

(2008-10-14 18:36:55) 下一个
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1 cup flour
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1 cup sugar
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1 teaspoon BAKING powder ½ teaspoon salt
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sift them in the strainer.
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separate egg yolk and egg white, put 1/3 cup oil and 1/3 cup milk in the flour mix.
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beat the egg yolk with the flour mix.
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flour mix should look like this.
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in a dry and clean bowl, beat the egg white with a pinch cream of tartar.
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keep beat the egg whites
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egg white should look like this.
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pour half flour into the egg white, and fold it GENTLY.
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add the rest of the flour mix into the egg whites and keep folding GENTLY. (try not to fold for too long, if the bubble gone, then the cake will not rise)
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finished folding.
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the batter should look like this.
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finished baking 20 minutes. I only have 1 of this kind cake pan, so I need to bake it 3 times
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15 papper cup cakes
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or you can bake it in the 威風蛋糕pan bake for 50 minute to 1 hour. Make sure oil the pan before you pour the batter in the pan.
good luck~~

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