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英国高尔夫公开赛(The Open)

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  “扎欧盆”(The Open),専有名詞,英国公开赛的全称是英国公开锦标赛,始于1860年,是高尔夫四大满贯中历史最悠久的、最古老的赛事,由英国圣安德鲁斯皇家古典高尔夫俱乐部主办,每年7月的第三个周末举办。无论在球员心中还是在球迷心中,英国公开赛都有其独特的不可动摇的历史地位。
  2020年4月6日,高尔夫英国公开赛主办方宣布,原计划于2020年7月16日在英格兰皇家圣乔治高尔夫俱乐部举行的英国公开赛取消。这是自二战结束以来,这项发源于1860年的悠久赛事首次被取消。英国公开赛开始于1860年,Prestwick 俱乐部发信邀请几个优秀的俱乐部推荐他们的球童参加一个为刚去世的 Allan Robertson 寻找接班人的比赛。而实际上,“公开赛”并不公开,仅有8人参加,他们是第一批职业选手。比赛的结果,比起 Allan Robertson 曾打出的惊人的79杆,冠军 Willie Park 的36洞174杆成绩相形见绌。 
  开始的12届,公开赛固定在 Prestwick 海滨球场举行, 之后移师到圣安德鲁斯(St . Andrews)老球场。其后比赛选择不同的球场举行,在这之前,已沿用了10年的冠军奖品 - 镶嵌银牌的红色皮带,被现今闻名全世的“葡萄壶奖杯”(Claret Jug Trophy)代替。
公开赛早年,老汤姆.墨利斯与小汤姆.墨利斯(Old Tom Morris and Young Tom Morris) 是公开赛的常胜将军。老汤姆共拿4次冠军。小汤姆则连赢4次(1868、1869、1870、1871、1872停赛),且创下多项纪录。
一次大战后,公开赛由“皇室古典高尔夫俱乐部”(Royal and Ancient Golf Club) 主持,直到现在。

  “扎欧盆”(The Open)英国高尔夫公开赛
 The old course at St Andrews is the oldest golf course in the world. But it only got that name when a new course was built alongside it in 1895. It is a pablic course over common land in St Andrews and is held in trust by the St Andrews Links Trust under an act of Parliament. The old course at St Andrews is considered to be the home of golf, the sport first being played there in the early 15th century, golf was popular in Scotland until JamesⅡ of Scotland banned the game in 1457. The game remained outlawed until 1502, when James Ⅵ took up golf and removed the ban.
Around 1800, the town council of St Andrews decided to allow rabbit farming of the golf course. The legal battling between golfers and rabbit farmers ended in 1821 when James Cheape of Starathyrum bought the land.
 The course evolved without the help of anyone architect for many years. Although Old Tom Morris designed the 1st and 18th holes around 1863. The course has 112 bunkers, many with their own names and legends. The bunker on the 2nd is named after Sir Jammes Cheape who bought the golf course from the rabbit farmers in 1821. The Student's Bubker on the 4th are so called as they were allegedely once popular with sutudents wanting to seduce ladies. Two bunkers positioned either side of the approach to the 5th green are called the Spectacles Bunkers. The bunker on the 12th is called the Admiral. Legend has it that an Admiral fell into it after taking too long a look at a young lady in a red mini-skirt. The Raod hole bunker on the 17th has been called " The most notorious golf hazard in the world, It is known as The Sands of Nakajima. After all the bunkers, golfers have to get past the Valley of Sin- an 8 feet deep depression before the 18th putting green.
The Old course is homeof The Open Championship, the oldest golf tournament in the world. The Old Course has hosted The Open 29 times since 1873, more than any other course. The Open is currently played here every five years.
Although born in Scotland, Jack Hutchison was the first American to win The Open Championship with his win in 1921.
1921 also saw Bobby Jones first play St Andrews- he later went on to found Augusta National, home of The Masters. 1927 saw Bobby Jones win his secound Open Championship, his first at St Andrews. Jones remained an amateur throughout his golfing career- consequently earning no prize money. He retired from golf aged 28 and joined his father's law firm. In1958 he was made a Freeman of the city of St Andrews, only the secound American- after Benjamin Franklin- to recieve the honour. He said " I could take out of my life everything but my experiences here is St Andews and I would still have had a rich and full life."
Denny Shute was the Open title by five strokes in a playoff in 1933. Due to WWⅡ, 1939's winner - Dick Burton- held the Open Championship for 7 years. Sam Snead won The Open in 1946- but lost money because of the cost of tavelling from America. 1955 saw the second of Peter Thomson's three straight Open titles, and five overall.
Bwtween 1949 and 1957, Bobby Locke won the Open Championship and saw Australian Ken Nagle beat Arnold Palmer.
Tony Lema won 12 times on tour, but 1964 was his only major. Sadly Lema and his wife died in a plane crsh two years later. 1970 saw Jack Nicklaus win a play off to take his secound OpenChampionship. Jak Nicklaus won his third Open Championship in1978, completing the carrer Grand Slam for the third times. An epic final day in 1984, saw Seve Ballesteros beat Bernhard Langer, Tom Watosn, Fred Couples, Landy Wadkins, NIck Faldo and Greg Norman. 1990 saw Nick Faldo win- along with his caddie Fanny Sunesson. A tense palyaoff against Costantio Rocca saw John Daly win in 1995. 1995 also saw the final apperance of Arnold Palmer and the first apperance of a talented amateur called Tiger Woods. Winning the 2000 Open gave Tiger Woods his secound consecutive majyor championship. Making him only the fifth golfer, and the youngest, to complete the carrere Grand Slam of all four majyors. Woods won by eight strokes, set a new Open scoring record with 19 under par, and did not hit a single bunker the entire tournament. 2005 saw Tiger Woods victorious again- it was his 10 the majyor championship win. It was also Jack Nickulaus's last Open Championship. In 2010, the 140th anniversary of the first Open Championship was won by Louis Oosthuizen. Zach Johnson was the last player to win The Open at St Andrews in 2015. The 150 Open Championship Old Course, St Andrews July 10-17, 2022

