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(2022-10-18 22:20:52) 下一个





Do no harm和informed consent是自由国家医药界的两大原则。新冠疫苗的推行在过去两年是“shoot first,ask question later”的应急方案。现在病毒几经变异,毒性已经进入与人共存的阶段,这个时候,不应该继续shoot,而是到了asking questions的阶段了。


请今、明两天在此留言 https://www.regulations.gov/document/CDC-2022-0111-0001



  1. 登陆网站 https://www.regulations.gov

在网页界面下,红箭头处输入 CDC-2022-0111


2. 进入新网页后,点击红箭头处进入留言comment界面


3. 这个网页下,Write a comment处填写你的评论留言;后面两个红箭头处是必须选择填写的,最后是submit。



转:好心人写的模版 — 提供大家写反对意见的英文参考信息


Written comments must be received on or before October 20, 2022, so please take a moment to do it now.



It can be as simple and direct as just, “I oppose adding a COVID-19 vaccine requirement to the childhood schedule of immunizations.” Or include some of the facts listed below.




• The COVID shots are not traditional vaccines. Rather, they are experimental genetic products with novel mechanisms of action and many unknown short- and especially long-term risks. The CDC and FDA did not determine the long-term safety of the current COVID shots in children before instituting current child vaccine policies. At least five years of testing/research are necessary before we can really understand the risks.

• After just one year of use in children, there is abundant evidence in official U.S. vaccine safety tracking databases that injuries from the COVID shots in children are catastrophic. The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) as of September 30, 2022 contains almost 28,000 adverse event reports in American children 6 months to 17 years, with 60 deaths and 433 near-deaths, 301 permanently disabled, and 985 reports of myocarditis.

• Other serious injuries in children include severe allergic reactions, blood clots and strokes, encephalitis/encephalopathy, and other autoimmune and neurologic disorders. In older persons there is evidence of loss of fertility and cancer. The CDC and FDA have failed to acknowledge, disclose or explain to the U.S.



?紧急!CDC明天投票决定是否将新冠疫苗正式纳入儿童例行疫苗。这是最后发声的机会?? 在这里留言:https://www.regulations.gov/commenton/CDC-2022-0111-0001/




I urge the CDC to drop the recommendation to include Covid vaccine in the childhood vaccination schedule based on the following well-known facts.


1. The current childhood vaccination schedule include vaccines against relatively stable pathogens, aiming to produce enduring immunity. Covid virus mutates rapidly, and no durable immunity has been shown to be induced by the Covid vaccine. Development of new vaccines will ALWAYS be behind the pace of mutation. Such decision goes against long-established norm for vaccination recommendation.


2. The Covid vaccines have not been shown to protect against infection, either on the trials or based on real world data since its roll out. People who are vaccinated are getting infected and transmitting the disease. Therefore, vaccinating the children DO NOT protect others; in contrast, it will harm children! 


3. Even if the vaccine protects against severe disease in high risk adults, it is not a significant benefit for children who rarely develop severe disease after Covid infection, especially since Omicron. We can't say for sure about future variants without data, but neither can you say for sure about efficacy of future vaccine with data. 


4. Most importantly, it is the known and unknown risk of this vaccine in children. CDC already know about the markedly increased risk of myocarditis. It is a disease whicg can clearly lead to long term consequence and potentially fatal. And we do not know what other long term risks the vaccine poses to developing bodies. 

A decision to make such an intervention with so little proven benefit, so much proven and potential harm, a routine part of care for our children may potentially harm a whole next generation. Please do not proceed.


Steve Kirsch(發明光電鼠標的硅谷創業人, MIT 畢業)建議用簡短的comments:   The COVID vaccines should not be added to the vaccine schedule until there is a proven all-cause mortality benefit. Where is the study?

“My suggestion is to keep it short because nobody reads the comments anyway, so you can just register your outrage that they are doing this.” - Steve Kirsch





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