这是赶来书香参加“不眨眼读书奖”的 - 刚用曹冲称象法称过:重达1公斤的,横跨40年的,600多页的,包涵11本诗集的,让我从秋读到冬的,2020诺贝尔文学奖的女诗人- Louise Gluck诗集。Gluck是耶鲁驻校作家,诺奖之前就获奖无数,包括普利策奖,国家图书奖……以及2002-2004美国桂冠诗人。诺奖词称她“无可辩驳的诗性声音,用朴素的美使个体存在具有普遍性”,翻译成白话文就是,嗯,她是那种把随手的/脑子里闪过的/日常的一切,一切!都分行写成诗的人,很多现代诗都这么写,但Gluck写出了诗性, 诗性!- 是真的, 你也会agree, 如此朴素,不用费事翻译了:D
My son …
Last winter he could barely speak.
I moved his crib to face the window:
in the dark mornings
he would stand and grip the bars
until the walls appeared,
calling light, light,
that one syllable, in
demand or recognition.
What if war
is just a male version of dressing up,
a game devised to avoid
profound spiritual questions?
-<<Parable of The Hostages>>
I wish we went on walks
like Steven and Kathy; then
we’d be happy. You can even see it
in the dog.
The world
was whole because
it shattered. When it shattered,
then we knew what is was.
It never healed itself.
给在我们之上的 (亦或,独裁政府可指望下层呈上的数据准确??)
Forgive me if I say I love you: the powerful
are always lied to since the weak are always
driven by panic.