

The secret for this 糯米飯 was boil the chicken broth then pour into the rice.

用熱水洗米, 米不要浸泡, 煮糯米飯要給平常煮米飯小些水.

按 sweet rice 制. 如按這制, 糯米飯很快就会熟的了.






起魚骨 (husband 不会吃骨的)




德国酸菜或东北酸菜? I never tasted 东北酸菜 before, but heard someone talk about it is close to the germen Sauerkraut. That is why I tried to made this and see anyone interested with this recipe.

Mix well with salt and cabbage together.

Cabbage will start to leak water.

Pack the cabbage in to a jar, and pack it tightly, there should be enough water to cover the cabbage, if not, (mix 2 cups water with 1 tablespoon salt ) pour into the cabbage, make sure pack it very tightly. The jar should be very clean and dry, no oil allow in the jar. Place in a cool dry place.

7 days later, Walla! Water is as clear as the first day. Ready to serve.(沒有發毛)
1 and half pound cabbage (chop into thin slice), 1 table spoon caraway seeds (optional, this is the real germen version), 5 teaspoon sea salt


3/4 cup slivered almonds powder, 1/2 cup granulated sugar, 1/2 cup unsalted butter, cut into pieces, 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons light cream
Preheat oven to 350 F. line with silk pat two large baking sheets. In a food processor, add sugar and almond powder pulse a few more times to break down the sugar.(do not over grind or they’ll form a paste). Combine the almond mixture, butter, flour, salt, cream and in a medium, heavy-bottomed saucepan, and cook over medium heat until butter is melted and the batter is smooth. Remove from heat. Drop teaspoonful onto cookie sheet, 3-4 inches apart (the cookies will spread a lot). Bake 3-5 minutes, until lightly brown at the edges and bubbling in the center. Remove baking sheet to wire rack and cool slightly. When edges are firm enough to lift, use a thin spatula to remove cookies to wire racks to cool completely. Handle with care, they are very fragile!