
小溪姐姐 (热门博主)
  • 博客访问:


(2018-05-13 12:23:25) 下一个


Symphony No. 9 ~ Beethoven


今天是母亲节(2018年5月13日),发上我的第一篇英文作文《Long,Long Journey》籍以纪念我深爱的,在天堂的母亲。。。


我作为唯一的English as a second language 的客人,也不能拂了主人的美意,就只能赶鸭子上架,在参加聚会前的几小时,匆匆翻译了一篇我已经写就的作文,是一个至1949年后,我家六十多年的故事。(今年刚开博不久,我已经把中文篇发在我的博客里,《一个美国洋娃娃的故事-大妹回家》,只是中英文两篇略有不同,英文篇就贴在下面,如您有兴趣看中文篇,请查看我的博客,谢谢!)


当我读完我作文最后一句,一屋子的人鸦雀无声。我心里纳闷,老美听懂了我这中国口音的英文了吗?来美近三十年了,在公司上班时,英文交流基本没出过什么大问题。然而这种语言上的不自信,常还会悄然而至,防不胜防。突然, to my big surprise ,大家热烈地鼓起掌来,还有几位泪光闪闪。

老美朋友们的反应之强烈和激动是我出乎意料之外的,一位资深摄影评论家对我说,我的故事深深地触动了她的内心,说着泪珠就滚落了下来。一位专利律师(A patent lawyer)过来给我一个大大的拥抱, 说她简直不能想象我家那十年里,家人被迫四散分离的悲哀。还有一位化学系的教授说要让他的双胞胎儿子也读读我的故事,要他们懂得珍惜现在所拥有的自由和幸福,还要学学我揣着五十美金到美国追梦打拼的精神。一位石油业工程师很是吃惊地说他称得上博览群书,竟然不知道中国那十年真正所发生的事情。 还有一两位坚持要我投稿到星期六88.7FM, The Moth (a program,一个由作者本人朗读自己所写作的真实故事)。



有位退休中学老师问我是从中国哪里来的,我说是从南京来的。好几位老美朋友马上说他们读过《The Rape of Nankingby Iris Chang (这里特别为这位用她自己的年轻生命,来还原历史残酷真相的华裔女作家点上纪念心香), 还说如果没有读过这本书,他们真不知道日本侵略军在中国所犯下的,罄竹难书的滔天罪行。所以说真实文学的能量是巨大的,还有用心笔写成的文字(即使只有初中水平)也是可以打动人心,得到共鸣的,即使是用as a second language英文与不同文化,不同语言的读者或听众交流。。这里特别感谢网友高斯曼风清fq的启发和鼓励

文学城中有不少博主写得一手漂亮的英文博文,令我敬佩,也很想向她(他)们学习,以下是我第一篇英文篇作文 ,也算是我学习英文写博的开始吧。谢谢友好网友们花时间阅读的同时,也请不吝赐教,感谢!

《Long Long Journey 》



Enya - Long Long Journey (Lyrics)

I believe Music is the gift from God. It is said, that music has no time barrier, no land barrier and no language barrier. Music is universal, meanwhile it is so personal, that the same music or songs can move and touch people’s heart in such different, delicate and unique ways. That is why I had the urge to tell my little story right after I listened to Irish singer Enya’s song ”Long, Long Journey”.

Damei, an American doll, was brought back to China by my mom from USA at the end of 1940s.  Damei, in Chinese means elder sister. Damei’s Chinese pronunciation is the same as winter plum flower, which is one of Chinese peoples' favorite flowers, blossoming in late winter and early spring. For years, many Chinese girls were named as Mei since their parents wished that their little daughters could be like winter plum flower to survive strongly and blossom happily from hardships as cold and bare winters. Meanwhile, this word has the same pronunciation for “Rose” in Chinese, the beautiful American national flower and also many American girls were named as Rose since their parents believed that their dear daughters would grow up beautifully and prosperously just as morning new roses opened in sunshine days.

About 70 years ago, from Shanghai, China, my dad exchanged Chinese money for 15 dollars and sent it to my mom in USA (they were poor students and almost had nothing then) just before my mom finished her study in Vanderbilt University, Tennessee and was ready to go home to China. My dad asked my mom to buy a gift from my dad for herself as a souvenir for her unforgettable experience in USA. So my mom picked Damei in a department store in Nashville.

