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有关第二次世界大战期间澳大利亚在中国的“郁金香部队”之档案资料,还可以在英国的档案馆里找到,主要因为当时的 204 特遣队就是由英军发起、并以英军为主的。
下面是英国伦敦大学国王学院图书馆所藏之与英军 204 特遣队有关的军官之个挡:
1 、贾克斯上校个档 JACOBS-LARKCOM, Col Eric Herbert Larkcom (1895-1982)
贾克斯上校二战时曾任英军援华 204 特遣队副指挥官,他的个人日记( 1943-1945 ),会有涉及到该部队在华期间活动的记载,当然也包括了澳洲“郁金香部队”的情况。
Born 1895; educated at University College School and Royal Military Academy, Woolwich; commissioned into Corps of Royal Engineers, 1916; served in World War One, 1914-1918; service on Western Front with 15 Field Company, Royal Engineers, 8 Div, 2 Army, 1917-1918; Lt, 1918; served with 40 Fortress Company, Royal Engineers, Hong Kong, the Legation Guard, Peking, and toured west and south western China, 1919-1922; service in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Tientsin, 1925-1928; Capt, 1926; Staff College, Camberley, Surrey, 1930-1931; Specially Employed, War Office, 1932-1933; General Staff Officer 3, War Office, 1933-1935; Bde Maj, Aldershot Command, 1935-1937; Maj, 1936; General Staff Officer 2, 1938-1939; served in World War Two, 1939-1945; Brevet Lt Col, 1939; temporary Lt Col, 1939-1940; served in French campaign as General Staff Officer 1, 1939-1940; evacuated from Dunkirk, 1940; worked on decoys, UK, 1940-1942; second in command, British Military Mission to China, Chunking, 1942-1945; commanded an Officer's Group attached to Chinese Gen Li Mo-an's Group Army, 1942-1945; Col, 1943; travelled extensively in China, 1943-1945; awarded CBE, 1946; retired from Army and transferred to Foreign Service, 1946; in charge of Harbin Consulate-General, Changchun, China, 1947-1948; Consul-Gen, Kunming, 1948-1949; Consul, Tamsui, Formosa, 1951-1953; Consul, Chiengmai, Siam, 1954-1958; retired from Foreign Service, 1958; died 1982.
2 、艾库克少将个档 AYCOCK, Maj Gen Sir Robert Edward (1907-1968)
艾库克少将 1942-43 年期间,在英国负责组训突击队的工作。其文档中有卜睿德军士( Sgt Pryde )对 194-1942 年在缅甸参加参加英军 204 援华特遣队及其受训的记述。
Born 1907; educated at Eton College and Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst; Joined Royal Horse Guards, 1927, 2nd Lt, 1927; Lt 1930; Capt 1934; General Staff Officer, Grade 3, 1938; Lt Col 1941; commanded Special Service Brigade "Layforce", Feb-Aug 1941 and Middle East Commando, Aug 1941-Aug 1942. Brig, 1942; commanded Special Service Brigade, organizing and training all commandos in Britain, 1942-1943; DSO 1943; Maj Gen 1943; Chief of Combined Operations, Oct 1943-1947; CB 1945; retired 1947; Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Malta, 1954-1959; KCMG 1954; Col Commandant, Special Air Service (SAS) and Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry, 1960-1968. Died 1968
1 、魏汝南:《突击营:澳洲在华突击队员》,澳洲,1945年出版
William Noonan , The Surprising Battalion. Australian Commandos in China, NSW Bookstall Co. Pty. Ltd. 1945
2、惠德海与潘立德著:《虎口脱险继续战斗:与204援华特遣队在一起的日子》,伦敦,1990 年出版
WHITEHEAD, JOHN S.; BENNETT, GEORGE B. Escape to Fight on: With 204 Military Mission in China , London , Robert Hale, 1990
Iain Adamson, The Forgotten Men: Commandos in War-Time China, London, G Bell and Sons. 1965, 195pp.
4、E. M. Andrews, Mission 204: Australian commandos in China, 1942 Journal article 1987
In Austrailan War Memorial 澳大利亚战争纪念馆收藏