陌上美国 Moshang USA



(2023-01-09 15:59:31) 下一个

什么是红色恐怖? 共产主义对美国的渗透是什么,有哪些历史阶段,现在是否还在发生?本视频系列为您揭开答案。


主讲Tom Hafer先生,毕业于MIT,开发拦截火箭和无人机系统的专家;目前指导青少年机器人团队并多次获奖。



新年快乐。 今天我们的好朋友Tom Hafer先生要为我们带来红色恐怖的故事。 Hafer先生,下午好。


刘博士,欢迎您结束圣诞假期回来。 今天我们就来说说红色恐怖。 它以前如何? 它是真实的吗?它还在发生吗?


正如北方好女巫格琳达所说:“越早提出总是越好”。 什么是共产主义? 共产主义是一种制度,在这种制度中,国家即国家拥有所有财产,经济由中央计划。 因此,它由高层专家委员会计划,然后通过普通民众下推。它基于德国哲学家卡尔·马克思和弗里德里希·恩格斯于1848年撰写的共产党宣言。








下面就是资本主义。资本主义假设,通过对大部分财产的私有制和个人创业,可以使整体经济进步最大化。 国家的职能是为国防提供运行经济和裁决个人权利的法律环境。


然后是社会主义,它是共产主义的小表亲。 其中国家拥有生产资料,但允许私有财产。




是的,与其他形式相比,资本主义绝对是保护私有财产和私人权利的最佳方式。 但是我们的年轻一代非常喜欢社会主义,甚至马克思主义。


我想我们会明白为什么。 在下一张幻灯片的背景下,它的一部分是可以理解的,我在这里谈论第一次红色恐慌,它基本上是从1918年布尔什维克接管俄罗斯到第二次世界大战开始。


这就是背后的历史,1918年之前没有共产主义国家,但在1918年6月,布尔什维克暗杀了沙皇尼古拉二世和他的全家。 事实上,美国远征军在1918年至1920年期间偶尔与布尔什维克作战。但布尔什维克获胜。


1922年,苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟成立,包括俄罗斯、乌克兰、白俄罗斯和一个名为外高加索的国家。 所以这些在理论上是独立的国家,但实际上是由莫斯科统治的。


到1928年,苏联的版图已扩大到包括格鲁吉亚、乌兹别克斯坦、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、摩尔多瓦、土库曼斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、拉脱维亚、立陶宛和爱沙尼亚。 所以这是一个覆盖欧洲和亚洲非常大面积的帝国。 1939年,希特勒和斯大林签署了俄德互不侵犯条约,这似乎保证了德国不会攻击俄罗斯,反之亦然。






在 1919 年,第一次世界大战刚结束时,美国就出现了广泛的左翼动荡。各行各业甚至波士顿警察都发生了3,600多次罢工。他们在媒体上被描述为对美国社会的激进威胁。 同样在1919年,左翼分子策划了针对一些知名美国人的炸弹阴谋。邮寄的炸弹有36枚,其中8枚爆炸,两人死亡。1920年,华尔街遭到左翼分子的轰炸。这是更具破坏性的,38人死亡,141人受伤。


与此同时,在俄罗斯,被称为契卡(Cheka)的秘密警察组织成立,他们处决了数十万俄罗斯公民。不一定是因为他们犯了任何罪,仅仅因为他们是中产阶级的成员。俄罗斯希望消灭中产阶级,资产阶级。这是契卡负责人的话,“我们不是在与单个人作战,我们是在消灭资产阶级这个阶级。” 所以如果你是一个成功的俄罗斯人,你就是契卡的目标,你可能会被监禁或杀害。




那时我们没有互联网,人们对社会主义和共产主义背后的思想有些迷恋,因为他们还没有尝试过,共产主义在1919年以前还没有任何历史痕迹。人们不知道会发生什么,而且 资本主义也存在不公平之类的缺陷问题。特别是在1929年及之前,在世界某些地区,当大萧条开始时,许多人开始从根本上质疑资本主义。可以理解为什么会有巨大的贫困和绝望。绝望的人会相信像阿道夫希特勒和约瑟夫斯大林这样的领导人,他们说他们可以让事情变得更好。这就是为什么世界越来越转向极权主义,在某些情况下转向共产主义和社会主义。




事实证明是这样,但当时人们并不知道,所以有相当多的劳动者和知识分子,把希望寄托在了共产主义上。许多美国人,包括一些受过教育的美国人,都前往俄罗斯帮助革命和建设东西。 结果证明,他们中的人不仅希望幻灭了,而且在很多情况下实际上被监禁了。因为他们仍然相信个人自由和个人权利,而俄罗斯政府不相信。




红色恐慌减弱的唯一原因是,在1941年,俄罗斯突然成为我们公认的对抗德国的盟友。 斯大林在媒体上被描绘成“乔叔叔”。 但事实是,间谍和颠覆在这段时间加速了。我们只是没有谈论它,也不想知道它。




Happy New Year. Today our good friend Mr. Tom Hafer is going to present us the stories of the red scale. Good afternoon Mr Hafer.

And Dr Liu, welcome back from your Christmas vacation. Today we're going to talk about the Red Scare. What was it? Was it real and is it still happening?