Before I took Damei back to my home in Texas. Damei always sat on a pile of clothes in my mom’s bedroom closet. If you opened the door of the closet, you could see Dame’s bright green eyes, brown curly hair with two little braids made by my older sister when she was a kid.

My mom said that when my older sister was just born, she was put with Damei side by side; Damei’s head was a little bigger than my older sister’s was.  Also I remembered an old picture that my older sister was about one year old, sitting with Damei, she was pushing Damei away very hard with a frowning little face. On the picture, mom wrote “Dislike Damei?” I guessed my older sister was suddenly recalling and unhappy about the fact that Damei’s head size had beaten hers when she was just born (please see the picture below).

I still remembered during my childhood, my mom sometimes talked to us “Why you girls grew up so quickly, looked at Damei, she was always little and not naughty at all.”

Flying over mountains and crossing ocean, my mom took Damei home from America to China. It was a long, long journey and it took around two weeks for my mom and Damei to sail on a boat and at last they landed at the port of Shanghai. Since then, Damei became a member of my family. She saw my mom and my dad get married and saw my sister and me being born. When we were children, we took a lot of pictures with Damei, on which we smiled our big smiles and laughed happily. Damei saw me go to elementary school and my older sister got admitted into a very prestigious middle school in Nanjing.

Then in 1966, the disaster began。Mao, the communist party leader then,began the Cultural Revolution, and my parents were persecuted and put into separate labor camps simply because they were college educated and taken as political opponents of the regime.  My sister and I were kicked out of Junior high and sent to the countryside to labor in the fields without enough food or basic necessities.  We shared the same fate with millions of other Chinese youths with similar family backgrounds to ours. During the ten years of the Cultural Revolution, schools were closed, there were no books (except one, Mao’s red book), no music, no laughter, only tears, persecution and suffering.  Damei was the only one left in the home. She was bravely sitting on a pile of clothes in my mom’s bedroom closet. She was waiting patiently for her family members come home one by one gradually - we finally all came home by 1976. I bet Damei was very happy to see we all survived that horrible 10 years’ catastrophes and had eventually come back home. After the Cultural Revolution, we started a new life again, everyone worked hard, trying to catch up with the 10 years’ tremendous losses. I worked in an electronical parts assembly line during daytime and went to school to learn English and other high school courses during night. I eventually earned a college degree later. My mom devoted her heart and all of her efforts to revive Chinese nursing education field and she worked hard until she retired at 79 years of age.

At the beginning of the 80s, my mom was invited to Boston by her American nursing colleagues to learn and introduce more modern nursing technology and concepts to China. I knew Damei definitely wanted to go back to America with mom to see her homeland again after she left so long ago, but Damei knew her duties, she just faithfully sat on a pile of clothes in my mom’s bedroom closet to accompany my dad while we were all out of the house, busy with our working and studying. During the Cultural Revolution, my dad was badly tortured mentally and physically and lost his health. He was bedridden for 9 years before he lost his battle in 1985. Anyway, my dad did live to the time when he could listen to his favorite classic music as he wished without being fearful of getting into any trouble (any western music was forbidden during that ten years) and the classic music lifted my dad’s spirit and took his imagination to those beautiful lands, mountains and rivers where my dad was too sick to go. Damei told me that my dad listened to the 10 world’s most famous violin concertos and Beethoven’s 9 symphonies day by day while he lay on bed by himself with only Damei present.

Since I was a child. I always wondered what kind of American homeland Damei came from. Even during those cold, hungry and exhausting labor days in that poor village, my imagination about America always warmed my heart and brought me some hope and strength to get through my intolerable hardships.  When Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger visited China in early 70s, my parents came back home from labor camps for a short visit, my sister and I came home to see them. My family had a secret celebration, my parents and Damei sang together “America the Beautiful” very quietly almost like whispers, scaring others might hear and report us to the red guards. I could never forget that night, their faces were lit up and their eyes were shining with hope while they sang.


