Puppies need five minutes of exercise per month of age up to twice a day, according to the U.K. Kennel Club. In other words, a 3-month-old puppy will need 15 minutes of exercise while a 4-month-old will need 20 minutes. This may take the form of low-impact activities like swimming or playing with small dog exercise balls. You can also take your puppy out for short walks on a leash. However, if he starts to sit down, give him time to rest. If he does not start walking again, you may have to carry him home.
至于做什么运动要看你与他斗智斗勇了,哈哈,一般丢球是个很好的运动,其次,给他一些智力游戏,有一种球是中空的,可以塞些treats,他一边咬,treats就一边掉,可以让他kills很多时间。另外,放一大浴缸水让他玩儿也是个办法。下边是5个比较简单的puppy games