

谁都不可拿人夸口 — 哥林多前书读经随笔 第4章

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林前3:18 人不可自欺.你们中间若有人在这世界自以为有智慧、倒不如变作愚拙、好成为有智慧的。
Let no one deceive himself. If anyone thinks that he is wise among you in this world, let him become a fool, that he may become wise.
林前3:19 因这世界的智慧、在 神看是愚拙.如经上记着说、『主叫有智慧的中了自己的诡计。』
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, "He has taken the wise in their craftiness."
林前3:20 又说、『主知道智慧人的意念是虚妄的。』
And again, "The Lord knows the reasoning of the wise, that it is worthless."
林前3:21 所以无论谁、都不可拿人夸口.因为万有全是你们的.
Therefore let no one boast in men. For all things are yours,
林前3:22 或保罗、或亚波罗、或矶法、或世界、或生、或死、或现今的事、或将来的事、全是你们的.
whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come. All are yours,
林前3:23 并且你们是属基督的.基督又是属 神的。
and you are Christ's, and Christ is God's.
林前4:1 人应当以我们为基督的执事、为 神奥秘事的管家。
So let a man think of us as Christ's servants, and stewards of God's mysteries.
林前4:2 所求于管家的、是要他有忠心。
Here, moreover, it is required of stewards, that they be found faithful.
林前4:5 所以时候未到、甚么都不要论断、只等主来、他要照出暗中的隐情、显明人心的意念。那时各人要从 神那里得着称赞。
Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each man will get his praise from God.
林前4:6 弟兄们、我为你们的缘故、拿这些事转比自己和亚波罗.叫你们效法我们不可过于圣经所记.免得你们自高自大、贵重这个、轻看那个。
Now these things, brothers, I have in a figure transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that in us you might learn not to think beyond the things which are written, that none of you be puffed up against one another.
林前4:10 我们为基督的缘故算是愚拙的、你们在基督里倒是聪明的、我们软弱、你们倒强壮.你们有荣耀、我们倒被藐视。
We are fools for Christ's sake, but you are wise in Christ. We are weak, but you are strong. You have honor, but we have dishonor.
林前4:11 直到如今、我们还是又饥、又渴、又赤身露体、又挨打、又没有一定的住处.
Even to this present hour we hunger, thirst, are naked, are beaten, and have no certain dwelling place.
林前4:12 并且劳苦、亲手作工.被人咒骂、我们就祝福.被人逼迫、我们就忍受.
We toil, working with our own hands. When people curse us, we bless. Being persecuted, we endure.
林前4:13 被人毁谤、我们就善劝.直到如今、人还把我们看作世界上的污秽、万物中的渣滓。
Being defamed, we entreat. We are made as the filth of the world, the dirt wiped off by all, even until now.
林前4:14 我写这话、不是叫你们羞愧、乃是警戒你们、好象我所亲爱的儿女一样。
I don't write these things to shame you, but to admonish you as my beloved children.
林前4:15 你们学基督的、师傅虽有一万、为父的却是不多、因我在基督耶稣里用福音生了你们。
For though you have ten thousand tutors in Christ, yet not many fathers. For in Christ Jesus, I became your father through the Good News.
林前4:16 所以我求你们效法我。
I beg you therefore, be imitators of me.

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