America The Beautiful with Lyrics

 At the end of 1980s, with 50 dollars in my pocket and Damei’s words “if you can dream it, you can do it”, like my mom, I was flying over mountains and crossing oceans to go to America for a higher education and my American dream. At the beginning, in order to survive, I worked at all kinds of low paying jobs (waitress, baby sitter, housekeeper, and laundress). I tried to save each penny for my school, for a long time, I only ate 0.29/lb. Chicken legs, the cheapest food in the grocery store until one day I really had enough of chicken and even tasted the chicken poo smell from my food.

While I was striving for realizing my American dream, Damei was quietly and patiently sitting on a pile of clothes in my mom’s bedroom closet to keep company with my mom every day and night, waiting for my monthly overseas letters or the very few phone calls (international phone call was very expensive then) to tell mom her daughter was doing fine in America. Damei told me how happy my mom was after I eventually got my master degree in Accounting with a 3.95 GPA and how proud she was after I passed my Texas CPA license exam. After I brought AE home to meet my mom , Damei secretly passed on my mom’s opinion and advice that AE was a very kind and honest man, I must treasure his love and must not bully him in any way.

My mom passed away peacefully at home when she was 91 years old. I knew Damei must be sad and cry for a long, long time. Damei eventually stopped crying and told me that my parents were happy together in heaven forever now. However, Damei was still sitting on a pile of clothes in my mom’s bedroom closet, waiting for me, the far-away daughter come home to go to the green mountain where my parent’s ashes spread out and paid them a daughter’s final love and respect.

Just before I was about to fly back to Texas after my last visit to my hometown in Nanjing, Damei decided to say  a Goodbye to her Chinese family and friends and fly back to Texas with me, back to her home land after she left it so many years ago.

After taking such a long, long journey to China, then back to America, Damei at last settled in our home in Texas. During one of our visits to Bill (AE’s father) in Dallas, we took Damei to see him.  Bill was an old brave American marine guy and a tough vice president in a big electronical company during his career. By the way, Bill was also from Tennessee and had graduated from Vanderbilt, and so was Damei’s “Lao xiang” (hometown next-door neighbor in Chinese). After I told Bill about Damei’s story, Bill was silent for a while.  I thought he might take a nap when I was telling the story, but to AE’s and my surprise, we saw a drop of transparent tear slowly flowing down Bill’s weather-beaten cheek, eventually, he sighed softly and said “ it was really a touching story”.

