(2009-01-14 06:39:36)
Democrat is always good for stock market. It\'s a people\'s party. As a matter of fact, in terms of wealth distribution, Democrat has a similar ideology to the socialist emphasizing on 人人有饭吃. It turns out that, to some extent, their economic policy has some sort of 回馈社会的味道, which in turn is beneficial to the so called re-production, resulting in further economic growth.
Republican, on the other hand, is a big spender. Its policy tends to protect rich folks under the name of capitalism. It encourages people to get rich quick. It\'s a cowboy style of running the government. We can clearly see that, the root of the financial crisis we are seeing now is mostly due to lack of regulation and control. Wall Street Criminals are pretty much running the show like a bunch of cowboys. Funny thing is, its has 老邓的"管他白人,黑人,能make money的就是能人"观点。Also, Republican has the mindset of outdated Cold War Logic. This is clearly demonstrated by Bush\'s 黑白论, ie., you are either a friend of US, or an enemy, there is no middle ground. The end result of this will be war and big defense spending resulting in heavy debt. All of these is actually not very friendly to the US domestic economy and financial health.
Stock market reflects the economic health and therefore, with the Republican spirit, it\'s not surprised to see that, most of the time, stock market behaves poorly under Republican control and the effect will be carried over for a year or two after the Democrat takes over. That\'s another reason I do not feel the stock market will see a bottom till mid 2010.
I love Bill Clinton. He is a great speaker. I enjoy his speech all the time. He is charming (that\'s why women love him). 老Bill和露小姐的雪茄问题,和我们今天的Bush问题比,是问题吗?
Talking about president, Mr. Jimmy Carter is a great man, but not a good president at all. He is a super clean guy. Unfortunately, his specialty is in planting peanut, not managing the country.
Now, if you have a choice, do you prefer 有点风流问题,呵呵,生活作风问题的Bill同志, 或会种花生的Carter同志?
I pick Bill同志. Why? Because he was good to the economy, which was good to the stock market. On top of that, Bill同志作主角,和露小姐搞了个免费,全球卖座的雪茄情色剧给我们观享. Today, where can you find 这样的好同志?
Let\'s hope Mr. Obama follows Bill同志, give us a good show(一大轮掌声鼓励).