

Life is simple

(2010-05-05 19:10:48) 下一个
 For some people, life is so hard and way complicate then figure. Back to more than a decade ago in CA, there was a couple with 3 children: a son who’s high school Junior, a 10 year old daughter and 8 year old boy; the two younger’s were born in United. The little boy was found Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) or Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) which I didn’t record correctly, but to my knowledge that was a kind of leukemia which barely happens to such young age when majority of children cancers are more likely be ALL, Acute lymphocytic Leukemia. And for Children with CML or APL(?) are hard to cure. Unfortunately, that poor boy had that kind of cancer when he was 6 and the Drs worked so hard to keep him alive long to enrich his loving parents and dear siblings. Then there came with the first wave the dot com collapse and the father lost his job -- the family’s only financial support. When they were suffering from futureless, God might need seconds nap every thousand year, and that left a gap there, then the tragedy foot to this family again: the Doctor confirmed the father was in late stage of multi cancers! When the little boy went with Angle, the father couldn’t even stand straight as the unspeakable pain consumed him. He told those friends who went to comfort him as: “I don’t even have any strength to sorrow for my little boy and I knew there won’t be long I’ll with him!” In two months later the father left behind a workless wife and a teenage son plus a preteen daughter. Within 3 months, that family had to agree the youngest and the eldest to Haven.

The later time, President Clinton signed the bill which forces company to keep the employees with sick family members when they had to spent lots time with the sick one. If this a American family, they probably would go with a lawsuit to have some support for the survived ones as the company shouldn’t lay him off due to his absents. The mother, who knew how to cherish her family: her simple smiles greatly cultivated her survived loving ones. So quickly sold the pretty old Bay area house (the price where at least 3 times compare to how much they paid) and bought a small one in a cheap area, with the remaining $700,000, 3 of them have no any living problem. Then, the mother gave herself a chance to learn some skills. After she finished the schooling, she found herself a job in a Hair and Nail Salon or something related to this field.

As to now, the oldest son should have a good job for years and that little girl should be a college Junior which means they are all in good shape.

Look at them, life is so simple: when they lost something, no matter how important those were, that wouldn’t damage their life forever. They didn’t sink into sorrows or they didn’t have time to render their feelings, and they knew the simplest and fastest way was to step forward and that will get them out that crisis day after day. The life is so simple and won’t end unless you’re going to surrender it.


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