这是我的一位在大学教小提琴的英国教授朋友(她的名字叫玫瑰)读了我Long Long Journey》后,寄给我的谢卡。


























谢谢您的阅读和时间,原创拙文,请勿转载,Thanks again

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阅读 ()评论 (107)
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '吴友明' 的评论 : 谢谢插兄的鼓励和支持。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '花甲老翁' 的评论 : 谢谢您的光临和鼓励,您多保重。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 'yy56' 的评论 : 谢谢闻香妹妹香气馥郁,令人暖心的留言,很珍惜!
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '南山松' 的评论 : 谢谢诗人松松温馨留言,真是很喜欢你充满快乐,童趣的好诗!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 很感人的故事,小溪姐姐的中英文都那么好,谢谢姐姐分享,问好!
yy56 回复 悄悄话 It is a such touching story that you should send to a magazine to publish.
花甲老翁 回复 悄悄话 感人的好文,謝謝你.
AlaskaLilyD 回复 悄悄话 回复 '思壮思通' 的评论 : 表扬一下留言,很positive!
AlaskaLilyD 回复 悄悄话 回复 '思壮思通' 的评论 : 思通,你那帐篷还在这儿呢,啥时候让小溪姐姐拆下来?人家说不定需要那块地方种花呢。
思壮思通 回复 悄悄话 小溪姐姐,我是瀑布弟弟。和洋娃娃坐在一起的那个小女孩真漂亮!欢迎到我的坛子里灌水拍砖。说话算数!
吴友明 回复 悄悄话 拜读了!向你学习!
AlaskaLilyD 回复 悄悄话 回复 '小溪姐姐' 的评论 : 小溪姐姐多虑啦! 死吧西吧更接近俄文原来的发音呢。 我大学时的闺蜜是俄语专业的,她教过我几句。 现在都忘了, 在您这里又开始复习起来啦。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 'AlaskaLilyD' 的评论 : 是俄语谢谢的中文发音。要是早点看了百合妹妹的怎样交流的好文,我就会动下脑筋,写成诗芭溪灞。不是有点坏坏的样子。
AlaskaLilyD 回复 悄悄话 回复 '小溪姐姐' 的评论 : 到小溪姐姐这里连俄语都学了。 死巴西巴是“谢谢”的意思吧?
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '思壮思通' 的评论 : 诗真不错,我的中文水平不高,所以我认为您的诗贴我这儿,有点儿文不对题。看来您是属于天才类,所以脾气大。
喜清静 回复 悄悄话 回复 '小溪姐姐' 的评论 : 哈哈,小溪姐姐,我哪儿懂呀,只知道 “裤子拔撕” 是个地名。现在又给姐姐学了个 “死吧西吧”。太好玩了。哈哈…… 我再笑一会儿。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '康赛欧' 的评论 : 紧握康康的手,幸运遇知音。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '双鱼城' 的评论 : 鱼鱼妹妹的感动与我而言是太珍贵了,你妈妈是知青吗?或家里有亲戚是知青?得再去通读鱼鱼妹妹的博文,发现线索。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '思壮思通' 的评论 :谢谢您的再次留言,迟复为歉。 我是基本不看网上纯小说的人,作为礼尚往来,拜读了您的前三集《异域情缘》,果然是大手笔,您的文笔有书读万卷,下笔如神的感觉。如果没有亲身的经历,或生活的原型就能写故事的人是远远高于我等写回忆录,中学作文写博的水平了。我会跟读您的小说,希望您的每一篇都精彩,会有令我想不断读下去的感觉。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '悟空孙' 的评论 : Dear Sir,
Thank you so much for your visit to my blog, your time reading my story and your precious comments, which really meant a lot to my generation and me.
I appreciated that AlaskaLilyD already helped me to explain the part of my story which confused you.
I feel honored to get to know you further by visiting your blog and reading your great articles more and later.
Wish you and your family all the best.
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '喜清静' 的评论 : 喜孩儿懂俄语啊,知道死吧西吧么?спасибо——spasibo
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '水沫' 的评论 : 谢谢水沫名博作家百忙中,总是抽时间读我的拙文,温馨留言给与我鼓励,令我非常感动感激。我的母亲家是如您所说,称得上家学渊源(主要是我的外公辈和我的母亲辈),可是到了文革,这书香门第的香火差一点儿就断在我们这一辈上了(大部分表兄妹们都没有机会进正规大学)。我到了美国八年后,总算拿到了学位,这是我这个作女儿的让我妈最高兴的一件事了。其实我家的故事就是中国我父母那辈知识分子的故事,我家的父母都活过了文革,是很幸运的。

小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 'AlaskaLilyD' 的评论 : 太谢谢知心百合妹妹帮我回言了,你解释的正是我要表达的意思,中文翻译比我的好。我这几天发颈椎,腰背痛毛病,不能在电脑前坐太长时间,所以网友们留言都没有及时回,太谢谢你了。祝新周快乐!
AlaskaLilyD 回复 悄悄话 回复 '悟空孙' 的评论 : 我 volunteer 替小溪姐姐回答您的问题:
“Just a bit unclear here: My dad asked my mom to buy a gift from my dad for herself as a souvenir for her unforgettable experience in USA. Maybe it's a typo.”
My dad asked my mom to buy a gift for herself (on behalf of/from my dad) as a souvenir for her experience in the USA. 我爸爸要我妈妈替他(我爸爸)给她自己买个礼物,作为难忘的美国之行的纪念。
I don’t think there’s any typo here.
水沫 回复 悄悄话 小溪姐家学渊源,书香门第,才华横溢,善良坚强,你们一家人的故事太感人了,让人佩服的一家人!
康赛欧 回复 悄悄话 谢谢小溪姐姐在我的博客中的所有留言,谢谢你的支持与鼓励!我看得出,你在不同博主的博客中的所有留言都是认真的,可我会看到别人认真,我的回复或留言就会认真,反之亦然。跟你比感到有些惭愧,我把难得糊涂用到了许多地方。
悟空孙 回复 悄悄话 A great story, although a bit sad, yet touching and inspiring! It could be made into a movie script! Well done!

