I was on vacation for 10 days in Japan. We left Feb 28th and arrived at the Narita airport at 4pm on the 29th. We stayed in Tokyo for one night because if we left directly for Kyoto it would have taken another 3 to 4 hours which would be too tiring for us. The next morning we took a train to Kyoto and stayed for 4 days. In between time in京都, we went to錦市場 which was a very nice market but expensive. We went to Osaka黑門市場 also nice but not as expensive as 京都 and Nara(奈.良 )We went to the park to see 神 鹿 If you feed them they will bow to you, Very cute.
After the 4th day we went back to Tokyo and stayed there for another 5 days. This is my 3rd I have been to Tokyo and I still don't know my away around. The subway system there is complicated to me. We stayed in the Hilton hotel in Shinjuku. Everyday we took the subway to different cities like池袋,上野, 淺草,銀座,橫濱 ,築地魚市場,深門寺 and shopped some more. I went to the Kitchen street (Tawaramachi) shop and bought many baking goods. It filled up a whole suitcase. If I could, I would bring back the whole street. I went there 3 times in 5 days and I go crazy every time I go there. I think my husband was kind of upset with me because he had to babysit me. In a strange place, he is not want I go alone. Even though Tokyo is a safe place to shop, I have to give him credit because he is patient enough to wait for me. We also took a day trip to 日 光 . It is about 2 hours north of Tokyo. There were not too many people there and you can just enjoy your time there. It was also snowing and the feeling was so wonderful. I felt like I was in the old China.
我去了10 天日本度假。我们是二月28 從旧金山起程,到达了在日本成田Narita (机场)4pm 29號 。我们在东京停留了一夜因为如果我们直接去京都会需要另外3 个到4 个小时,太令人疲劳的。第二天早晨我们坐火车到京都停留了4 天。在京都, 我们去了錦市場 哪里的東西比較贵些。大阪的黑門市場的東西比較平,我們 还去了Nara(奈良) 去公园看神 鹿如果您哺养他们他们将鞠躬对您, 非常逗人喜爱。 在第4 天,我们去回到东京,在那里住了5 天。这是我第3 次到东京但我仍然不知道我去的方向。地铁系统那里被复杂化对我。我们在希尔顿旅馆(Hilton)中停留了在新宿(Shinjuku )。每天我们乘了地铁在不同的城市象池袋, 上野, 淺草, 銀座 ,橫濱 , 築地魚市場 和购物有些。我去厨房街道(Tawaramachi) 商店和买了许多焙烤食品。它填满了一个整体手提箱。如果我能, 我把整体街道带回美國。我在那里去3 次在5 天并且我变疯狂在我去那里时候。我认为我的丈夫有点儿让烦恼与我因为他必须看顾我。在一个奇怪的地方, 他不将想要我单独去。即使东京是一个安全的地方购物, 我必须相信他因为他是足够耐心等我。我们并且采取了天旅行日光 .車程大约2 个小时在

在三 藩市機埸吃了午餐才上機


第一晚在東京上野住了一晚,外面很冷,我們又餓.就在旅店樓下吃晚餐, 菜單全是日文,只好叫個waiter 和我們點菜了.

第二天一早在上野火車站吃早餐, 行了上野公園就坐火車去京都了



在錦市場吃怕sushi, 很平,衹吃了60元
