

【一个祈祷母亲的能力】- Stormie Omartian

(2022-05-08 17:57:22) 下一个

Stormie Omartian生于1924年,做过歌手,演员,后来成为基督教作家,她写的祈祷系列书非常受欢迎(从妻子/丈夫/孩子/妈妈等的角度祈祷),全世界售出约2千8百万本,看了下本市图书馆就有她的7本书。这本为妈妈自己和孩子祷告的书小巧实用,共有74个为不同事项的祷文,左边页为妈妈,右边页为孩子,每份祷词列出神对此所求已经应许的话,接下来的祷文也完全的立于这个应许。她和丈夫早年带过专为孩子们祷告的团契,非常有果效,祷告词就从那时发展而来。恰逢母亲节,妈妈们可以用下面这份祷词为孩子们的美好未来献上祷告:

I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, throughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

耶和华说 :我知道我向你们所怀的意念是赐平安的意念 ,不是降灾祸的意念 ,要赐给你们美好的前程与盼望。 耶利米书 29:11

Lord, I thank You that Your thoughts toward my child are to give her(him) peace, hope, and a good future. Help her(him) to live in a way that is always deserving of that promise for her(his) life. I pray(name of child) will live a fruitful life, ever increasing in the knowledge of You. May she(he) always know Your will, have spiritual understanding, and walk in a manner that is pleasing in Your sight. Thank You that You care about her(his) future even more than I do and that it is secure in You. Give her(him) a future that is bright, long, prosperous, and secure. Guide her(him) step-by-step so that she(he) never gets off the path You have for her(him). In Jusus' name I pray. Amen!  


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