Just a bit unclear here: My dad asked my mom to buy a gift from my dad for herself as a souvenir for her unforgettable experience in USA. Maybe it's a typo...
双鱼城 回复 悄悄话 听着《long, long journey》,轻声朗读着你的文章,整颗心都被温暖了。。。。。小溪姐姐周末愉快!
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '思壮思通' 的评论 :思壮思通' 先生,您好!欢迎光临。谢谢您的留言。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '喜清静' 的评论 : 喜孩儿,今天在你家回了一大篇留言。不好意思,把你家客厅占了不少地儿。就是说吗,像我这种千年老树皮心的,一辈子都在拼生存的人,哪里还顾得了大家闺秀风范。谢谢喜孩儿过奖,高看了。
蕙若 回复 悄悄话 我留言时本来打出来的是“我们每个人心中都住着一个小女孩”,然后犹豫了一下又改了,怕有些姐妹们不这么认为,现在看来第一感觉是对的:)
喜清静 回复 悄悄话 回复 '小溪姐姐' 的评论 : 我心里的小女孩儿也要握手,嘻嘻嘻……
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '蕙若' 的评论 :我和你一样,每天到喜孩儿家去,让心里住着的那个差点被文革憋S,又被喜孩儿复活的小女孩儿出来在蓝天阳光,绿草鲜花里开心奔跑玩耍一番,是不是很幸福啊!我心里住着的那个小女孩和你心中住着的那个小女孩握手了。俩小女孩儿握手,就忘记了现实中的年龄差距了吧。。。
蕙若 回复 悄悄话 回复 '小溪姐姐' 的评论 : 给小溪姐姐问好。现在已经不是女孩了,但是心中永远住着一个女孩:)
喜清静 回复 悄悄话 原来小溪姐姐是学俄文的。我唯一知道的俄文是我妈妈说过的 “裤子扒撕”。据我妈妈说是俄国的一个地名,哈哈…… 也不知道为什么一直记到现在。爱你,小溪姐姐。
喜清静 回复 悄悄话 又读了一遍姐姐的英文回贴。姐姐的英文真好!小溪姐姐的英文是不是有童子功呀?
喜清静 回复 悄悄话 回复 '小溪姐姐' 的评论 : 看见了,小溪姐姐好可爱,撅着小嘴巴好像在和谁生气呢?
康赛欧 回复 悄悄话 问好小溪姐姐!
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '痴一生' 的评论 : Dear Sir,
I cannot think of all the words that would be enough to express my gratitude to you in response to your kind and sincere comments. I was so touched and moved by your warm comments, those words bring tears to my eyes each time I read them.
From reading the stories in your blog, I knew you were also a Zhiqing. I thought you were a few years younger than I was. We apparently shared some similar experiences in our lives. I especially appreciated your praise and encouragement as a Zhiqing from my generation, which really means much to me.
I did not reach the triumphs as you did (I admired that you got your PhD and were successful in your career). Thank you again for your kind words. However, I did one thing important, I thought, in that I did make my mom happy by getting an American degree and survived in this country.
I earnestly hope that you have fully recovered from your surgery and you have felt energetic enough each day to enjoy your life now. I have a lot of respect for your wife and your daughter, so please say “hello” to them; your family’s unconditional love did help you through your hardest time in your life. My husband and I will continue to pray for you and your family.
Also, please let me know if you and your family ever come to visit in Houston, as my husband and I would like to entertain you.
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '鲁钝' 的评论 : 再次谢谢你的鼓励和帮助,你说得好,我们在文学城里一起努力吧。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 'AlaskaLilyD' 的评论 : 谢谢百合妹妹再次读我的挫文,你的感动和心灵相通也令我眼睛湿润,很幸运遇见你~阿拉斯加高雅静好的百合花和绚丽梦幻的北极光。请代问好你家神奇的小仙女。一定要告诉她有个住在德州的阿姨很喜欢她的画。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '山里人家168' 的评论 : 谢谢山里的妹妮带来清新的山风 百忙当中的成功小地主抽空留的言更加宝贵,我一定转告我姐,让她好好高兴高兴。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '阿邕' 的评论 : 谢谢阿邕靓妹的温馨留言,令我好感动!问好你家的鸭鸭们。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '黑贝王妃' 的评论 : 得到王妃妹妹的肯定,是对我最大的鼓励。谢谢王妃妹妹对我一直的支持和友情啊。你说得对,我也觉得英文版好一些。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '蕙若' 的评论 :谢谢有着 “感觉所有的行星都开满了花”美好心境的'蕙若'光临!感觉你应该是像一首诗的女孩吧!
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '齐云山' 的评论 : 谢谢你又来读文留言和鼓励,应该是南京的老乡吧?常在金陵才女如斯那里见到你。多保重,请代问候家人。
蕙若 回复 悄悄话 发现自己不应该在晚饭前读这个故事,太感人了!
