里面有个monster,很害怕!后来好像是他的哥哥来帮他弄清真相:其实里面是他们家的猫。前面集体作业都做得非常棒!最后一题作业是:Retell “The Closet Creature” from the cat's point-of-view.结果他不理解题目意思,我猜他不理解“point-of-view”,因为当时我让他做,我自己去shopping了,他问姐姐姐姐在做自己的作业,就没理他。他自己瞎猜文不对题地“狗尾续貂”了一把。昨晚我检查时,我只让他重新read一遍题目,没有任何提示,这次居然明白是什么意思了主动说:就是让那只猫来重讲一遍故事。可见有时候他们并不是真的理解力一点都不行,而是需要化更多的时间来多读几遍!今天早上我就让他retell。故事如下:
I was scared of the dark house. I wanted to find a place to hide. Then I spotted Adam’s closet, so I hid there. But then Adam woke up and spotted his closet moving. It was because I was all bunched up and I was punching and kicking. Then Adam said “Who is in there?” He said it in a shaky voice, so I knew he was frightened. But I could not talk to him because I do not know how to speak human language. Instead, I just made a noise. But, instead of knowing, I was in, he slammed the door and it hit my head. “OW! That really hurt!” So I hid inside the closet in a deep spot, so I would be safe. About ten minutes later, Adam came with David. Next David got a sack and headed it toward me. I thought that was a great place for a cat to hide so I leaped inside. Then David and Adam looked at me. They had smiles on their faces. “Apricot!” shouted Adam. “Boy, you must be more scared than I was.”
To begin, a limerick is a funny little poem containing five lines. It has a very distinctive rhythm and rhyme pattern.
Rhyme Pattern: The last words of the first, second, and fifth lines all rhyme with each other. We’ll call those rhyming words “A,” however the words could be “ Peru,” “shoe,” and “true” as illustrated in the first poem below or “Tim,” “swim,” and “him” as illustrated in the second poem below. And the last words of the third and fourth lines rhyme with each other. We’ll call those rhyming words “B,” however the words could be “night” and “fright” in the first example or “dock” and “rock” in the second example.
Rhythm Pattern: The first, second, and fifth lines all have this rhythm pattern: da DUM da da DUM da da DUM (notice there are 3 DUMS or beats). Say, “There once was a fellow named Tim” out loud. Now say, “da DUM da da DUM da da DUM” out loud. Notice that both have the same rhythm. The third and fourth lines have a different rhythm pattern: da DUM da da DUM (notice there are 2 DUMS or beats). Say, “He fell off the dock” out loud. Now say “da DUM da da DUM” out loud. Notice that both have the same rhythm.
Albert Einstern was amazingly great.
He had lots of work and was never late.
Einstern found facts about light.
People thought he was bright.
A man who rarely made a mistake.
There was a duck named Mat.
One day he got a baseball bat.
She hit a hawk,
who then couldn’t talk.
Oh ,What an awesome duck with a hat.
If I were a roadrunner.
I’d run in the morning.
I’d run at night.
All over this land.
I’d run in the desert.
I’d run very fast.
I’d run for snakes,lizards and scorpions(蝎子).
All, all over this land.
To my deareast son 小P(底下这首诗我写给他的),
Little P likes to read the Romance of Three Kingdom(三国演义).
He is learning Zhuge Liang's wisdom(诸葛亮的智慧).
If you want to be her Valentine,
You'll definitely get freedom.
To my deareast daughter Cherry,
Cherry is so good at math.
She just got her wisdom tooth.
If you want to be her Valentine,
You’ll happily find the truth.
Best Mom Ever By Pride 小P(to mom)
My mom is the best person ever!
Oh ,how my mom loves me.
Many thanks for this awesome mom.
Many things she have did(has done?) for me.
Yeah! Nobody is better Mommy!
Be A Strong Man By 小P(to Bobby--- daddy’s nick name)
Bobby is very smart at technology.
Observantly he finds out many things.
Balanced meals make Bobby healthy.
Big wide brain makes Bobby smart!
Yes! I am so lucky to have Bobby!
Be The Best Soccer Player By 小P(to sister :Cheery)
Cherry is very athletic!
Heroes like her are superstars!
Epic thought of knowledge! (Epic史诗,叙事诗.我都不认识这词。)
Equal brain with a grown up!
Yeah! I am so lucky to have this sister!