為什么我用英文叫這個dish做egg fu yung而不用中文寫芙蓉蛋? There is a little story. When I first came to the States, my aunt took me out for dinner. The table next to us is an American ask the waiter what is Egg Fu Yung? The waiter told him that it is beans sprouts, egg, and BBQ pork fried into a sort of pancake. I told my aunt that I wanted Egg Fu Yung and when the dish came out it looked really good with its brown gravy on it. I told my aunt that it looked like a hamburger and she laughed at me. When I put it into my mouth, I couldn't say a word because it did not taste like what I expected it to. From then on, everytime I go out for dinner, I make sure I don't order Egg Fu Yung.芙蓉蛋在灣區好似絕種了.
材料: 雞蛋 蝦(切粒) 芽菜 洋蔥(切粒) 蔥 鹽
將雞蛋打散放在一旁,熱鑊下油把洋蔥炒香放蝦粒炒兩下拿起待涼,把蝦 芽菜 洋蔥 蔥 鹽放在蛋糊里, 熱鑊下油,放1/4杯蛋糊下鑊,把兩面煎香即成.
材料: 雞粒 蝦仁 雞蛋 冷飯 茄汁 雞湯(做獻汁)蔥 鹽
把飯用蛋炒好,分開兩盆, 雞粒用鹽 生抽 糖 豆粉醃過,炒熟打個雞湯獻汁即成,蝦仁用鹽和油醃過炒好下茄汁調味即成(我用的是新鮮蕃茄,自己把它做成汁)
材料: 粉絲 蝦 雞粉 生抽 鹽 油 水 蒜蓉
將粉絲用水浸透瀝干,蝦去皮洗干淨用生抽和油醃過,粉絲放在碟里下雞粉 生抽 鹽 水 油攪好煎5至7分鐘開蓋把蝦和蒜蓉放在蒸好的粉絲上面蓋蓋,用小火再蒸一分鐘即成.
note: 小心把蝦蒸得過熟.

材料: 排骨 薯仔 洋蔥 紅蘿蔔 蠔油 生抽 洒 水 鹽
醃料: 生抽 鹽 糖 豆粉 油
薯仔去皮切小件,洋蔥切件,排骨用醃料醃30分鐘,熱鑊落 1 湯匙油,爆炒洋蔥,紅蘿蔔加入排骨抄勻,下酒蓋上鑊蓋,加水煮30分鐘,下蠔油 生抽 鹽調味即成.

材料: 米型意粉 雞粒 紅蘿蔔粒 西芹粒 雞湯 鹽
將雞湯煮滾,先放紅蘿蔔粒 西芹粒煮5分鐘,再下雞粒和米型意粉用鹽調味即成.
甘香蕉 (plantain)