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '简宁宁' 的评论 : What a nice surprise to me seeing your visiting and your very touching comments.To be honest, right after I read your comment, I was a little puzzled why you (a very successful young lawyer - I knew you a little bit from 夏圆’s social circle) liked my story so much (a story from the older generation). With this puzzlement, I went to visit your blog and read a few of your fantastic and funny articles and found my answer. Even though you belong to another younger generation, you hold some precious values (the same as mine) because of your kindness and sympathy, which lead you to understand more about us from an older and very different generation. I have already marked your website as one of my favorites and I will enjoy reading each of your articles. Thanks again for your heart-warming words, which is a big encouragement to me in my writing. Wish you and your family all the best.”
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '董兰丫' 的评论 :兰丫妹妹因为爱和被爱成为一个善良,睿智,知性的美丽女子,正在用你的心和笔歌唱着生命,爱和生活的奇妙和美好。你的文章恰似是一朵朵在五月晨风里含露徐徐开放的郁金香,必将成为一片绚烂的花海。 。谢谢妹妹对我一直的鼓励。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '尼斯'‘小声音’ 的评论 :谢谢尼斯和小小一对亲耐的朋友一起光临,就一起回复你们吧。
应该是我佩服小小和尼斯啊,你们是真正学到了知识,聪明能干有理想的年轻一辈,你们辛勤努力学习,工作,持家。你们所取得的成就 是你们父母最大的骄傲,因为你们实现了他们不能实现的理想。你们正用你们的爱,尽心尽责把自己的儿女培养成对社会,世界有贡献的人。
AlaskaLilyD 回复 悄悄话 以前发的中文版看过,很感动。今天读小溪姐姐对聚会过程的描述,再次被感动!如小溪姐姐说的,用心笔写出的故事,不需要太多华丽的文字,淳朴真诚的东西就能打动人。爱你,小溪姐姐!
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '南岛水鸟' 的评论 : 谢谢水鸟妹妹来访和温馨留言和鼓励,刚刚去看你,真是意外惊喜,感谢你带我们走进憨厚老人背后那红色的木门,踏近了那仙境般的花园,你的文字优美,摄影也很漂亮,真是很Enjoy!
山里人家168 回复 悄悄话 小溪姐姐好,好感人的博文。姐姐丰富的人生阅历真是一笔财富,所写的博文篇篇精品。姐姐的姐姐真有才,能作诗,会剪纸...
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '桉桠' 的评论 : 很高兴你是我的德州老乡啊,老乡握手。深深感动你的真情留言和理解,温暖感受你善良和美好的心灵。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '喜清静' 的评论 : 被喜孩儿夸,最最高兴了!可是这次脸红了。喜孩儿是最清楚 how I behaved at your home, 绝不是大家闺秀,大家风范 。我姐是,我不是。你看见那个短头发,闭着眼,抱着大妹的我了吧?
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '晓青' 的评论 : 晓青是忙人,总抽时间关心鼓励我,感动,感谢!
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '高斯曼' 的评论 : 谢谢斯曼妹妹鼓励和支持。真是要向你这个小知青好好学习呢。多保重!有没有机会来我这里出差啊?
阿邕 回复 悄悄话 ”DaMei “诉说两代人的经历,感人至深。Great story。 问好小溪姐姐!
黑贝王妃 回复 悄悄话 一早醒来就读到姐姐的美妙文字,英文版读来的感动似乎更直接一些。故事不长却容纳了两代人的历史,“Damei”是你们一家爱与生的见证,也是中国社会变迁的见证。姐姐能用英文表达出这样的意境真的很难得,如你先生所说,你是个极会说故事的人!你的故事好不但因为你的才情,更因为你的美好。祝福姐姐!
痴一生 回复 悄悄话 It is a very touching,gripping, inspiring , and personal triumphant story.
Because of the cultural revolution,the author was sent to the remote countryside, separating from her family and going through the hardship at 16, such an early age. It is the family inheritance and the author’s strong will, she not only survived the hardship, but also triumphed it by entering a college.
After graduated from the college, she went to America for advanced education. In order to fulfill her American dream, she worked very hard, doing different low level jobs at first, and eventually finished the master degree in accounting, then passed the CPA test.
The author uses Damei, the doll, as personification of her family. Damei in Chinese symbolizes both the grace and tenancy. She not only had a long journey, but also witnessed the family’s long journey interwoven with joy and sorrow. The story brought down tears from Bill, her father in law and her mother’ alumni, also among the readers like us.
Ability may get someone to the top, but it takes the character to keep her there. It is your character that leads your triumph!

暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '小溪姐姐' 的评论 : 不用再回了,小溪姐姐,我很高兴又多了一个写英文的同伴(千万不要叫老师,我羞愧地要躲起来了),你的生活阅历比我丰富,文笔比我好,坚持写下去!我们互相鼓励打气!替我谢谢你先生AE,I greatly appreciate his compliment and kindness. 祝福你们!
齐云山 回复 悄悄话 真实感人的文字会超越种族和语种,引起大家的共鸣。谢谢小溪姐姐的好文。
简宁宁 回复 悄悄话 What a beautiful, touching story! My eyes were full of tears reading it.
董兰丫 回复 悄悄话 小溪姐姐自己,就是一朵美丽而坚强的腊梅。读着你的故事,宛若一首悠扬低转的吟唱,让我欣喜,让我泪流。

尼斯 回复 悄悄话 佩服您的经历,更欣赏您的文笔优美真实感人,发自内心的真情流露,祝福小溪姐姐永远健康幸福!
小声音 回复 悄悄话 太佩服小溪姐姐,文笔优美,英文也这么棒,感人的文字,读着感动!
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '如斯' 的评论 : 谢谢金陵才女光临,温馨留言和鼓励,也祝如斯节日快乐!
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '暖冬cool夏' 的评论 : 明天脑子清新再给老师你回言,AE刚才进来,看到了你的留言,就自作主张给你回了言,他很赞你的漂亮英文。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 : 感谢菲儿对我开博以来,一路的支持和鼓励。节日快乐!
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 'mzl9876' 的评论 : 谢谢梅子姐妹光临,温馨留言,有幸有缘遇见您。也祝您母亲节快乐!请代问您全家好!
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '每天一讲' 的评论 : Thanks for your always support and encouragement. I greatly appreciate your sincere friendship. Best wishes to you and your family.
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '愚若智大' 的评论 : 谢谢您的光临,理解和留言。握手了。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '莲盆籽' 的评论 :谢谢莲莲妹妹百忙中光临和温馨留言。你也是令人敬佩的伟大妈妈,也祝你母亲节快乐!
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '京燕花园' 的评论 : Thank you so much for your reading Damei’s story again. Your warm and sincere words really melt my heart. I felt so lucky meeting you and other friends here. Wish you and your family all the best, especially to your beautiful, smart and young daughter. Happy Mother’s Day to you, too.
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '康赛欧' 的评论 : 谢谢康康Always的支持和鼓励。
京燕花园 回复 悄悄话 I loved Damei's story when I read it a few months ago. On this Mother's Day, reading the story again in your fabulous English version brought me to tears. Your family had suffered so much during culture revolution as did billions of others, yet you kept the hope. I am going to forward your story to my daughter who is lucky to have many dolls, and now she is a college student.
Happy Mother's Day, 小溪姐姐。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '暖冬cool夏' 的评论 : Hi, I am AE, husband of Xiao Xi. I have always liked this story and am glad you got something from it as well. I am very impressed by your English. Sometimes Xiao Xi helps me with my writing as well. She is a good storyteller.
莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 So sweet and so pretty!
愚若智大 回复 悄悄话 昔时命运费疑猜

