
山清水秀的太浩湖 (Lake Tahoe)

(2007-12-12 18:06:16) 下一个
今年6月初我們去了9日黃石公園,順路去了(Lake Tahoe)藍寶石色的太浩湖,這是一個最大和最深最的高山湖泊,在樞紐的內華達山脈 (in the Sierra Nevada). If you go from bay area, up north hwy-80 to Reno, Nevada while interstate hwy-50 leads to Lake Tahoe, it’s divided by California-Nevada state line.只是4小時車程. Hotel in Lake Tahoe are not cheap, costing ~150-200 per night. Week days are cheaper.
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山明水秀的太浩湖The clarity of water in Lake Tahoe
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View of Emerald Bay翡翠灣
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Dessert from the buffet. 我沒有吃.
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