

(2008-08-26 10:48:09) 下一个


今天是星期二 , 终于等到了这一天 ! 女儿正式上初中 ( 七年级 )!

You wouldn't believe how much pain and agony she went through to prepare for it. She has been working on her back pack for the last few days. Last night she took out everything from her backpack again. Going through every folder, every binder, she said to herself "I wonder if my binder is too thin because according to the requirement, I should get two inch binder..." She read the letter from school for the 100th time to make sure she did not miss anything. "It says we need to check out the school web site. I have not done that yet." She hopped on the laptop and started to look for the school web site! There was not much on their web site. Then she took out her school building map and the first day schedule, studying the map, memorizing where her classes are and tracing the route of the day. "So that I don't get lost, Mommy!"

For her outfit, she laid out two sets of outfit on the bedroom floor, one with long jeans and the other with the short jeans. "Tomorrow is in low 70's. In the morning, it is around 60." she told me. She decided to wear the long jeans. (By the way, she got two pairs of long straight jeans from Urban Outfitters this Sunday so that she has jeans of all style: the skinny type, the bell bottom shaped and the straight.) She put on the set that has long jeans, putting on a pair of matching blue canvas shoes, walked about in the house to get comfortable.

"Today I should go to bed early!" She left her backpack on the couch, the pair of shoes next to the couch, a pair of white socks on the shoes, and then told:"Mommy, do not touch these thing at all! These are for tomorrow!"

Then she went upstairs. She made sure all the clocks were on time, fixing them if they were not. When it stuck 9, she went straight to bed and reminded me:"Mommy, don't forget to wake me up if I do not wake up myself!"

At night when I went to my bedroom, I saw another set of clothes folded neatly on the floor. "That must be the outfit she is planning to wear for the second of school. Talking about being obsessive!" mused to myself.

We signed up for a ball room dancing class offered by a dancing studio in Glastonbury. Viv and I are learning all type of dancing: swing, foxy, samba and etc. It is really fun. The only problem is that Viv is a real pain in the butt as a dancing partner. I am doing the male partner step and she does the female partner step. She tends to forget that fact and constantly tells me whether to turn or not!!! Very annoying!

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