mzl9876 回复 悄悄话 感人至深好文,真诚的致溪姐母亲节快乐!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 Bravo to your touching story of Damei, a personified doll who went through thick and thin with your family, your mom, your Dad and you. Solute to your parents, who braved the hardship and ordeal with steely mind. Solute to people like you, a generation whose youth was buried in pain, but you tided it over with bravery and never gave in to the fate!

This is a very well written piece in English. Congratulations on your first step, and your journey to recount your stories, told and untold, in English! We are here for you.
鲁钝 回复 悄悄话 博主过奖了。我看你的英文文章写的情真意切,真实动人,我是抱着学习的态度来读的。你的夸奖真的让我无地自容了。我也是个学习者,我们一起学习吧。
南岛水鸟 回复 悄悄话 美文美图赏心悦目,谢谢分享。小溪姐姐节日、新一周快乐!
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '田野maomao' 的评论 : 谢谢才女Maomao(是毛毛,还是猫猫啊,是家里 最小的孩子,所以叫毛毛吗)光临和温馨留言,也问候你的小溪姐姐好。
康赛欧 回复 悄悄话 写得真棒!谢谢分享!
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '木愉' 的评论 :谢谢您的来访, 阅读 和鼓励。中学读了两年俄语就下乡了,后来在乡下跟着广播电台学的英文(74,75年,邓小平复出时?)。我妈说过听我念英文~冯大娘养猪时的怪腔怪调,鸡皮疙瘩都起来了。后来真就从这起步,又读了书,到美国来闯荡。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '梅华书香' 的评论 : 我佩服的是你,梅华名博,谢谢你佳作好文源源分享。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '柳溪郎' 的评论 : 谢谢您的鼓励和支持。
小溪姐姐 回复 悄悄话 回复 '鲁钝' 的评论 : Thanks a million for your visit to my story and your precious comment, which I really treasure. I already made the related change according to your advice. You are right; China's national flower has not been decided yet. You did help me to avoid a mistake caused by my carelessness.
I just went to visit your blog; apparently, you are an English expert. I already marked your website as one of my favorites. I will visit you often later and learn from you. Thanks again.
木愉 回复 悄悄话 想必你虽然下了乡,但深厚的家学尚存,所以英文也没有完全陌生。英文表述感人至深。
柳溪郎 回复 悄悄话 写得太感人了。故事感人,文笔优美。
鲁钝 回复 悄悄话 Thank you so much for such a touching story. I was moved to tears by your writings. I learned something from your writing that in order to make a story vivid, you need to use some editorial skills to make the story more acceptable. I mean the name of Damei, you said that Damei is the flower of China's national flower. As I know,China has not decided the national flow yet. I guess what you meant was 腊梅. It is a no harmful change, but is more acceptable by American people.
Happy mother's day.
梅华书香 回复 悄悄话 佩服佩服佩服、节日快乐!
田野maomao 回复 悄悄话 回复 '喜清静' 的评论 : 是的!很好听!英文也那么好!
喜清静 回复 悄悄话 忘了说了,歌也很好听。
桉桠 回复 悄悄话 小溪姐姐,在母亲节这天读到你的故事,这是我这段时间读到的最好的文章。你的故事让我流下了眼泪;你的人生经历和奋斗,还有对人生的感触,折射出你美好的心灵。谢谢你真诚的分享。祝福你和AE,我的得州老乡!
喜清静 回复 悄悄话 小溪姐姐是大家闺秀,有大家风范。爱你,小溪姐姐。
如斯 回复 悄悄话 美丽的文字。小溪姐姐节日快乐!
晓青 回复 悄悄话 点赞!
高斯曼 回复 悄悄话 写的好!喜欢!节日快乐!
菲儿天地 回复 悄悄话 太佩服小溪了,中英文都那么好,还是书香门第,感人的文,母亲节快乐!