So as Glinda the Good Witch of the North remarks "it's always best to start at the beginning". What is communism? Communism is a system in which the state that is to say the nation, owns all the property and the economy is centrally planned. So it is planned by Committees of experts at the top, and then push down through the general population.

It's based on the manifesto of the Communist party, which was written by the German philosophers Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in 1848.

Within communism only one political party is allowed, no other parties are legal and the party is supreme. It is more important than any other thing specifically more important than the individual rights of the population. And in practice it has turned out to be an imperial form of government been on converting Every Other Nation through Revolution, which it exports both ideologically and in terms of weapons of war.

So one of the alternatives, what else can you have besides communism? Well, long ago feudalism was the philosophy that governed most of the world. There the land is owned by the aristocracy but is worked by The Peasants, sometimes called Serfs, who may be bound to the land. In other words, if the land is sold then they go with it. And who must provide much of their product, the agriculture, the animal husbandry, whatever to the owners of the land.

A bit after that came mercantilism, which is somewhat like an early form of capitalism, except that it assumes that Global wealth is static. In other words, that it doesn't increase or decrease, and that states or nations must maximize their imports and minimize their exports in order to maximize their own money supply. And it also encourages colonialism for raw materials and labor and protectionism. So that you favor your exports in disfavor imports from other nations.

There's capitalism. Capitalism assumes that overall economic progress is maximized through private ownership of most property, and through individual entrepreneurship. The functions of the state are to provide for the National Defense to provide the legal setting for running the economy, and for adjudicating the rights of individuals.

And then there's socialism, which is the small cousin of Communism. In which the state owns the means of production action but private property is allowed.

So those are most of the Alternative forms of government and of course there are hybrids of these.

Yeah, absolutely then Capitalism is the best way to protect a private property and the private rights compared to other form. But our young Generation are so fond of socialism, event Marxism.

I think we'll see why. Part of it is understandable in the context of this next slide, where I talk about the first Red Scare, which was essentially from 1918, when the Bolsheviks took over in Russia to the beginning of World War II.

So here's the history behind that, there were no communist countries prior to 1918, but in June of 1918, the Bolsheviks assassinated Czar Nicholas II and his entire family. And in fact, the American expeditionary Force sporadically fought against the Bolsheviks between 1918 and 1920. But the Bolsheviks won.

And in 1922 the Union of Soviet Socialist republics was formed, including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and a nation called Transcaucasus. So these were theoretically independent nations, but in reality ruled from Moscow.

By 1928 the USSR had expanded to include Georgia, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan Moldava, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. So it was an Empire that covered a very large area in Europe and Asia. And in 1939, the Russian German non-aggression pact was signed between Hitler and Stalin, which seemed to guarantee that Germany would not attack Russia and vice versa.

However, in 1941 Hitler did attack Russia, and so uh unusually Russia became an ally, so-called of the western Powers. Simply because we were fighting a common foe.

So what happened in the United States in the period between World War I and World War II to cause the Red Scare? Why were people fearful of what was going on?

Well in 1919, immediately after World War I, there was extensive leftist unrest in the U.S.. There were more than 3,600 strikes across a wide variety of Industries and even the Boston police. And they were portrayed in the press as radical threats to American society. Also in 1919, a bomb plot fostered by leftists was discovered against a number of prominent Americans. There were 36 bombs that were mailed, eight of which exploded and two people were killed. In 1920, Wall Street was bombed by leftists. This was much more devastating, 38 dead 141 injured.

Meanwhile in Russia, the secret police called the cheka had been formed, and they executed hundreds of thousands of Russian citizens. Not necessarily because they had committed any crimes, simply because they were members of the middle class. And Russia wish to extinguish the middle class, the bourgeoisie. Here's a quote from the head of the cheka, "We are not fighting against single individuals, we are Exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class." So if you are a successful Russian, you are a target of the Cheka, and you could be imprisoned or killed.

Well, uh an impression I got is those left revolutions were so bloody.

We didn't have the internet back then, and people were somewhat enamored of the idea behind socialism and communism, because they hadn't been tried yet there was no history in 1919. People didn't know what was going to happen, and certainly there were inequities in capitalism. And in particular in 1929 and prior to that, in some parts of the world, when the Great Depression started, many people questioned the fundamental benefits of capitalism. And you can understand why there was great poverty and Desperation. And desperate people will believe leaders like Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, who say that they can make things better. And so that's why the world turned increasingly toward totalitarianism, and in some cases to Communism and socialism.

Yeah when people face a crisis, they wanted a change, but it's not necessarily means every change the society brought up leaded us to a successful future.

That turned out to be true, but people didn't know that at the time, and so there were quite a few both working people and also intellectuals, who thought that the promise of Communism seemed very great. And many Americans uh even educated Americans went over to Russia to help out with the Revolution and to build things. Many of them turned out to be not merely disillusioned, but in many cases actually imprisoned. Because they still believed in individual liberties and individual rights, and the Russian government did not.

In any case during that time, many communist parties were established in various Nations across the world, almost all directly under the direction of Russian government officials. And extensive spy networks were formed, particularly in China, in the United States, Germany, the UK, and many many other countries.

And the only reason that the Red Scare abated was because, in 1941 Russia suddenly became our reported ally against Germany. And Stalin became portrayed in the press as Uncle Joe. But the fact is that, spying and subversion accelerated during this time. We just didn't talk about it and didn't want to know about it. So what happened after that?



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