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宗卷编号:    MSS1067

宗卷标题:    Gull Force (2/21st Battalion) Association

建档日期:    1985

宗卷内容:    海鸥支队联谊会19853月访华和访日报告。包括照片、地图、及相关报导等。此外还包括下列内容:海鸥支队的历史背景、联谊会成立的详细情况、当年支队的具体伤亡概要、以及访华和访日的目的。详细记录有联谊会老兵前往海南岛东方市八所拜谒当年自19444月起失踪的10位海鸥支队官兵的地方并寻找其遗物、凭吊当年八所战俘营遗址及埋葬死难战友的墓地。并有去当年(1945年)曾庇护过从八所战俘营逃出的6位海鸥支队官兵的附近村庄访问等记录。


Driver W. T. Doolan "Doolan's Song". Malay poem and translation about Doolan's brave stand against the Japanese. 3DRL/4193. [See also photograph AWM 133887]

Pte W. L. Viant. Diary kept while in captivity on Ambon and Hainan islands during 1942–45. PR01105

Athol (Tom) Pledger 2/12th Field Ambulance. Personal papers kept while a prisoner-of-war on Ambon and Hainan islands. PR00871

F. A. Biddiscombe, 2/21st Battalion nominal roll of Australian prisoners of war at Hainan in 1942 and indications of the number who died. Notes on incarceration. Diary covering period Feb 1941 – May 1945. 3DRL/1763


[8th Division in Captivity – Ambon (Gull Force):] Regulations and punishments for prisoner-of-war camp, Tan Toey, 1942. AWM54 554/18/1

[8th Division in Captivity – Ambon (Gull Force):] Medical case histories of Australian prisoners of war compiled by Dutch doctor on Ambon. AWM54 554/18/2

Ambon (1941–1942) – (Gull Force) – Reports:] Report on Ambon and Hainan by Lt Col W. J. R. Scott, DSO, Commanding Gull Force. AWM54 573/6/1A PART 1

Ambon (1941–1942) – (Gull Force) – Reports:] Reports concerning Laha battles – 1942. Australian prisoners of war captured in Ambon – Japanese statements, list of Japanese who may be either eyewitness to, cognisant of, or connected with the Laha massacres, 1945. AWM54 573/6/2A


Joan Beaumont, Gull Force: survival and leadership in captivity 1941–1945 (Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1988)

Courtney T. Harrison, Ambon, island of mist: 2/21st Battalion AIF (Gull Force) prisoners of war 1941–1945. (North Geelong: T. W. and C. T. Harrison, 1988). Contains nominal rolls – Ambon and Hainan islands.

Allan S. Walker, Middle East and Far East, Australia in the war of 1939–1945, Series 5 (Medical), vol. II, (Canberra: Australian War Memorial, 1953)

Lionel Wigmore, The Japanese Thrust, Australia in the war of 1939–1945, Series 1 (Army), vol. IV, (Canberra: Australian War Memorial, 1957).

Van Waterford, Prisoners of the Japanese in World War II: statistical history, personal narratives, and memorials concerning POWs in camps and on hell ships, civilian internees, Asian slave laborers, and others captured in the Pacific Theater, (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1994)

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