  中文:圣安德鲁斯的老球是世界上最古老的高夫球。但它只是在 1895 年在它旁建造了一个新球场时才得名。它是圣安德斯公共土地上的公共球,由圣安德接信托基金根据会法案托管。圣安德斯的老球认为是高夫的源地,这项于 15 世初开始在此行,高夫在很流行,直到 1457 年的詹姆斯二世禁止这项。直到 1502 年,这项一直是非法的。詹姆斯 Ⅵ 开始打高夫球,解除了禁令。
  1800 年左右,圣安德
斯市会决定允在高夫球场进行兔子养殖。 1821 年,Starathyrum 的 James Cheape 下了片土地,高夫球手和兔的法律斗争束了。
该课程在没有任何建筑帮助的情况下不断展。然老姆莫里斯在 1863 年左右设计了第 1 洞和第 18 洞。球有 112 个沙坑,其中多都有自己的名字和传说。 2 号的沙坑以 1821 年从兔手中下高夫球的 Jammes Cheape 爵士的名字命名。4 号的Student's Bubker 之所以如此称呼,是因据称它受到想要勾引女士的学生的迎。位于 5 号果岭入口两的两个沙坑称式沙坑。 12号的堡叫海上将。传说,一位海上将看了一位身穿色超短裙的少女,久而久之,便落入其中。 17 号的 Raod 洞沙坑被称“世界上最臭名昭著的高夫球,它被称之沙。在所有沙坑之后,高夫球手必须经过新安谷 - 8 英尺深的洼地第 18 洞果岭。
是世界上最古老的高锦标赛英国公开的主。自 1873 年以来,老球场举办了 29 次公开,比任何其他球都多。公开目前每五年在行一次。
,杰克·哈奇森是第一个在 1921 年赢得英国公开赛冠军的美国人。
  1921 年,鲍比·琼斯也首次参加了圣安德鲁斯比赛——他后来继续创立了大师赛的主场奥古斯塔国家队。 1927 年,鲍比琼斯赢得了他的第二次公开赛冠军,这是他在圣安德鲁斯的第一次。琼斯在他的高尔夫生涯中一直是业余爱好者——因此没有获得任何奖金。他在 28 岁时从高尔夫球场退役,并加入了父亲的律师事务所。 1958 年,他成为圣安德鲁斯市的自由人,只有继本杰明·富兰克林之后的第二位美国人获得此殊荣。他说:“我可以从我的生活中抽出一切,但我在这里的经历是圣安德鲁斯,我仍然会拥有丰富而充实的生活。”
  丹尼舒特在 1933 年的一场季后赛中以 5 杆的优势获得公开赛冠军。由于二战,1939 年的冠军——迪克伯顿——连续 7 年获得公开赛冠军。山姆·史立德在 1946 年赢得了英国公开赛,但因为从美国来的费用而赔钱。 1955 年是彼得汤姆森连续三届公开赛冠军中的第二个,总共五次。
  1949 年和 1957 年,鲍比·洛克赢得了英国公开赛冠军,并见证了澳大利亚人肯·纳格尔击败阿诺德·帕尔默。
  托尼·勒马(Tony Lema)在巡回赛中赢得了 12 次胜利,但 1964 年是他唯一的大满贯赛。可悲的是,Lema 和他的妻子在两年后死于飞机坠毁。 1970 年,杰克尼克劳斯赢得了一场比赛,获得了他的第二次公开锦标赛。杰克尼克劳斯在 1978 年赢得了他的第三个公开赛冠军,第三次完成了 Carrer 大满贯。 1984 年史诗般的最后一天,Seve Ballesteros 击败了 Bernhard Langer、Tom Watosn、Fred Couples、Landy Wadkins、NIck Faldo 和 Greg Norman。 1990 年,尼克·佛度和他的球童范妮·苏尼森一起获胜。与 Costantio Rocca 的一场紧张的淘汰赛让 John Daly 在 1995 年获胜。1995 年还见证了 Arnold Palmer 的最后一次出场以及一位名叫 Tiger Woods 的天才业余选手的首次出场。赢得 2000 年公开赛让泰格伍兹连续第二次获得大满贯冠军。使他成为完成所有四个大满贯赛事的第五位也是最年轻的高尔夫球手。伍兹以 8 杆的优势获胜,以低于标准杆 19 杆的成绩创造了新的公开赛得分纪录,并且整场比赛都没有击中一个沙坑。 2005 年老虎伍兹再次夺冠——这是他第 10 次获得大满贯冠军。这也是杰克尼克劳斯的最后一次公开锦标赛。 2010 年,Louis Oosthuizen 赢得了首届公开锦标赛 140 周年纪念。扎克·约翰逊是 2015 年在圣安德鲁斯赢得公开赛的最后一位球员。2022 年 7 月 10 日至 17 日,圣安德鲁斯 150 场公开赛老球场。

  82个美巡赛冠军得主的情况越来越差。从那里开始,他一直艰难搏斗。当他6个小时的一轮最终完成的时候,他交出78杆,高于标准杆6杆,落后美巡赛新人卡梅隆-杨(Cameron Young)14杆。卡梅隆-杨全天无柏忌,打出64杆。“我并不觉得自己打得有那么差,可是我最终落到了糟糕的位置上。又或者发生一些奇怪的事情。现实就是这样。林克斯就是这样。这座高尔夫球场就是这样。”伍兹说。


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