

Smile Everday

(2008-03-03 20:37:11) 下一个

I went to my bed lately yesterday ,watch 1 movie that describe a bravely mum to save his son and fight with a wolf....oh ,a great mother ,just like my great mum....so ....

Suddenly ,I remember that Forrest Gamb ,the great mum said" life is just like a box chocalate ,you never know what will gona..." life is so short ,why enjoy my life? why I am in the bad mood for someone....?stop here ,never cry or sad for someone who dont love u ,I need a life with sunshine ,a happy life ...refind myself -the girl smile sweetly,fight for life bravely ,the girl face the reality,the girl know how to enjoy herself in the future,cherish...my yoga ,my skating shoes,my tennis rackit...oh ,come on ,brave girl ,continue the good habbit,dont stay in the well just like the frog ,never know how nice of outside,go for your better future,go cherish someone who love you forever.so go to gym 5 times a week at least to lose weight (It is so terribe ,,bcz I have such bad habbit that I eat too much and shopping when I was in bad mood) ....come on ,sweet girl ,just like a flower in the wind to fly with smile.....Fighting!

I would like to say tks to all my friend who care me much more when I was in bad mood .although only one friend who is in New Jersey know what happen ,she teaches me much more how to deal with bad mood ...yeah , tks to this website that let me express my thoghts ..although I know maybe he never know what I thought before or now...I dont care about all the things ...these is none of business....I would like to say tks to him also(whatever you do ,however you do or other else...) ...I learn much more from our story ....I will be resposbile for myself to study and live a life with sunshine and smile...open mind to think it carefully my life...

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