Secrets from other dimension


Stop the coming war (8)----Why I am writing this story

(2021-01-04 18:32:42) 下一个
2020年1月3日   洛杉矶


看到这个消息,我知道我需要做些什么了----Write a story, but it is just a story, I don't want things happening as what I was writing.  I wrote the first chapter and posted on Douban on the same date, Jan 3rd 2020.

Later I found out that my chapters were blocked by  Douban, I moved to wordpress, hopefully I will achieve the goal what I was told and prevent the coming war----More people see it, more likely it will be stopped.


“ Iran vowed "harsh retaliation" after its top general was killed by an American drone strike in Iraq Thursday night. The Pentagon confirmed that it had taken "decisive action" against Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, who was killed as he left the Baghdad airport in a convoy with leaders of Iran-backed militias, the Washington Post reports. Soleimani, commander of Iran's elite Quds Force, "was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region," Defense Secretary Mark Esper said in a statement. "This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans." Officials said the strike was carried out by order of President Trump, who tweeted an image of an American flag."

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