
唵啊吽 (热门博主)
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Will China have another revolution?

(2023-08-02 11:32:23) 下一个

Will China have another revolution?

No. Not even by outside NGOs to push one. The Great Cultural Revolution is the last revolution in China. Mao is the revolutionist and he launched the Great Cultural Revolution.

Revolution is an outbreak of accumulated social conflict. It is a sudden release of accumulated tension after the tension reached the revolution threshold.

After the Great Cultural Revolution, Chinese politics enters the trajectory of REFORM. Reform is now a daily government business in China. Reform is releasing social tension more frequently and in small steps. Reform is, therefore, keeping social tension from accumulating.

We can also consider reform as a managed micro-revolution. In this sense, China is not having a revolution at a time but is having a continued revolution all the time.

Mao promoted continued revolution, and Deng implemented it as the reform, a regular agenda of the government ever since.

In the last millions of years, Human has been struggling to survive in the natural environment. We finally rein nature through science and technology. The Paris Agreement on Climate Change is a political agreement. We have the science and technology capability to rein nature, however, our social and political system is incapable to exert it. We are at a turning point in Human History from consciously mastering nature to consciously mastering our own human civilization. And China is leading the Human civilization transformation.

Reform is humans reshaping their civilization consciously and continuously. China is rising and the West is declining because China is reforming and the West is not. It is not really a West decline. The West simply stops progressing. The decline is relatively compared with the rise of China. The West considers itself the end of history and has the ultimate best political system and refuses to reform.

There have been revolutions in the West sphere all the time, in the developing countries dominated by the West, such as regime changes in Latin America and the Middle East.

The West tried to dominate China and ignite a color revolution so that China will back to the periodical cycles of revolution. It never succeeded. Because Mao launched the Great Cultural Revolution before the West launched a color revolution in China.

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