落花飘零 (热门博主)
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雪狗2014 回复 悄悄话 真佩服从国内医学院毕业在这里考过医生的人,英语是一大关。 不过在这里要先上大学,所以国内来的也省了不少时间
我爱宝贝儿 回复 悄悄话 看完你的这篇文章,看到了最后一句话,想到了我当年在中国医院里考研究生的情景,几乎是一模一样。我们那个小医院里,我考研究生便受到了很多人的排挤和嘲笑,我的压力很大,当时经常是一边看书一边落泪,在纸上写“要生存,先把泪擦干”来鼓励自己坚持下去。
心有千千结 回复 悄悄话 祝贺你呀!
SeaLily 回复 悄悄话 Hi,

I have a question? How do you can pass the doctor exams? Is there any requirements? I got a bachelor degree in clinical medicine in China and I am F1 status in U.S. I also would like to try to be a doctor in the future. Could you tell me the requirements? Thank you very much!

I love the articles you wrote, those beautiful stories happened in hospital. They remind my precious young time when I was an intern in the hospital. By the way, our ages are same.


化学键 回复 悄悄话 我原来只知道上海小白菜,没想到还有蟹粉小笼包,快条件反射了 :=)
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 thanks, i will remember your words!
i am so excited, i will fly in ten hours.:)
take care.talk with you later when i come back!
skyblue 回复 悄悄话 Happy Chinese New Years to you too.
No, I didn't take the Kaplan course in any step preparation. But I bought the online course from WWW.USMLEWORLD.COM for one month for the CS. I only used for two weeks. The course provides SP cases and practice cases. It pretty much covers almost all the SPs you would encounter at the real test. Practise really hard and get familiar with all the cases will definetely do the work. I practised with the girl next door. Hopefully I will pass.
I was from Shanghai but attanded another medical school, SMU, you know, it is Fudan medical center now.
The best part of going back to Shanghai was to find out a close friend also back in town from Japan. We haven't seen each other for 8 years. Time really flies.
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 没关系啊,你说出来吧,我就是典型的上海女人,心胸狭窄,说话尖刻,年纪不小了还看韩剧做着发财梦。嘻嘻。
化学键 回复 悄悄话 从没有去过"香海"。很想以后去那里教书,并做点研究,或者开个小公司... 总之,做点自己的东西吧。不过,听说那里的人排外啊,还有一些不好听的话,这里就免了。有点怕。不过,光道听途说总是不好,可能那些都是历史吧。我见过一个那里的女同志就很不错,还有象你老爸那样的大好人也不少吧,呵呵。
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 really, you are from shanghai too?! such a nice coincidence!
i just left shanghai about one year, so probably will not feel much difference there, i just miss my parents and my friends badly, well, food also.:)
i will register for step 2 and cs together as soon as i come back, hopefully it will come smoothly, they are so expensive, i will feel really hurt if the money wasted.:P
did you take CS training in kaplan? i am still debating about it.
thank you for leaving the encouraging words here, wish you a nice and warm chinese new year!
skyblue 回复 悄悄话 Thank you. I am at the end of my interviews. Still waiting for the CS score, pain in the neck. Hopefully I could get it by Feb. 23rd, otherwise I will be kicked out from match automatically.
Don't worry about reading now. I took three months off after Step1 and read three months to take the test. You will do very well in step 2 since you have done well in Step 1. Enjoy your time in Shanghai with your parents and friends. "Time flies. Spend most of it with the people you love most" I got this from a fortune cookie long time ago. Still remember it.
Actually I just got back from Shanghai four weeks ago. Kind of dissapointed with the changes around the city. But food is good and friends are nice to see.
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 CB(化学键简称):
化学键 回复 悄悄话 Sorry! I was just joking...

Actually I am not that old enough to be your uncle, :-) and I just left school 3 years old, although I had been in schools for many years :-)

Last week, I was busy in helping my REAL niece in China in solving a high-school physics problem, which is not that easy, and took me almost 10 minutes to get it done :-)

I guess you are going to be a doctor soon, right? I am sure you will be a great doctor. Good luck for you!

BTW, did you come from Taiwan? I really love the pop musics from that island.

-Chemical Bond
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 thank you very much for the suggestions, very precious for me, i will remember them.:)
actually i was very lagged back after the step 1,just don't want to study, and now i am back to china take a vacation, so i am worried about my step 2 study.:P
are you in match process now, if so, wish you best luck!
skyblue 回复 悄悄话 congratulations! You are half way there! You will be at where I am now by the end of this year.(actually, we have the same score. I assume yours is step 1 score.) Step 2 is much easier to read although not many good review books out there. (If you have time, check out the Swason's family practice, especially the psychiatry part)
Quick tip, schedule the Step 2 CS asap. It is definitely a plus if you have the CS result when you start to apply.
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 一定一定!:)
紫鹃 回复 悄悄话 回家过年吃好喝好!
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 不忘中国,"虽然不是神话99分"这句话好像是有歧义?我不是99分,是96分,所以说没有拿到神话般的99分,但是也很高兴了。留下四分,借口更充分了。:)
不忘中囯 回复 悄悄话 哇,99分,这都不是神话,那今年的春节社么是神话。:)留1分作为继续努力的借口。
化学键 回复 悄悄话 你们看来都还是小孩啊,还考试呢,呵呵。99分,很不错啊,不过,美国好像不一定要那么高的分哦。不象在国内,分数那么重要。有时间多玩玩,呵呵。
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 对不起哦,刚才看到你的实际年龄,你还是有资本天真一把的,哈哈。
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 你怎么这么天真,‘只有考试通过的人才能回家过年’,你以为我还在读小学寄托班呢,嘻嘻。考不出当然也能回家,但是会很难过,毕竟复习得很辛苦。考的是医生执照。
glovebx 回复 悄悄话 恭喜啊,虽然我不知道是什么成绩。
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 谢谢!今天是很好的一天,为自己写点东西,所以怠慢了那边厢,这就来了...
秋颜 回复 悄悄话 在"欲上青天揽明月"里没找到你的新作, 感情你在这厢动真感情呢. 我一直相信苦尽甘方来, 能记得住的古诗词不太多, 但那句"天降大任于斯人也, 必先苦其心志, 劳其筋骨..."始终忘不了. 这里希望能与你共勉. 经历了这番风雨, 相信以后没什么趟不过去的淤泥...
还好, 你的好日子已经近在咫尺. 再次祝贺你!
女孩安然 回复 悄悄话 姐姐,早跟你说了你行的,真为你开心啊!!!!